Problem!! I edited another poster's POST!

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Did I miss something?

I edited a post LockedJaw posted, how I do not know. I pay a computer guy to clean the damn computer, now suddenly I am able to "hack"' others, I want to end this life of crime, I am too cowardly for it.:(
I sent a message to Aqua Athena.


You ARE doing the right thing.

Don't like your political leanings, but you're obviously alright!

After this, I may end any political beliefs...... If I walk out of store with too much, I drive or walk back, go in and pay as soon as I notice. I await LockedJaw's orders on deleting. I think I can, which is the scary part, but if I do so again, with his permission, I am again hacking.
Better you than some of these inbred racists that roam this site. I can just imagine the havoc they would cause. Then again they probably would be too stupid to realize they had the rights to edit other peoples posts.
Peach, really, people have been known to screw up quotes. Best thing you can do is point it out, say you're sorry and move on.

It takes time to figure these things out. If you meant no harm it's no biggie.

LockedJaw appeared to believe otherwise, Thank you for the comfort though.
Better you than some of these inbred racists that roam this site. I can just imagine the havoc they would cause. Then again they probably would be too stupid to realize they had the rights to edit other peoples posts.

But I do not have that right, do not desire it. Pop has me laughing now, feel better.
Better you than some of these inbred racists that roam this site. I can just imagine the havoc they would cause. Then again they probably would be too stupid to realize they had the rights to edit other peoples posts.

But I do not have that right, do not desire it. Pop has me laughing now, feel better.

I meant due to the software glitch. Usually how this works is that users are given rights to edit posts such as moderators. Someone probably have you moderator rights. People can claim you changed something but since you put it out here for everyone to see and they can track your activity dont worry too much about it.
No people. You're not getting it...she can post as ME! Her account & mine have submerged somehow. I haven't tried to post on hers because this is confusing enough.
These things do happen. If you did it by mistake just say so and move on.

On the other hand, if you did it on purpose, there's a jar of honey and a fire ant hill with your name on it!

You had me laughing before. NOW, I see "messages", open, try to respond and they POST. Curiouser & curiouser.
I believe Peach didn't mean to do this now.

Fuck, for a minute I felt like that asshole Alex Jones. All paranoid and shit! Lol

My "private message" took me to this thread. Storms in the area here must have caused all odd posting. Still, I cannot even clean my own computer, let alone "hack one".
I believe Peach didn't mean to do this now.

Fuck, for a minute I felt like that asshole Alex Jones. All paranoid and shit! Lol

My "private message" took me to this thread. Storms in the area here must have caused all odd posting. Still, I cannot even clean my own computer, let alone "hack one".

I'm getting messages too...probably will do the same thing yours does.

This is some crazy glitch.

I almost want to delete my account & start fresh, see if that works.

Can you delete your account or do you have to get mod to do it? Can they even do that?
No, deleting will cause me to again access his posts.

You have not edited his post. You have quoted him and edited your post inside his quote. Just delete the whole thing and then say a few Hail Mary's.

Edited my post inside his quote, gotcha. (No true.) I will delete the post under LockedJaw's name when, and if, LockedJaw so instructs.

1. There was a couple of times a "glitch online" caused everyone's quotes to get mismatched and cited under other user names also listed.
So this even happens because of computer errors, and it was very confusing to everyone.

2. why can't you go back and copy/paste the CORRECT words that LJ originally posted there. Would that fix it? Find the original quote by LJ, copy and paste it on top of
whatever got mangled up by accident.

If it's too late, and it won't let you edit now, then just PM to LJ and make sure he knows.
That's the main person affected, anyway.

I hate when that happens, and it's too late to edit or fix it, happens to all of us, I guess!
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