
Don't want an abortion? Don't have one.
What absurd logic! Do you say: Don't want a slave? Don't have one.

Do you really think we should offer vulnerable unborn babies no protection at all?!

There are laws to stop the tormenting of animals and the beating of children. Why can't we try to stop the killing of unborn babies?
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Don't want an abortion? Don't have one.
What absurd logic! Do you say: Don't want a slave? Don't have one.

Do you really think we should offer vulnerable unborn babies no protection at all?!

There are laws to stop the tormenting of animals and the beating of children. Why can't we try to stop the killing of unborn babies?

This is as a fact of law wrong and ignorant, and as a fact of law you are not at liberty to seek to codify your ignorance.
Wow, cc. That was impressive a line of complete gobbledygook as I have ever seen. It's almost a work of art.
There have been a few "studies" about the psychological impact on a woman who hired someone to destroy the unborn life inside her but they haven't gone mainstream because of the money and political power of the abortion industry. The monster house of Phlly's own Dr. Kermit Gosnell should have been a national tragedy but it was sluffed off by the elitist liberal men in the media who reserve the right to coerce their sexual partners into destroying the life that they helped to create.
Pennsylvania stopped inspecting abortion clinics because Goveror Ridge knew that the first time they tried to mpose any sanctions on a non-compliant clinic, he would have been excoriated in the Press and attacked by NARAL as attacking womens' access to abortion. It was a lose/lose proposition.

And honestly, the very idea of killing babies "properly" is absurd.
The inspections serve to protect the women as well.

Baby killers don't want that. They see women as a resource to be exploited. And they do NOT want anybody to know what really goes on in abortion clinics.
Hard to accomplish that when progressive baby killers claim that women don't rate the same precautions/oversight that everybody else gets.
But, they do and you would know that if you weren't so interested in your God cookies.
What the hell is a God cookie?

I'm going to be pissed if I've been missing out on something I could have been enjoying all this time.
It's the dance you do when you pretend that you care but you don't. It's much easier to throw tantrums and say, "Baby Killer" then it is to give a shit about those children or adults that live. So, why do you do it?
The God cookies that you get when you die for doing the least that you can do. You win an extra half a cookie if you can throw in a few phrases indicating patriotism.
You know you're insane, right?

Go sit with Care on the "whacked out extremist babykiller" couch please.

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Vaccinations cause autism which is why many parents are becoming concerned about being forced to give their children vaccinations. I remember when my cousin was born my grandmothers sister said she was as normal as any child. After the vaccination she was not normal. This was years ago and they diagnosed her with autism. My grandmothers sister was a very wise woman and she said without question it was the vaccination that caused the autism. Vaccinations should be a choice made by the family. Not the government.

You are a science illiterate to make that idiotic statement

Correlation does not imply causation

WHO | What are some of the myths ? and facts ? about vaccination?

CDC - Concerns About Autism - Vaccine Safety

Unvaccinated Kids Contribute to Whooping Cough Outbreak |

The Choice Not To Vaccinate Doesn?t Only Affect You! | Vaccines Today

Intentionally unvaccinated students putting other children at risk -- ScienceDaily
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The risk of the vaccinations causing autism is far, far less than the risk of kids dying of any of the many infectious diseases that attack and kill vulnerable children.

And we have absolute proof that children die of influenza, measles, mumps, hep.....there is no such proof that autism is caused by vaccinations.

We don't even know what the hell autism is. The diagnoses on it are all over the board. I've seen what looked to me to be perfectly normal kids, with imbecilic parents, who were diagnosed with *autism*...probably because they're little assholes in the classroom, due to the fact their parents are assholes at home. And then you have the kid who bangs his head on walls 23 hours a day and shits his pants if you touch him. There is NO correlation between those two kids. There's nothing they share in common..yet both are labeled *autistic*? Give me a break!
You know you're insane, right?

Go sit with Care on the "whacked out extremist babykiller" couch please.


It's ok :smiliehug:

The first step is admitting that you have a problem. See? People aren't laughing with you, They are laughing at you.
The risk of the vaccinations causing autism is far, far less than the risk of kids dying of any of the many infectious diseases that attack and kill vulnerable children.

And we have absolute proof that children die of influenza, measles, mumps, hep.....there is no such proof that autism is caused by vaccinations.

We don't even know what the hell autism is. The diagnoses on it are all over the board. I've seen what looked to me to be perfectly normal kids, with imbecilic parents, who were diagnosed with *autism*...probably because they're little assholes in the classroom, due to the fact their parents are assholes at home. And then you have the kid who bangs his head on walls 23 hours a day and shits his pants if you touch him. There is NO correlation between those two kids. There's nothing they share in common..yet both are labeled *autistic*? Give me a break!

Very rarely do I agree with you, but on this, we are in agreement.
There have been a few "studies" about the psychological impact on a woman who hired someone to destroy the unborn life inside her but they haven't gone mainstream because of the money and political power of the abortion industry. The monster house of Phlly's own Dr. Kermit Gosnell should have been a national tragedy but it was sluffed off by the elitist liberal men in the media who reserve the right to coerce their sexual partners into destroying the life that they helped to create.
what a load of unsubstantiated bollocks.The facts are that in the 30+ years of abortion in the US and 40+ years of abortion in the UK there has not been one scientific report that confirms psychological damage as a result of an abortion.Any woman who is coerced into anything by a man is a twerp.

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