Professor Calls for Death of Global Warming Deniers

Wholesale murder and lakes of blood are one of the left's favored solutions to dissent.
I call for the Death of those who call for the Death of those who deny the Global Warming Hoax!
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.
So, we'll just put you in the "Would Prefer to Murder Dissenters" column.

Can't really say I'm surprised.

Here's a news flash, Zippy:

If you had science, facts, and logic on your side, you wouldn't have to threaten people to get them to agree with you.
As a corollary to Godwin's law, I propose Mamooth's Corollary:

Anyone who calls for the death of those with opposing viewpoints automatically concedes the moral bankruptcy of his belief system.
As a corollary to Godwin's law, I propose Mamooth's Corollary:

Anyone who calls for the death of those with opposing viewpoints automatically concedes the moral bankruptcy of his belief system.
I have peer-reviewed this post, and find it to be 100% accurate.

The science is settled.
As the human caused warming continues to increase as human CO2 emissions keep rising and adding to total atmospheric levels, the world's climate patterns will inevitably continue to change at an accelerating rate, causing agricultural disruptions and failures that will put hundreds of millions or billions of people into starvation over the rest of this century. At some point the world very well might look at the current attempts by the fossil fuel industry and their stooges to deny and denigrate the sound science that warns the world of the reality and dangers of AGW/CC, in their effort to prevent or delay the necessary actions the world must take to deal with this climate change crisis, because those actions would hurt the profits they're making from selling the fossil carbon fuels that are causing the problem in the first place, and the world may say that these actions, motivated by an insane and selfish greed, amount to "Crimes Against Humanity", just as the world made that same decision about the Nazi Holocaust, when the facts came out. If that happens, personally I would rather hope that these conniving oil corp execs and 'vested interest' billionaires, and their paid media stooges and bought politicians, get the same treatment that was meted out to the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Climate Crimes Against Humanity?

Gregory Unruh
Increasing amounts of evidence show that scientific projections made since the 1980s are coming true. Nine of the hottest years on record have occurred since 2000 and 2012 is on track to be the hottest in history. Arctic summer ice is disappearing faster than iPad minis and the Tundra is giving up its climate-warming methane at an alarming rate. Research now shows the beginning of a change that could take the climate system away from any hope of human control. Frozen methane hydrates along the U.S. continental shelf are destabilizing due to shifts in the Gulf Stream. Scientists’ physical predictions are often accompanied by societal and economic predictions as well. Frankenstorms like Sandy are part of the forecasts, but more extreme scenarios foresee drought, famine, population dislocations, climate refugees and human suffering. Should these predictions come true, you might expect anger and demand for an accounting.

This could take the form of lawsuits against industries associated with greenhouse gases, like oil and gas. ExxonMobil, arguably the inventor of the denialists’ strategy of doubt, got out of the denial business in 2005, fearing the climate equivalent of tobacco litigation. With a company full of geologists, it would be impossible to argue that the company didn’t understand the science. But worse case human suffering might lead to something more. Will future generations see the action of today’s denialists as
“climate crimes against humanity?” If so, they will have abundant documentation to press charges. With the internet becoming a vast searchable archive, no one’s past actions can be refuted. As former Republican Representative Bob Inglis said in his final address to congress, “I’m very excited to be here Mr. Chairman, because this is on the record. And it’s a wonderful thing about Congressional hearings, they’re on the record… and our grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, are going to read.”
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The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.

what was your opinion when the warmists were claiming that they were getting death threats? even though they refused to produce the emails? and when they were forced to produce the emails there wasnt any death threats?

were they just milking popular opinion? was that a worse situation than the real call for the death penalty in this case?
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.

what was your opinion when the warmists were claiming that they were getting death threats? even though they refused to produce the emails? and when they were forced to produce the emails there wasnt any death threats?

were they just milking popular opinion? was that a worse situation than the real call for the death penalty in this case?
That's different. Somehow. It just is. Why do you hate science, you science-hater?
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.

:lol::lol::lol: Your high priests have made the claim that they get death threats and when asked to provide the evidence it somehow never materializes. On the other hand we can point to at least five different dipshits on your side who have advocated it.

Thanks for playing dipshit.
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.

what was your opinion when the warmists were claiming that they were getting death threats? even though they refused to produce the emails? and when they were forced to produce the emails there wasnt any death threats?

Is that the new divorced-from-reality denier cult myth? fruitcakes are sooooooooo gullible.......a quick search turned up dozens of sites with hard evidence of the death threats that ignorant cultists like yourselves have sent to climate scientists for daring to debunk your comfortable myths with facts and scientific evidence.....

Read the Disturbing Death Threats Sent to a Top Climate Scientist
Brian Merchant
Business / Environmental Policy
June 13, 2012
High-profile climate scientists have notoriously received death threats, especially since the backlash against global warming reached a fever pitch in the wake of so-called ClimateGate. Michael Mann, a climatologist behind the famed 'hockey stick' graph, and Phil Jones, head researcher at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, have both notably said they're regularly sent some chilling messages. But James Delingpole, perhaps the most vociferous climate change naysayer in the U.K., doesn't believe them. He dedicated a column a while back to calling Jones and company liars, and claims they're exaggerating the hate mail sent their way. Delingpole writes:

Maybe it's time someone did an FOI to see whether the UEA's dodgy and discredited Phil Jones really did get any of those "death threats" he claims to have received after Climategate and which allegedly drove him to consider suicide. Speaking for myself, if Phil Jones released a report claiming that grass is green I'd feel compelled to go outside just to double check ... I've a strong suspicion that the emails I get in my inbox most days from the ecoloons ... are far more foul-mouthed, repellant and poisonous than anything these junk scientists have ever received.

I've a strong suspicion not. Grist reports that Simon Hopkins did indeed file a Freedom of Information request to check into Jones' claims, and sure enough—death threats. Dozens of them. Remember, these aren't anonymous YouTube comments or postings on a conservative blog's comment thread. These are direct correspondence emailed to a working scientist, whose only crime is toiling in a field that conservatives have developed a hatred for. They're alternately disturbing, poorly written, outlandish, and genuinely frightening. I just took a few minutes to read through them, and it's pretty chilling stuff - (see site for text of emails). It's important to read these unsettling notes, if only to get an idea of the kind of hatred that's out there for climate scientists—an entire fringe; a clearly unstable contingent of conservatives really feels deeply threatened and outraged by their work. Find the whole nasty trove of them here. As a coda, I'll note that Delingpole himself does all he can to feed this sentiment; it's no wonder his followers seethe with such rage, given the hate-filled, conspiratorial myth-building he engages in his column. A column, I should add, that's based famously on his "interpretation of interpretations"—he's admitted he doesn't have time to read any peer-reviewed science himself. Yet he has few qualms [ame=""]stoking and encouraging hatred[/ame] towards those who dedicate their lives to actually doing the science.

Australian climate scientists receive death threats

Universities move staff into safer accommodation after a large number of threatening emails and phone calls
The Guardian
Oliver Milman
6 June 2011
A number of Australia's leading climate scientists have been moved into safer accommodation after receiving death threats, in a further escalation of the country's increasingly febrile carbon price debate. The revelation of the death threats follows a week of bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition in the wake of a pro-carbon price TV advert featuring actor Cate Blanchett. The Australia National University (ANU) in Canberra said that it has moved a number of its climate scientists to a secure facility after they received a large number of threatening emails and phone calls. Ian Young, ANU's vice-chancellor, told ABC national radio that the threats had worsened in recent weeks. Young said that scientists had been threatened with assault if they were identified in the street. Among those targeted is Prof Will Steffen, ANU's climate institute director. Steffen is the co-author of a high-profile Climate Commission report that was published two weeks ago. The report calls for urgent action to avoid sea level rises of a metre or more over the course of the next century.

The death threats have not been confined to the ANU, with universities in New South Wales and Queensland also tightening security for more than 30 ecology, environmental policy and meteorology researchers, according to The Canberra Times. Prof David Koroly, of the University of Melbourne's school of Earth science, told the ABC that he receives threats whenever he is interviewed by the media. "It is clear that there is a campaign in terms of either organised or disorganised threats to discourage scientists from presenting the best available climate science on television or radio," he said.
The eternal-victims of the right are all at it again, carrying on with their endless quest to cherrypick a reason to proclaim themselves to be the most pathetic victims in all of human history.

This is another reason why the USA and the world now rejects the right-wing political cult -- no one wants to associated with such a bunch of gutless things. Denialist cultists can't rationally discuss the science, and they know it. Thus, they like to deflect by blubbering like little bitches about how some liberal was so meeeeeeaaaaaan to them.

Good luck with that tactic, denialist kooks. And thanks for the votes it sends our way.

what was your opinion when the warmists were claiming that they were getting death threats? even though they refused to produce the emails? and when they were forced to produce the emails there wasnt any death threats?

Is that the new divorced-from-reality denier cult myth? fruitcakes are sooooooooo gullible.......a quick search turned up dozens of sites with hard evidence of the death threats that ignorant cultists like yourselves have sent to climate scientists for daring to debunk your comfortable myths with facts and scientific evidence.....

Read the Disturbing Death Threats Sent to a Top Climate Scientist
Brian Merchant
Business / Environmental Policy
June 13, 2012
High-profile climate scientists have notoriously received death threats, especially since the backlash against global warming reached a fever pitch in the wake of so-called ClimateGate. Michael Mann, a climatologist behind the famed 'hockey stick' graph, and Phil Jones, head researcher at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, have both notably said they're regularly sent some chilling messages. But James Delingpole, perhaps the most vociferous climate change naysayer in the U.K., doesn't believe them. He dedicated a column a while back to calling Jones and company liars, and claims they're exaggerating the hate mail sent their way. Delingpole writes:

Maybe it's time someone did an FOI to see whether the UEA's dodgy and discredited Phil Jones really did get any of those "death threats" he claims to have received after Climategate and which allegedly drove him to consider suicide. Speaking for myself, if Phil Jones released a report claiming that grass is green I'd feel compelled to go outside just to double check ... I've a strong suspicion that the emails I get in my inbox most days from the ecoloons ... are far more foul-mouthed, repellant and poisonous than anything these junk scientists have ever received.

I've a strong suspicion not. Grist reports that Simon Hopkins did indeed file a Freedom of Information request to check into Jones' claims, and sure enough—death threats. Dozens of them. Remember, these aren't anonymous YouTube comments or postings on a conservative blog's comment thread. These are direct correspondence emailed to a working scientist, whose only crime is toiling in a field that conservatives have developed a hatred for. They're alternately disturbing, poorly written, outlandish, and genuinely frightening. I just took a few minutes to read through them, and it's pretty chilling stuff - (see site for text of emails). It's important to read these unsettling notes, if only to get an idea of the kind of hatred that's out there for climate scientists—an entire fringe; a clearly unstable contingent of conservatives really feels deeply threatened and outraged by their work. Find the whole nasty trove of them here. As a coda, I'll note that Delingpole himself does all he can to feed this sentiment; it's no wonder his followers seethe with such rage, given the hate-filled, conspiratorial myth-building he engages in his column. A column, I should add, that's based famously on his "interpretation of interpretations"—he's admitted he doesn't have time to read any peer-reviewed science himself. Yet he has few qualms [ame=""]stoking and encouraging hatred[/ame] towards those who dedicate their lives to actually doing the science.

Australian climate scientists receive death threats

Universities move staff into safer accommodation after a large number of threatening emails and phone calls
The Guardian
Oliver Milman
6 June 2011
A number of Australia's leading climate scientists have been moved into safer accommodation after receiving death threats, in a further escalation of the country's increasingly febrile carbon price debate. The revelation of the death threats follows a week of bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition in the wake of a pro-carbon price TV advert featuring actor Cate Blanchett. The Australia National University (ANU) in Canberra said that it has moved a number of its climate scientists to a secure facility after they received a large number of threatening emails and phone calls. Ian Young, ANU's vice-chancellor, told ABC national radio that the threats had worsened in recent weeks. Young said that scientists had been threatened with assault if they were identified in the street. Among those targeted is Prof Will Steffen, ANU's climate institute director. Steffen is the co-author of a high-profile Climate Commission report that was published two weeks ago. The report calls for urgent action to avoid sea level rises of a metre or more over the course of the next century.

The death threats have not been confined to the ANU, with universities in New South Wales and Queensland also tightening security for more than 30 ecology, environmental policy and meteorology researchers, according to The Canberra Times. Prof David Koroly, of the University of Melbourne's school of Earth science, told the ABC that he receives threats whenever he is interviewed by the media. "It is clear that there is a campaign in terms of either organised or disorganised threats to discourage scientists from presenting the best available climate science on television or radio," he said.

Yeah, right. Any threat like that is a felony in most countries. Interesting how they have never ever sought to pursue a criminal complaint. On the other hand...when it's a friend who sends it to muddy up the waters there would be no need to pursue a criminal complaint now would there.

Typical BS from the masters of BS.
what was your opinion when the warmists were claiming that they were getting death threats? even though they refused to produce the emails? and when they were forced to produce the emails there wasnt any death threats?

Is that the new divorced-from-reality denier cult myth? fruitcakes are sooooooooo gullible.......a quick search turned up dozens of sites with hard evidence of the death threats that ignorant cultists like yourselves have sent to climate scientists for daring to debunk your comfortable myths with facts and scientific evidence.....

Read the Disturbing Death Threats Sent to a Top Climate Scientist
Brian Merchant
Business / Environmental Policy
June 13, 2012
High-profile climate scientists have notoriously received death threats, especially since the backlash against global warming reached a fever pitch in the wake of so-called ClimateGate. Michael Mann, a climatologist behind the famed 'hockey stick' graph, and Phil Jones, head researcher at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, have both notably said they're regularly sent some chilling messages. But James Delingpole, perhaps the most vociferous climate change naysayer in the U.K., doesn't believe them. He dedicated a column a while back to calling Jones and company liars, and claims they're exaggerating the hate mail sent their way. Delingpole writes:

Maybe it's time someone did an FOI to see whether the UEA's dodgy and discredited Phil Jones really did get any of those "death threats" he claims to have received after Climategate and which allegedly drove him to consider suicide. Speaking for myself, if Phil Jones released a report claiming that grass is green I'd feel compelled to go outside just to double check ... I've a strong suspicion that the emails I get in my inbox most days from the ecoloons ... are far more foul-mouthed, repellant and poisonous than anything these junk scientists have ever received.

I've a strong suspicion not. Grist reports that Simon Hopkins did indeed file a Freedom of Information request to check into Jones' claims, and sure enough—death threats. Dozens of them. Remember, these aren't anonymous YouTube comments or postings on a conservative blog's comment thread. These are direct correspondence emailed to a working scientist, whose only crime is toiling in a field that conservatives have developed a hatred for. They're alternately disturbing, poorly written, outlandish, and genuinely frightening. I just took a few minutes to read through them, and it's pretty chilling stuff - (see site for text of emails). It's important to read these unsettling notes, if only to get an idea of the kind of hatred that's out there for climate scientists—an entire fringe; a clearly unstable contingent of conservatives really feels deeply threatened and outraged by their work. Find the whole nasty trove of them here. As a coda, I'll note that Delingpole himself does all he can to feed this sentiment; it's no wonder his followers seethe with such rage, given the hate-filled, conspiratorial myth-building he engages in his column. A column, I should add, that's based famously on his "interpretation of interpretations"—he's admitted he doesn't have time to read any peer-reviewed science himself. Yet he has few qualms [ame=""]stoking and encouraging hatred[/ame] towards those who dedicate their lives to actually doing the science.

Australian climate scientists receive death threats

Universities move staff into safer accommodation after a large number of threatening emails and phone calls
The Guardian
Oliver Milman
6 June 2011
A number of Australia's leading climate scientists have been moved into safer accommodation after receiving death threats, in a further escalation of the country's increasingly febrile carbon price debate. The revelation of the death threats follows a week of bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition in the wake of a pro-carbon price TV advert featuring actor Cate Blanchett. The Australia National University (ANU) in Canberra said that it has moved a number of its climate scientists to a secure facility after they received a large number of threatening emails and phone calls. Ian Young, ANU's vice-chancellor, told ABC national radio that the threats had worsened in recent weeks. Young said that scientists had been threatened with assault if they were identified in the street. Among those targeted is Prof Will Steffen, ANU's climate institute director. Steffen is the co-author of a high-profile Climate Commission report that was published two weeks ago. The report calls for urgent action to avoid sea level rises of a metre or more over the course of the next century.

The death threats have not been confined to the ANU, with universities in New South Wales and Queensland also tightening security for more than 30 ecology, environmental policy and meteorology researchers, according to The Canberra Times. Prof David Koroly, of the University of Melbourne's school of Earth science, told the ABC that he receives threats whenever he is interviewed by the media. "It is clear that there is a campaign in terms of either organised or disorganised threats to discourage scientists from presenting the best available climate science on television or radio," he said.
Yeah, right. Any threat like that is a felony in most countries. Interesting how they have never ever sought to pursue a criminal complaint.
Yeah, like pursuing criminal complaints against hundreds of different people who authored and sent threatening emails, quite probably anonymously in many cases, is just sooooo easy and cheap, failure to do that has just got to be proof that those scientists are just making it all up. LOLOLOLOL.....still grasping at straws, I poor nitwit....

Typical BS from the masters of BS.
Yeah, that's what people say about all of your posts.
Obama wouldn't sign the DOHA Agreement because even HE knows it's all a scam!

Admit it Warmers, you've lost! :lol:
Is that the new divorced-from-reality denier cult myth? fruitcakes are sooooooooo gullible.......a quick search turned up dozens of sites with hard evidence of the death threats that ignorant cultists like yourselves have sent to climate scientists for daring to debunk your comfortable myths with facts and scientific evidence.....

Read the Disturbing Death Threats Sent to a Top Climate Scientist
Brian Merchant
Business / Environmental Policy
June 13, 2012
High-profile climate scientists have notoriously received death threats, especially since the backlash against global warming reached a fever pitch in the wake of so-called ClimateGate. Michael Mann, a climatologist behind the famed 'hockey stick' graph, and Phil Jones, head researcher at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, have both notably said they're regularly sent some chilling messages. But James Delingpole, perhaps the most vociferous climate change naysayer in the U.K., doesn't believe them. He dedicated a column a while back to calling Jones and company liars, and claims they're exaggerating the hate mail sent their way. Delingpole writes:

Maybe it's time someone did an FOI to see whether the UEA's dodgy and discredited Phil Jones really did get any of those "death threats" he claims to have received after Climategate and which allegedly drove him to consider suicide. Speaking for myself, if Phil Jones released a report claiming that grass is green I'd feel compelled to go outside just to double check ... I've a strong suspicion that the emails I get in my inbox most days from the ecoloons ... are far more foul-mouthed, repellant and poisonous than anything these junk scientists have ever received.

I've a strong suspicion not. Grist reports that Simon Hopkins did indeed file a Freedom of Information request to check into Jones' claims, and sure enough—death threats. Dozens of them. Remember, these aren't anonymous YouTube comments or postings on a conservative blog's comment thread. These are direct correspondence emailed to a working scientist, whose only crime is toiling in a field that conservatives have developed a hatred for. They're alternately disturbing, poorly written, outlandish, and genuinely frightening. I just took a few minutes to read through them, and it's pretty chilling stuff - (see site for text of emails). It's important to read these unsettling notes, if only to get an idea of the kind of hatred that's out there for climate scientists—an entire fringe; a clearly unstable contingent of conservatives really feels deeply threatened and outraged by their work. Find the whole nasty trove of them here. As a coda, I'll note that Delingpole himself does all he can to feed this sentiment; it's no wonder his followers seethe with such rage, given the hate-filled, conspiratorial myth-building he engages in his column. A column, I should add, that's based famously on his "interpretation of interpretations"—he's admitted he doesn't have time to read any peer-reviewed science himself. Yet he has few qualms stoking and encouraging hatred towards those who dedicate their lives to actually doing the science.

Australian climate scientists receive death threats

Universities move staff into safer accommodation after a large number of threatening emails and phone calls
The Guardian
Oliver Milman
6 June 2011
A number of Australia's leading climate scientists have been moved into safer accommodation after receiving death threats, in a further escalation of the country's increasingly febrile carbon price debate. The revelation of the death threats follows a week of bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition in the wake of a pro-carbon price TV advert featuring actor Cate Blanchett. The Australia National University (ANU) in Canberra said that it has moved a number of its climate scientists to a secure facility after they received a large number of threatening emails and phone calls. Ian Young, ANU's vice-chancellor, told ABC national radio that the threats had worsened in recent weeks. Young said that scientists had been threatened with assault if they were identified in the street. Among those targeted is Prof Will Steffen, ANU's climate institute director. Steffen is the co-author of a high-profile Climate Commission report that was published two weeks ago. The report calls for urgent action to avoid sea level rises of a metre or more over the course of the next century.

The death threats have not been confined to the ANU, with universities in New South Wales and Queensland also tightening security for more than 30 ecology, environmental policy and meteorology researchers, according to The Canberra Times. Prof David Koroly, of the University of Melbourne's school of Earth science, told the ABC that he receives threats whenever he is interviewed by the media. "It is clear that there is a campaign in terms of either organised or disorganised threats to discourage scientists from presenting the best available climate science on television or radio," he said.
Yeah, right. Any threat like that is a felony in most countries. Interesting how they have never ever sought to pursue a criminal complaint.
Yeah, like pursuing criminal complaints against hundreds of different people who authored and sent threatening emails, quite probably anonymously in many cases, is just sooooo easy and cheap, failure to do that has just got to be proof that those scientists are just making it all up. LOLOLOLOL.....still grasping at straws, I poor nitwit....

Typical BS from the masters of BS.
Yeah, that's what people say about all of your posts.

No, moron, pursuing a criminal complaint agains ONE would certainly do the trick as regards believability of this crap. Care to show us ONE instance where a prosecution was followed up? It would be pretty easy to find out who the idiot is who made the threat. Hell, I would post all threats made along with the email addresses so that everyone would know who these nutters are so we could all keep an eye on them.

There is no expectation of privacy, there is no legal requirement to redact the email adresses...unless you are trying to hide where they actually came from.

What utter incompetent fools you can't even make threats properly. That's why you idiots get caught falsifying data and commiting identity fraud all the time.

You're just not that bright.

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