pro or contra Israel today?

i … feel …

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Ukraine had been Russian territory for hundreds of years. Tibet had been Chinese territory since the Qing Dynasty. So not even comparable.

The European Squatters never lived in Palestine.

Point was, the British promised ALL of it to the Arabs. They lied, and tried to resettle the place with European Jews. Then they realized that was bad policy and tried to reverse course, but too late.

Yes, amazing how they always manage to piss people off. The Romans, the Spanish, The Russians, The Germans, and now the Arabs.

You'll always find a quisling when you invade. But it doesn't make you less of an invader.
Terrorist supporters are the lowest of the low just fuck off and die traitor.
British promised some to the Jews.
The "Palestinians" could have had their own country on half the land,
but they acted like babies and refused to take half. How did that
work out for them?

Given they are still fighting 70 years later, not well. No reason for them to have bent over for the Jews, though.

The Soviets expelled Cossacks en masse in the 1920s and moved ethnic Russians into the vacuum.
You do realize Cossacks are Russians, right?

And they were an independent country for fifty years prior to the Red ChiCom annexation.

That's not really true, either. They were an autonomous region within the Republic of China. Just like they are within the PRC today. The only difference is the commies aren't letting the religious caste run the place, for which everyone is better off. The Lamas did terrible things to the Tibetan people, despite what Richard Gere tells you.

Wrong. Both were independent countries in their own right until imperialism-driven Communists attacked them.
Um, no, not really. And neither is really comparable to European Settlers coming into Palestine and setting up a state because they can't get along with other Europeans.

And if you want to cite Historical Precedent then the Jewish religion holds a "prior claim" vs. the 7th century Muzzie newcomers.

I find that about as credible as the Bible Stories about Giants and Talking Snakes.

Their bloodlines can be traced back substantively to the Hebrew tribes of antiquity.
Well, no, they can't. At best, the European Squatters share a distorted version of the religion that was practiced 2000 years ago, but Christianity and Islam have equally good claims.

"They"... anti-Semite... position noted... not anti-Zionist--- not anti-Israel... but anti-Jewish... not surprised in the slightest, though.

Remember that, the next time you try (and fail) to accuse someone of being an Islamophone, or a Palestinian-hater.
Just pointing out if that a people can't live ANYWHERE without pissing off their neighbors, they probably should look into their own behavior.
My neighbors have never tried to kill me. It's an amazing thing. Probably because I don't go around pretending I'm God's Chosen people.
Terrorist supporters are the lowest of the low just fuck off and die traitor.

One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter.

When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter". Those dirty stinking Commies might teach girls how to read or something.

When he turned about and started blowing up Americans, the guy became a "terrorist".
Invasion of Palestinian troops into Israel, military operations. The head of the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, Mohammed ad-Deif, announced the start of a military operation against Israel. This morning there has already been a massive rocket attack on the south and center of Israel, and martial law has been declared. Palestinian rockets fell on the village of Kharas in the Hebron region and other settlements. Armed mobile Palestinian units have penetrated into populated areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip. Palestinians are massively destroying and seizing Israeli equipment. It is known that one of the Israeli Merkava Mk 4 tanks was destroyed and three Hummer armored vehicles were captured. Judging by the scale of the invasion, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad did not know about such a large-scale action. Currently, attacks on Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip continue, and local urban battles are taking place. The IDF is now closing roads near the border with the Gaza Strip. There are many killings of civilians happening on the streets now, but this cannot be shown.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter.

When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter". Those dirty stinking Commies might teach girls how to read or something.

When he turned about and started blowing up Americans, the guy became a "terrorist".
Are you trying to sound stupid? When he fought the Russians he was fighting Russian military trying to control Afghanistan, so he was a freedom fighter, but when he blew up the Twin Towers, he was attacking civilians, so he was a terrorist.
Are you trying to sound stupid? When he fought the Russians he was fighting Russian military trying to control Afghanistan, so he was a freedom fighter, but when he blew up the Twin Towers, he was attacking civilians, so he was a terrorist.

Um, nope... the only difference was who he was killing, not why he was killing them. We armed terrorists, and then got all surprised when they turned on us, like a Trailer Trash meth cooker wondering why his vicious pit bull mauled his kids.

They could have had their own country 75 years ago, if they hadn't acted like such babies.
They had their own country 75 years ago.... The Jews stole it.
...They had their own country 75 years ago.... The Jews stole it.
Nope. The sparsely-populated region called "Palestine" was never, EVER a country in its own right.

It was a flea-bitten backwater of the Ottoman Empire that the British took over per a League of Nations mandate.

The British proposed a division of the "Palestine" region in 1922 and beyond, and the idiot Arab-Muslims rejected it.

The first of a VERY large number of stupidities and idiocies and missed opportunities... this new attack on Israel is the latest.

The time has come to wipe them out... slaughtering Hamas like hogs in the streets... the only good Hamas is a dead Hamas.
I wonder how flattening Gaza will impact that outcome?
It will make the Zionist Entity even more of an international pariah than it already is.

Nope. The sparsely-populated region called "Palestine" was never, EVER a country in its own right.

It was a flea-bitten backwater of the Ottoman Empire that the British took over per a League of Nations mandate.

After Arabs revolted against the Ottomans... Before that, the British were flailing helplessly with half ass invasions using Indians who didn't want to be there.

The British proposed a division of the "Palestine" region in 1922 and beyond, and the idiot Arab-Muslims rejected it.

As they should have. If the British said, "Hey, we want you to revolt against the Ottomans so we can resettle your land with the Jews of Europe", they'd have probably stayed home in 1917.

The first of a VERY large number of stupidities and idiocies and missed opportunities... this new attack on Israel is the latest.

The time has come to wipe them out... slaughtering Hamas like hogs in the streets... the only good Hamas is a dead Hamas.

So, um, you think the Jews should engage in Genocide?
I mean it might be more honest, and I won't have to listen to anymore whining about what Hitler did 80 years ago.
It will still fail, of course, there are 8 million Palestinians in Palestine and outside of it.
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It will make the Zionist Entity even more of an international pariah than it already is.
The time has come to put that to the test...
After Arabs revolted against the Ottomans... Before that, the British were flailing helplessly with half ass invasions using Indians who didn't want to be there.
Immaterial to the point that "Palestine" has never, EVER been a "country" in its own right.
As they should have. If the British said, "Hey, we want you to revolt against the Ottomans so we can resettle your land with the Jews of Europe", they'd have probably stayed home in 1917.
And now they're paying the price for that folly of theirs.
So, um, you think the Jews should engage in Genocide?
Nope. Forced population transfer. Like the Russians did to the Cossacks. Or the Czechs to the Sudatenland Germans. Or the Poles to the Silesian Germans. REAL genocide is the slaughter-to-extinction of a people. Population transfer is different.

This has become a matter of removing a prove-able existential threat to the Jews of Israel. At least the Jews would be shifting people around rather than driving them into the sea and slaughtering them like the Muslims have often proposed.

It will still fail, of course, there are 8 million Palestinians in Palestine and outside of it.
All it takes is a 4-5 day advance notice to leave or suffer death by bombardment. They'll move.


Israel has wisely issued a formal declaration of war.

The gloves have finally come off.

Go Team Israel.
Israel suppressing ghettos is nothing new. Have you been in a cave?
Not suppressing ghettos.

Wiping an organization from the face of the planet.

This time I expect the outcome will be much, much different, and longer-lasting.
Um, nope... the only difference was who he was killing, not why he was killing them. We armed terrorists, and then got all surprised when they turned on us, like a Trailer Trash meth cooker wondering why his vicious pit bull mauled his kids.

They had their own country 75 years ago.... The Jews stole it.
"Um, nope... the only difference was who he was killing, not why he was killing them. We armed terrorists, and then got all surprised when they turned on us, like a Trailer Trash meth cooker wondering why his vicious pit bull mauled his kids."

Clearly, you don't know what the word, terrorist means.

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