Probe Sought of BP-Lockerbie Bomber Deal

Political Junky

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May 27, 2009
Probe Sought of BP-Lockerbie Bomber Deal

July 13, 2010 1:21 PM No Comments
Probe Sought of BP-Lockerbie Bomber Deal »

By Michael McAuliff

Four senators are wondering if BP traded the justice won by victims of the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing for profits — and if the oil giant is now using that “blood money” to compensate Americans for the Gulf oil spill.

The senators, Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), are asking Secretary of State Clinton to find out.

It’s the latest move by U.S. leaders outraged that Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi, the only man convicted of killing 270 people in the 1988 bombing, was freed from a Scottish prison 11 months ago on grounds that he had only three months to live.

Multiple reports have surfaced since than that Megrahi was released as part of a prison swap that was proposed in 2007, but not completed until 2009, while BP was negotiating to drill off the coast of Libya. BP got the deal after Megrahi got sent home to a hero’s welcome.

And BP’s actions in the Gulf oil spill show that the company cares more for money than people, the senators argue in a letter to Clinton today.

Read more: Probe Sought of BP-Lockerbie Bomber Deal
Joe Scarborough is talking about this today. Then I turned on my radio and it's being discussed there too. This is big.

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