Problems with Mail-in Ballots

But you continue to blur the distinction between a legitimately requested absentee ballot, and the mass junk mail ballots that your team is demanding..

Why s that?
I don't have a team, dufus. I blurred no lines. I said exactly what I did not approve of, that being unsolicited mass mailing of ballots. I had and have no problem, with people that request a mail in ballot, receiving it, filling it out, themself and returning it. If you do not want Trump Republicans voting absentee, feel free to rail against it, as I don't care if they vote early by mail or not. The same goes for Democrats.
I don't have a team, dufus. I blurred no lines. I said exactly what I did not approve of, that being unsolicited mass mailing of ballots. I had and have no problem, with people that request a mail in ballot, receiving it, filling it out, themself and returning it. If you do not want Trump Republicans voting absentee, feel free to rail against it, as I don't care if they vote early by mail or not. The same goes for Democrats.
Yeah you do...Don't compound a lie of omission by one of commission.

Absentee ≠ "universal" junk mail balloting.
when i was delivering if they had no name on it they got returned to sender as unknown or just undeliverable as addressed.......

USPS will drop off hundreds daily to shelters, motels, 10 unit APT. Yes they all have names on them because the registered millions of ibogus names!

There are not a crate full of voters in a 10 unit complex. All of you sucketh massive black crank. You lie you twist you stall you deflect. Kiss off all of you LW or lying middler scum Country is being destroyed as you chirp and lie!

More BS. Juan Lopez (illegal) could be registered 3 times in one state and again in another state using different addresses. Bogus addresses. They don’t have to show bleeping ID you idiot! Just check the box, I am citizen, lost all ID, never had ID, homeless.

STHU you ignorant clowns! The deep state does not follow the law and they have zero integrity. No one checks it in Forking DET or Madison you dumb OX. What lazy state worker has time or wants to make waves!!! For the love of God almighty? SHUP!!!!
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USPS will drop off hundreds daily to shelters, motels, 10 unit APT. Yes they all have names on them because the registered millions of ibogus names!

There are not a crate full of voters in a 10 unit complex. All of you sucketh massive black crank. You lie you twist you stall you deflect. Kiss off all of you LW or lying middler scum Country is being destroyed as you chirp and lie!
if they have a name on them with a legit address....yes it gets names no delivery....federal law....
More BS. Juan Lopez (illegal) could be registered 3 times in one state and again in another state using different addresses. Bogus addresses. They don’t have to show bleeping ID you idiot! Just check the box, I am citizen, lost all ID, never had ID, homeless.

STHU you ignorant clowns! The deep state does not follow the law and they have zero integrity. No one checks it in Forking DET or Madison you dumb OX. What lazy state worker has time or wants to make waves!!! For the love of God almighty? SHUP!!!!
if it has legit address and a name on gets delivered unless the carrier knows the individual is no longer there....otherwise it gets delivered....

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