Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

The girlfriend can prove it. I don't see you or Walker debunking her claim. My links are supporting her claim. Do you really think they are going to make that claim in a news article without knowing the details themselves? Not hardly. But please, I love to see folks like you trying to get blood out of a Turnip.
The girlfriend can prove it

Ok, then she should do so. Her saying it isn't proof.

I don't see you or Walker debunking her claim

It's not up to me to debunk it. Walker has already stated it's not true. How do you expect he would go about proving something didn't happen?

Do you really think they are going to make that claim in a news article without knowing the details themselves?

Yes, because that's exactly what they did. She came to them with a picture of a check and a receipt from an abortion clinic, and they ran the story without verifying any of it, other than her word alone. If they had done due diligence, then where is it? Why did the run the story, but didnt include any of the other evidence they found?

Herschel Walker has claimed he has no idea who this woman could be. Here's why that's surprising.

The woman, ... whose years-long relationship with Walker continued after the abortion, told The Daily Beast that her chief concern with revealing her name was because she is the mother of one of Walker’s own children
What I said is exactly what she said. Go back and listen to the clip. You are attempting to make it sound as if she is saying abortion doesn't matter as long as they win,
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Why aren't you debunking the stories? That's the question you should be asking yourself, instead of looking stupid on this board.
Because they are stories. Like George Bush paid for a girlfriend's abortion. Like Roy Moore molested children (he won an 8.5 million dollar lawsuit with that one). Like Brett Kavanaugh raped a girl at a party. (even her best friend said it didn't happen).

Debunking isn't necessary. Democrat track record is non existent.
These folks have no standards, no principles, no morals, no integrity, no honesty, and certainly no self-respect.
Come on now, are you telling us that, you wouldn't turn your nose if a Democrat candidate had done something questionable, in order to keep the republican from winning? You would refuse to vote in that election thus giving the repub a bigger chance to win? Of course you wouldn't. You'd do exactly what dana did. Well, first the left would attempt to downplay the incident and then they would do exactly what dana said she would do. Vote for your guy to prevent the opposing candidate from winning.
This is so typical of Trump and his followers. When news breaks... lie and deny.
And keep your fingers crossed they don't have evidence.

Trump tried this with the payments to Stormy Daniels, until Michael Cohen showed photocopies of the checks.

And Herschel Walker tried it until the mother of one of his children showed a photocopy of the check.
'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
By Conover Kennard — October 5, 2022
Conservative women are the worst, and to prove that point, former NRA spokeswitch and radio host Dana Loesch weighed in on Trump-backed Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's latest scandal, calling the woman he allegedly impregnated a "skank." They never throw names at the men that get women pregnant. It's always the woman's fault. And Loesch is one of the worst conservative women I've ever encountered.

This time, Loesch said the quiet part out loud over a bombshell report of Walker paying a $700 check to his girlfriend in 2009 to pay for an abortion.

"Does this change anything?" Loesch said of Walker's newest scandal, not to be confused with his other eleventy bazillion scandals. "Not a damn thing."
"How many times have I said four very important words? These four words: Winning. Is. A. Virtue," she continued.
The quiet part out loud:
"What I'm about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle. And please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. I don't care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate," Loesch said.
"If The Daily Beast's story is true, you're telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion, and Warnock wants to use all of our money to pay a bunch of skanks for abortion," Loesch said.
"I don't know if he did it or not," she added. "I don't even care."
She called Herschel Walker's son a "freak."
Yep, and at no point did she say, or insinuate that abortion doesn't matter. She said the fact that he did it, once, doesn't matter. She even states that what she is saying in no way compromises her principles.

Again, for the third time, she said that she would overlook an indiscretion to avoid a bigger indiscretion.
This is so typical of Trump and his followers. When news breaks... lie and deny.
WTF did that liar? We don't know if it's true or not. All we said is unlike you Communists, we don't convict people based on a story from an outlet that "claims" she was an anonymous source.
He did? When was this? In the Hannity interview he asked Walker if he knew who she was and he said no he didn't.
We've seen the lie and deny act a million times. Walker just isn't very good at it, but republicans like Hannity give them a forum where he can bolster his lie.
This is so typical of Trump and his followers. When news breaks... lie and deny.
And keep your fingers crossed they don't have evidence.

Trump tried this with the payments to Stormy Daniels, until Michael Cohen showed photocopies of the checks.

And Herschel Walker tried it until the mother of one of his children showed a photocopy of the check.
This is so typical of Trump and his followers. When news breaks... lie and deny.

You would have people just take it in face value, and accept it out of hand without questioning it? Would you do that?

And keep your fingers crossed they don't have evidence

On the contrary, if she has actual evidence, she needs to bring it out.

And Herschel Walker tried it until the mother of one of his children showed a photocopy of the check.

Which is not proof that he paid for an abortion. It's just proof that he gave her a check. If she has evidence that he knew it was for an abortion, or if she has evidence that he told her to get an abortion, that is what we need to see.
WTF did that liar? We don't know if it's true or not. All we said is unlike you Communists, we don't convict people based on a story from an outlet that "claims" she was an anonymous source.
She was the mother of one of Walkers children, in a years long relationship.

And then Walker claimed he had no idea who he wrote the check to.
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Herschel Walker has claimed he has no idea who this woman could be. Here's why that's surprising.

The woman, ... whose years-long relationship with Walker continued after the abortion, told The Daily Beast that her chief concern with revealing her name was because she is the mother of one of Walker’s own children
You just can't make this shit up folks.

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