Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Ok, then she should do so. Her saying it isn't proof.

It's not up to me to debunk it. Walker has already stated it's not true. How do you expect he would go about proving something didn't happen?

Yes, because that's exactly what they did. She came to them with a picture of a check and a receipt from an abortion clinic, and they ran the story without verifying any of it, other than her word alone. If they had done due diligence, then where is it? Why did the run the story, but didnt include any of the other evidence they found?
Breaking news chief; She Had an Abortion With Herschel Walker. She Also Had a Child With Him.

I'm waiting for the counter claim proving her wrong.
You would have people just take it in face value, and accept it out of hand without questioning it? Would you do that?

On the contrary, if she has actual evidence, she needs to bring it out.

Which is not proof that he paid for an abortion. It's just proof that he gave her a check. If she has evidence that he knew it was for an abortion, or if she has evidence that he told her to get an abortion, that is what we need to see.
Keep hanging your hat on that chief. You'll be looking like a fool; She Had an Abortion With Herschel Walker. She Also Had a Child With Him.
If he sues the Daily Beast...I want to see walker, under oath, deny he paid for an abortion. It will never happen.
It's a typical Trump move. Threaten to sue, knowing you have no intention of doing so, but it makes you look like you're willing to make your case in court.
Can you copy and paste the part where he says he paid for the abortion?

Thanks in advance.
Gee and I was under the Impression that Abortions were
{ * comp } er free.LIke why else would black females have
5 times the number of abortions than white females.
Kinda explains why Candace Owens and Kanye West were
sporting WHITE LIVES MATTER t-shirts at a Paris Fashion
Show recently.

* as in compliments of The New Democrat Party.
Just as Bitchin' as the Old Democrat Party.
Me too. By the way, I wonder what happened to Ray? Too many links? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, unlike you, I read things thoroughly. Now, in the Huron Daily News link that supports the claim she is also the mother of one of the kids, she said a few years after the abortion she got knocked up again. So let's do a bit of simple math here:

She had the abortion 13 years ago, but does not want to reveal her name. She said she got pregnant a few years later, of course a few means more than one. That means whoever mother she is, the child has to be at the most 11 years old. Now, all we need to find out is which one of his four children is 11 years old or younger, and then we'll know what child is supposedly hers.
Threatening a lawsuit has become republican SOP.

Jun 9, 2022 — Ashli Babbitt's wrongful death lawsuit still not filed. Family's attorney repeatedly threatened in 2021 to file $10 million legal action.
Maybe on account that after the GOP takes both the House AND
the Senate there will be many new defendants to name.
\Now, all we need to find out is which one of his four children is 11 years old or younger, and then we'll know what child is supposedly hers.
Just days after confirming he had a secret 10-year-old son, Senate hopeful and former football star Herschel Walker now says he has two additional children he had previously not revealed publicly.


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