Profile of a MAGA Republican who is a Threat to America

Sorry, but Jesus was not a Socialist. He was a philanthropist.

Jesus did not say, steal your neighbor's coat and give it to someone else.

BTW American Conservatives are the most generous people on the planet when it comes to charity, vs. liberals who are the least generous, so what point are you trying to make?

So, again, you are a liar, like your Father The Devil who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

1. Retired after 40 years of work, paying federal taxes according to the law throughout

2. Never got so much as a speeding ticket

3. Donates to a wide group of charities, for animals, people, medical research, and so forth

4. Volunteers to local community via school drives, goods to homeless shelter, and time to teaching basic financial literacy

5. Always helped elderly parents as needed, and there for friends and family

6. Never attended a riot

7. Is educated, well-traveled, well-read, speaks well, doesn‘t use drugs, and dresses nicely

8. Given all unprecedented anomalies and biased media coverage, doesn’t believe the official results of the 2020 is a fair indication of who Americans would have wanted for president.

And where did you get this? Or did you just make it up?
I don't think that was God. Perhaps you should check again.

Most people who have sold their souls to Hell, do not even realize they have done so until they are burning in Hell. I can see the bitterness and hatred you have for your fellow man, fellow Americans, if you are even an American.
What do you hate about Freedom, Democracy, Individual Liberties and our Republic?

You must have a reason for wanting to tear down the moral fabric of our society. Can you list your reasons? Why do you hate Conservatives, and Conservative Principles? They are based in The Golden Rule and tested and true Biblical principals. Why is that a threat to you?
Jesus spent his entire life and ministry preaching against these (so called) "Conservative Principles" of his day.

In fact if you read the New Testament Epistles and substitute the word "Christian" everytime Paul mentions "Jew" then you'll have a pretty good idea of what Jesus was up against.

People like YOU ....and the pious, self-righteous, conservative, institutional power structure(s) of his day.

In fact if Christ came back today the passion play would just repeat itself with modern (so called) "Christians" like yourself taking the place of the Sanhedrin trying Jesus as a "heretic" and giving him over to the authorities for execution.
Same old shit.
Different time.

No, Jesus was a poor, long-haired, homeless, radical-liberal, socially (as in SOCIALIST) minded community organizer/agitator with a LOT more in common with the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's and Bernie Sanders' of America than with any "ConservoCON fake Christians!"

Don't believe me?
Try reading the Bible.
Jesus spent his entire life and ministry preaching against these (so called) "Conservative Principles" of his day.

In fact if you read the New Testament Epistles and substitute the word "Christian" everytime Paul mentions "Jew" then you'll have a pretty good idea of what Jesus was up against.

People like YOU ....and the pious, self-righteous, conservative, institutional power structure(s) of his day.

In fact if Christ came back today the passion play would just repeat itself with modern (so called) "Christians" like yourself taking the place of the Sanhedrin trying Jesus as a "heretic" and giving him over to the authorities for execution.
Same old shit.
Different time.

No, Jesus was a poor, long-haired, homeless, radical-liberal, socially (as in SOCIALIST) minded community organizer/agitator with a LOT more in common with the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's and Bernie Sanders' of America than with any "ConservoCON fake Christians!"

Don't believe me?
Try reading the Bible.
Everything you just wrote is a lie. So when you see The Creator and He asks you why you wasted your life spreading lies and deceptions, you will have no defense.

"Thou Shalt Steal Thy Neighbor's Money & Giveth it to Thy Freeloaders."
Libotardians 4:1
Everything you just wrote is a lie. So when you see The Creator and He asks you why you wasted your life spreading lies and deceptions, you will have no defense.

"Thou Shalt Steal Thy Neighbor's Money & Giveth it to Thy Freeloaders."
Libotardians 4:1
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Mark 10:21
Everything you just wrote is a lie. So when you see The Creator and He asks you why you wasted your life spreading lies and deceptions, you will have no defense.

"Thou Shalt Steal Thy Neighbor's Money & Giveth it to Thy Freeloaders."
Libotardians 4:1

  1. He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’
  2. Luke 14:12-14
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Mark 10:21
That is a call to Philanthropy, not Socialism whereby you Take someone else's resources and give them to freeloaders.

Have you sold all that you have and given it to Illegal Immigrants yet? If you did you would not be posting your lies on this forum every day.

  1. He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’
  2. Luke 14:12-14
Again, Jesus did not say, go to your Neighbor and force him to invite a bunch of your Freeloading friends to host a dinner for them every day.

He said YOU. You host a bunch of freeloaders in your home. Have you done that yet?

You Socialists have bilked the taxpayer of $31 Trillion dollars on your so called war on poverty which is nothing but an expansion of government and politicians lining their pockets, and giving the poor just enough crumbs to keep them dependent instead of offering them a way out of the Democrat Slave Plantation.

Jesus' call was voluntary, not mandatory or forced like you see in Socialism.
That is a call to Philanthropy, not Socialism whereby you Take someone else's resources and give them to freeloaders.

Have you sold all that you have and given it to Illegal Immigrants yet? If you did you would not be posting your lies on this forum every day.
You are wrong.
And this is the saddest kind of fake Christian. One who invents God in his own image out of concenience.

Let me ask you a question.
If you could ask Jesus

"Jesus, what should we do about all these desperate "illegal" refugees coming across our border?'

What do you HONESTLY think his answer would be?
Yanno, whenever Tree posts about what he thinks Jesus would do or say, it makes me think of Ghandi when he was asked about Christ.....................

"I like your Christ very much, but I do not care for your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ".
You are wrong.
And this is the saddest kind of fake Christian. One who invents God in his own image out of concenience.

Let me ask you a question.
If you could ask Jesus

"Jesus, what should we do about all these desperate "illegal" refugees coming across our border?'

What do you HONESTLY think his answer would be?
"Thou Shalt Force Thy Neighbor To Host Dinner For Thy Freeloading Friends and Tax the Ever Living Shit out of Them For It"
DemNazi Chronicles Book II Chapter 2 vs 3.
Yanno, whenever Tree posts about what he thinks Jesus would do or say, it makes me think of Ghandi when he was asked about Christ.....................

"I like your Christ very much, but I do not care for your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ".
Ghandi Once Said:

"Thou Shalt Giveth Thy Baby Mommas and Welfare Queens EBT cards, Welfare, Free Housing, and Designer Sneakers for Her Bastard Children so there will be Peace in The Hood."

"Thou Shalt Ignore The Law of The Land so that Thou Shalt allow Illegal Immigrants to Freeload off of Thy Social Safety Net so that Thy Democrats Shall increase Thy Voting Rolls, and there be One Party Rule across thy Lands. May you land them be overflowing with the Joys of Fentanyl, Heroin, Meth, Crack and Human Trafficking Forever."

Ghandi also said:

"A Nation should bankrupt itself so that it can help Bleeding Heart Liberals feel like they are doing good with other people's money. This is the path to peace so long as Democrats are in control of the unlimited Social Spending and in control of your money."
Yanno, whenever Tree posts about what he thinks Jesus would do or say, it makes me think of Ghandi when he was asked about Christ.....................

"I like your Christ very much, but I do not care for your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ".
You have to understand...those Russian trolls are just getting reminded about christianity again.

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