Problem!! I edited another poster's POST!

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You have not edited his post. You have quoted him and edited your post inside his quote. Just delete the whole thing and then say a few Hail Mary's.

Edited my post inside his quote, gotcha. (No true.) I will delete the post under LockedJaw's name when, and if, LockedJaw so instructs.

1. There was a couple of times a "glitch online" caused everyone's quotes to get mismatched and cited under other user names also listed.
So this even happens because of computer errors, and it was very confusing to everyone.

2. why can't you go back and copy/paste the CORRECT words that LJ originally posted there. Would that fix it? Find the original quote by LJ, copy and paste it on top of
whatever got mangled up by accident.

If it's too late, and it won't let you edit now, then just PM to LJ and make sure he knows.
That's the main person affected, anyway.

I hate when that happens, and it's too late to edit or fix it, happens to all of us, I guess!

He knows, and I cannot find what he posted, luckily, he reported it, I thank Aqua Athena for deleting it.
The point is...if peach has access to edit someone elses post, that means others might be able to as well. There is a glitch. Staff needs to be made aware so they can fix it since not all here are as honest as peach.

you're a paranoid nutter
I apologize for thinking you hacked my account Peach. I'm sure you understand why I did. I don't think I was very harsh about it, I did tell you in the PM it might be a glitch & on the thread too.

Wow.....crazy stuff all around. Hope they figure out what is going on.

Gotta bounce for now, y'all have a good one! I'll stop by later and see if it got fixed.
I apologize for thinking you hacked my account Peach. I'm sure you understand why I did. I don't think I was very harsh about it, I did tell you in the PM it might be a glitch & on the thread too.

Wow.....crazy stuff all around. Hope they figure out what is going on.

Gotta bounce for now, y'all have a good one! I'll stop by later and see if it got fixed.

I am ok with that. I do not want to edit posts, I want to argue. Been that way for a long time.
Better you than some of these inbred racists that roam this site. I can just imagine the havoc they would cause. Then again they probably would be too stupid to realize they had the rights to edit other peoples posts.

Anyone can edit someone's comment inside their own post when they quote them.

Now if she literally edited another username inside of that persons post, then there's only one answer...........

Peach is also Lockejaw !
I need more information.

Both of you, PM me with what happened. I'm sure it's a misunderstanding due to messed up quote tags, none of the posts in question have been edited.

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