Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Anti-darkie? Isn't Senator Warnock a black man? Oh that's right that is why you paraded out a boot licking imbecile like Herschel to run against him. Black on Black.

Isn't it funny how any black person, with a mind of their own, who actually is productive, is in your infantile brain, a boot licker.

The fact is it is YOU who are the boot licker. You spread your ass cheeks for any demofascist who wishes to buy your vote.
Isn't it funny how any black person, with a mind of their own, who actually is productive, is in your infantile brain, a boot licker.

The fact is it is YOU who are the boot licker. You spread your ass cheeks for any demofascist who wishes to buy your vote.
Warnock is actually all of that (has a mind of his own/productive), He's NOT a boot licker.
Walker is
Show us how Rev. Warnock is a Communist? Damn Dr King was called the same thing by the same folks.
Humans have a time to trust. MLK took time to trust. War nock votes Prog. Prog is socialism moving to communism. 100% voting Prog. Val Demings was a cop and police chief. Through equity. She voted to defund the police and voted 100% Prog in D.C. You as a Black person by your threads do not trust. What makes you think others do not? Repub voters do not even trust a percentage of their politicians elected.
Hershal Walker , like most MAGA candidates knows what honesty and integrity are because they lie and hope you think they have some, When he says he is so pro-life till he doesn't even want exceptions for rape or incest, or life of the mother, I guess he forgot about that time he paid for his girlfriends abortion. There are reciepts for the abortion. His entire family warned him that if he ran, his disgusting behavior would be exposed, but I guess he didn't believe them.

That son is a nut job social media whore who makes his living online. There are no receipts that Walker paid for an abortion. Women who get knocked up by men like Walker keep the kid because they get paid $$$.
Warnock is actually all of that (has a mind of his own/productive), He's NOT a boot licker.
Walker is
Where do we see massive improvements in ghettos? What we have now is people hooked on any help the government provides and the private side donates or is coerced to give. Poverty has been institutionalized. No rules or rules are bypassed. And there is a lot of bypassing.
I loved Walker as a Football Player
He is unqualified to be a Senator and has too many personal issues
Ted Kennedy literally killed a woman, but that was fine with a total hack like you.

If it weren't for double standards....
He certainly doesnt belong in politics. Much like his opponent. But this is AMERICA. We THRIVE on electing worthless, corrupt morons.
Land of "the free" home of "the dumbass voters that would vote for a dead ant if it had the right letter in front of their name"

are the same people complaining about "dementia joe", are also ok with Herschel's CTE?
I find Walker embarrassing, as I do Trump, Biden, Cortez and Greene, we just are embarrassing ourselves.
Ted Kennedy literally killed a woman, but that was fine with a total hack like you.

If it weren't for double standards....

Ted Kennedy was a great Senator but not much of a human being.
Herschel Walker is neither
Yeah, he’s a real extreme leftie…..

He's after fame, and clearly an attention seeking gay narcissist, hilarious that he has a 'show' about being woke. So if you can't see that and apply that to determining whether or not his point of view is is skewed by those facts, then you're pretty damn clueless. I'm guessing he also has an issue with his Dad, so doing anything he can to screw him over.

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