pro or contra Israel today?

i … feel …

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Israel forced to respond to another un-provoked attack. 60-70 years of it. The invaders need to live in the now, not 1968.

They were given the sun stars & moon to play nice. Similar to inner city problems in America. Someone is coaching them wrong from birth, like the racists DEM in America.
I've read some piles on this message bored but that is the steamiest, highest, smelliest pile of hasbara shit I've ever seen or smelt.
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Here's the problem with that argument. The ONLY Reason why the British were able to take Palestine was because the Arabs listened to TS Lawrence and revolted against the Ottomans.

That would make the Zionist Entity a complete international pariah.
Rather like Russia in Ukraine, or China in Tibet, right? To flush Gaza clean, it might very well be worth the short-term hit.
How final do you imagine that solution will be?
A mansion that you worked very hard to own.
Then I come in with an group of armed guys, and we take your house.

Israel WAS a mansion when the Romans sacked it and expelled many of The Jews.

When the Jews returned to remake their state, it was a neglected trailer park of The Ottoman Empire.

Jewish invited their fellow Palestinians (because, before 1948, every person living in the region was called A Palestinian), Arab, Xtian, Druze, and Bedouin, to help them build a state together. Many did, and are much the better off than the rest.

Those who chose to leave were given a set of plastic keys to a home they never owned and a deed issued by a Palestinian Authority that never existed and were told to keep killing Jews until, magically, they could walk back and take over everything The Jews built.



America cannot support Israel because Israel opposes American freedom in the region. It participated in the suppression of Nasser's Liberation Revolution.

It is possible that the Israeli leadership was involved in the September 11 terrorist attack, since they opposed Iran, and Iran fought against Hussein
Rather like Russia in Ukraine, or China in Tibet, right? To flush Gaza clean, it might very well be worth the short-term hit.

Ukraine had been Russian territory for hundreds of years. Tibet had been Chinese territory since the Qing Dynasty. So not even comparable.

The European Squatters never lived in Palestine.

Yeah, literally dozens of those Arabs were Palestinians.
The rest of the Arabs actually got territory and nations of their own.
The only ones too stupid to act civilized are the ones still killing
Jewish civilians today.

Point was, the British promised ALL of it to the Arabs. They lied, and tried to resettle the place with European Jews. Then they realized that was bad policy and tried to reverse course, but too late.

Israel WAS a mansion when the Romans sacked it and expelled many of The Jews.
Yes, amazing how they always manage to piss people off. The Romans, the Spanish, The Russians, The Germans, and now the Arabs.
When the Jews returned to remake their state, it was a neglected trailer park of The Ottoman Empire.

Jewish invited their fellow Palestinians (because, before 1948, every person living in the region was called A Palestinian), Arab, Xtian, Druze, and Bedouin, to help them build a state together. Many did, and are much the better off than the rest.
You'll always find a quisling when you invade. But it doesn't make you less of an invader.
Point was, the British promised ALL of it to the Arabs. They lied, and tried to resettle the place with European Jews. Then they realized that was bad policy and tried to reverse course, but too late.

British promised some to the Jews.
The "Palestinians" could have had their own country on half the land,
but they acted like babies and refused to take half. How did that
work out for them?
Ukraine had been Russian territory for hundreds of years.
The Soviets expelled Cossacks en masse in the 1920s and moved ethnic Russians into the vacuum.
Tibet had been Chinese territory since the Qing Dynasty.
And they were an independent country for fifty years prior to the Red ChiCom annexation.

So not even comparable.
Wrong. Both were independent countries in their own right until imperialism-driven Communists attacked them.

And if you want to cite Historical Precedent then the Jewish religion holds a "prior claim" vs. the 7th century Muzzie newcomers.

The European Squatters never lived in Palestine.
Their bloodlines can be traced back substantively to the Hebrew tribes of antiquity.

And their slaughter by the Euro-trash of the 1930s and 1940s earned them a place of their own.

Their choice of the Holy Land made (and makes) perfect sense. The Muzzies have many more places to choose from.

But the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity... and should now be handled much more roughly.

Which is exactly what happens now.

No more punitive expeditions or special operations, but a Declared War... long-overdue... it spells doom for Hamas.


It's Party Time.

Point was, the British promised ALL of it to the Arabs. They lied, and tried to resettle the place with European Jews. Then they realized that was bad policy and tried to reverse course, but too late.
Doesn't matter. Arab-Muslims conquered the place. Now THEY are the conquered. Vae victis.
Yes, amazing how they always manage to piss people off. The Romans, the Spanish, The Russians, The Germans, and now the Arabs.
"They"... anti-Semite... position noted... not anti-Zionist--- not anti-Israel... but anti-Jewish... not surprised in the slightest, though.

Remember that, the next time you try (and fail) to accuse someone of being an Islamophone, or a Palestinian-hater.
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now 9 of 13 ….

Historically speaking, and observably here, one of the first things that happens in events like this, particularly given the parties involved, is that they want people to choose sides.

Now. Why is that, one might ask? Well...I'll tell you why. It's so that the true plot is lost.

But you already now that. Right? Heh heh heh.

Do better...
As long as the Zionists illegally occupy Palestinian land, they will be under attack.
As I recall, Palestinian land is part of Jordan. Modern Israel was reoccupied by the Jews. But that is not unusual.
Okay, let's say you are living in a mansion. A mansion that you worked very hard to own.
Then I come in with an group of armed guys, and we take your house. (Let's assume we do so before you can get to your penis, guns)

Then, amazingly, the courts ruled that I was right in taking your house. But don't worry, I'm willing to compromise with you and let you live in the unheated garage next to your mansion.

Are you going to be grateful for that compromise?


Neither are the Palestinians.
that didnt happen AT ALL. play your sicj agenda to a less intelligent crowd

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