Pro Union Conservatives sink Prop A in Missouri. is either on the side id the employer ie one is on the side of the worker. One cannot side with both. It is battle being waged. is either on the side id the employer ie one is on the side of the worker. One cannot side with both. It is battle being waged.
Cost of living...yep....if one makes more money living is essier. Paid vacations, sick time, and insurance are all things workers want and need. Thanks to unions. Like anything else it's cyclical. Workers will start to figure it out. The i want to work for leas while management wages rose will go by the wayside. Workers will eventually tell them to stick it and rightfully so.

If that was true how come workers leave the Union in droves when RTW is put into law? ( An example would be the Wisconsin teachers union)

Why didn't the workers at Boeing SC unionize , or VW in Tenneessee?

Sorry no one likes American stlye unions.
Do show where Wisconsin teachers left the unions in droves. Sounds like fiction.


It was in all the main stream news and the unions were trying different tatics to keep them

Wisconsin Union Membership Plummets In Wake Of Worker ...
MacIver Institute

View attachment 209297
Oct 20, 2017 · More than 125,000 Wisconsinites have left their unions ... The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), the state's largest teachers

Wisconsin union membership down nearly 40 percent since Act 10

Jan 27, 2017 · Union membership in Wisconsin is down nearly 40 percent since ... a strategy the state's largest teachers union, the Wisconsin

For unions in Wisconsin, a fast and hard fall since Act 10 | Journal ... › projects › 2016/11/27

Nov 27, 2016 · Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association union members staff the ..... WEAC chief Martin, who's on leave now from a teaching job, said
Helps explain why wages are stagnant.

I sure hope so in the public sector, why should 25 tax payers making $14 an hour pay for one public sector worker and their caddilac unfunded pension program ? It's unstainable .

Imagine the top being huge proponents of unions and supporting them. It would upset those on the wrong side of labor but those pale in comparison to laborers themselves. Guaranteed lock on all elections for a long long time.
I will wholeheartedly agree that corporations need to pay workers more or give them more benefits. But unions are not the way to go. Every job a Union is on becomes totally inefficient. Just ask a welder.not a one of you can point to a job that came in on time and under budget that a union ran.
I'm talking private unions.....I believe they will slowly gain more power which any laborer supports. One cannot side with both in the battle that exists between workers and employers. Pick a side. You are either with workers 100 percent or against them.
More pay means more production less pay equals less closed unless the worker is a dunce.
The biggest problem we have is wage stagination . It’s all party of the gop war on the working man. That’s ehy the middle class is disappearing.

THe three forces driving wage stagnation are,

1. Trade deficit.

2. outsourcing.

3. immigration.

Republicans have a history on being worse on 1. and 2. but the dems gave up that fight a long, long time ago.

Dems are worse of 3, though until Trump not by much.

Today? Trump is on the right side of each of them to reverse wage stagnation.
Decline of unions should really be added to this list.

I don't see much correlation between union membership and wage stagnation. YOu look at immigration or Free Trade and the trends seem to match much better.
I disagree. I think the two have followed each other quite well.
Middle-Class Decline Mirrors The Fall Of Unions In One Chart | HuffPost

THAT is a very disingenuous graph.

First of all, it starts tracking union membership WAY past the time that union member ship started to decline, thus implying falsely that wages started to fall, when union membership did.

Second of all, Middle Class share of income is a stupid way to track wage stagnation. The way to track it is in inflation adjusted constant dollars. Second of all, it ignores Working Poor wages. Third of all, increased income at other levels of the socio economic status, does not actually mean that wages of the middle class stagnated. THey COULD have increased, just by less. That is NOT what happened, BUT that shows that that methode of measurement is deeply flawed.
Employees are free to walk off the job.....I say the 2 week notice is a violation of workers rights.
First, I highly doubt that there were all that many conservatives who voted against the RTW law. Some did, no doubt for whatever reasons, but the simple truth is that in this country it's hard to stay in business competing against products made in RTW states or imported from foreign countries. The costs of labor in union states are just too God Damn high, why do you think so many foreign carmakers and other industries built their plants in RTW states? It's not a coincidence, let me assure you.

This is going to really hurt Missouri's economic growth over the long run; they are not going to get companies both foreign and domestic to build new plants in their state. They will be losing jobs to automation or to companies leaving the state for other places with lower labor costs. Or flat out going out of business. Bitch about it all you want to Lefties, but that is the reality.
I guess that's fine but then employers won't expect as much production correct? Less pay always means less production.
So then workers accepting a lower wage benefits it.

Less pay or no job, you choose. Sure, it ain't like that for everybody, but it simply amazes me that so many on the Left cannot grasp the obvious reality that if you have a union that forces higher wages on a company that the company will in most cases have to adjust by cutting costs somewhere else.
I guess that's fine but then employers won't expect as much production correct? Less pay always means less production.

Don't know where you got that idea, but less productivity means you get fired. Which is another reason why unions can fuck up a company cuz they make it so hard to get rid of slackers who aren't worth their paychecks.
I voted Trump.
And I voted NO for Right To Work.
And I wasn't the only one.

Missouri Voters Reject Anti-Union Law in a Victory for Labor

Said the same thing last night...

"Looks like around 700,000 Republicans and 550,000 Democrats voted in our state primaries, and Right-to-work is going down 66% to 34%...that's a truckload of pro-union Republicans.

I keep telling you guys this is the prevailing attitude among working class Republicans. Trump is doing his level best to move the needle on this bring the blue collar Unions into the fold. Please give the Union issue a second look before spouting the rote party line."

election night results in Michigan, Ohio & 3 other states thread
What did you win? You get to be in a union. The guy you out work daily gets the promotion over you because he was there longer. You get to sit in a union hall not getting paid between jobs yet still paying the dues. What did you win here?
So then workers accepting a lower wage benefits it.

Less pay or no job, you choose. Sure, it ain't like that for everybody, but it simply amazes me that so many on the Left cannot grasp the obvious reality that if you have a union that forces higher wages on a company that the company will in most cases have to adjust by cutting costs somewhere else.
They simply don’t hire more union workers.

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