Profile of a MAGA Republican who is a Threat to America

  1. He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’
  2. Luke 14:12-14
What’s with all the Jesus quotes? That has nothing to do with which Republican citizens the U.S. President is accusing of treason.
1. Retired after 40 years of work, paying federal taxes according to the law throughout

2. Never got so much as a speeding ticket

3. Donates to a wide group of charities, for animals, people, medical research, and so forth

4. Volunteers to local community via school drives, goods to homeless shelter, and time to teaching basic financial literacy

5. Always helped elderly parents as needed, and there for friends and family

6. Never attended a riot

7. Is educated, well-traveled, well-read, speaks well, doesn‘t use drugs, and dresses nicely

8. Given all unprecedented anomalies and biased media coverage, doesn’t believe the official results of the 2020 is a fair indication of who Americans would have wanted for president.


I do love the whole spear-as-a-flagpole motif.
Again, Jesus did not say, go to your Neighbor and force him to invite a bunch of your Freeloading friends to host a dinner for them every day.

He said YOU. You host a bunch of freeloaders in your home. Have you done that yet?

You Socialists have bilked the taxpayer of $31 Trillion dollars on your so called war on poverty which is nothing but an expansion of government and politicians lining their pockets, and giving the poor just enough crumbs to keep them dependent instead of offering them a way out of the Democrat Slave Plantation.

Jesus' call was voluntary, not mandatory or forced like you see in Socialism.
Nice try.
Restate Jesus' teachings to fit your world view.

You know to be honest I am not even a Christian anymore.
I may know the Bible pretty well but I certainly don't believeve that junk is the only "word of God."

My point is the hypocrisy of (so called) Christian Conservatives.
Jesus was all about humanity.
Conservatives are about MONEY....not Jesus.

This is NOT a "Christian" y
Judaism is half capitalism and half socialism.
Are you thinking Jesus preached Judaism?
Again, Jesus did not say, go to your Neighbor and force him to invite a bunch of your Freeloading friends to host a dinner for them every day.

He said YOU. You host a bunch of freeloaders in your home. Have you done that yet?

You Socialists have bilked the taxpayer of $31 Trillion dollars on your so called war on poverty which is nothing but an expansion of government and politicians lining their pockets, and giving the poor just enough crumbs to keep them dependent instead of offering them a way out of the Democrat Slave Plantation.

Jesus' call was voluntary, not mandatory or forced like you see in Socialism.
I do respect your approach to moral relatavism.
I agree....the Bible is (at best) a collection of moderately interesting but archaic and obsolete literary works, some of them containing some useful SUGGESTIONS for living....but that's IT!
Not "commandments."
I agree that this thing called "morality" is relative. There is no black and white. Only shades of gray.

Because Jesus (and the Christian Cannons) are only "suggestions," not commandments.

Of course this also means that this whole "Christian Conservative" thing is complete bullshit.
As is this "culture war" they believe they are "fighting" for their "God."
We (you) have just established that "God" (if God exists) doesn't really give a shit WHAT we do or don't do.
It's all relative.
Just suggestions.
No judgement.

Glad we cleared that up.
People like that are few and far between. They don't make threats of physical violence against poll workers, school board members, doctors, and nurses. But MAGA Repubs do.
Some of them had no previous record before they started making threats or committed other crimes. So yeah, they fit that description.
1. Retired after 40 years of work, paying federal taxes according to the law throughout

2. Speeding tickets, long ago. Busted for possession of ganja in my youth.

3. Could donate more, irregular.

4. Volunteers time to who needs it, I often work for free.

5. Always helped elderly parents as needed, and there for friends and family.

6. Never attended a riot

7. Much job, and life experience, courteous and kind. Respects and respectable. Still likes ganja.

8. Given all unprecedented anomalies and biased media coverage, doesn’t believe the official results of the 2020 is a fair indication of who Americans would have wanted for president.

You are wrong.
And this is the saddest kind of fake Christian. One who invents God in his own image out of concenience.

Let me ask you a question.
If you could ask Jesus

"Jesus, what should we do about all these desperate "illegal" refugees coming across our border?'

What do you HONESTLY think his answer would be?

OH you mean the ones Venezuela is letting out of prisons and sending here?

Or the child traffickers?
I do respect your approach to moral relatavism.
I agree....the Bible is (at best) a collection of moderately interesting but archaic and obsolete literary works, some of them containing some useful SUGGESTIONS for living....but that's IT!
Not "commandments."
I agree that this thing called "morality" is relative. There is no black and white. Only shades of gray.

Because Jesus (and the Christian Cannons) are only "suggestions," not commandments.

Of course this also means that this whole "Christian Conservative" thing is complete bullshit.
As is this "culture war" they believe they are "fighting" for their "God."
We (you) have just established that "God" (if God exists) doesn't really give a shit WHAT we do or don't do.
It's all relative.
Just suggestions.
No judgement.

Glad we cleared that up.


So you have no moral basis on which to judge, say, Donald Trump. Just your worthless opinion, like which ice cream flavor you prefer. That's it. Nothing that is better or worse.

Got it. Good to know, going forward.
Nice try.
Restate Jesus' teachings to fit your world view.

You know to be honest I am not even a Christian anymore.
I may know the Bible pretty well but I certainly don't believeve that junk is the only "word of God."

My point is the hypocrisy of (so called) Christian Conservatives.
Jesus was all about humanity.
Conservatives are about MONEY....not Jesus.

This is NOT a "Christian" y

Are you thinking Jesus preached Judaism?
Poor Slave Child. That Matrix has really programmed you. I bet you can't even define what a woman is.
Jesus preached more on Hell than on Heaven so you would know exactly where you are going.
Back to your pod, slave.

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