Profile white males at airports?

I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

Not white fool, there are whiter people in Afghanistan.
Many Arabs are whiter than these two.

Caucasian is only white to those who decided that is what it meant.
Read a history book.

So you are denying they were "white"? Wow.
His name alone should be enough to arouse suspicion.

A russian name should be flagged at airports? Ok then.

His name is Chechen, not Russian


the Caucasian wars:

In 1785, Russia and the eastern Georgian kingdom of Kartl-Kakheti (which was devastated by Turkish and Persian invasions) signed the Treaty of Georgievsk, according to which Kartl-Kakheti received protection from Russia. In order to secure communications with Georgia and other regions of the Transcaucasia, the Russian Empire began spreading its influence into the Caucasus mountains.

Chechnya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The picture given is not a picture of the man who came through the airport two years ago. That was this kid's 24 year old brother. Tamalan did not need profiling. He came with a warning from Russia already attached. Notwithstanding profiling he should never have gotten into the country.
Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


Why not...domestic terrorism by whites (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols) is no longer "uncommon".
Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


Why not...domestic terrorism by whites (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols) is no longer "uncommon".

You forgot bill ayers.
These two are not white though, are they?
Bill Ayers? A non-issue...and a pathetic attempt on your part to make him relevant today.

The terrorist suspect and his deceased brother are white Muslims, from the Caucasus region. How much more Caucasian can one get? Now deny that white Muslims do not exist.
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Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


Why not...domestic terrorism by whites (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols) is no longer "uncommon".

You forgot bill ayers.
These two are not white though, are they?

These two are not white?


Ok, if you wont admit that, then lets just go with profiling everyone who looks like them. :doubt:
Why not...domestic terrorism by whites (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols) is no longer "uncommon".

You forgot bill ayers.
These two are not white though, are they?
Bill Ayers? A non-issue...and a pathetic attempt on your part to make him relevant today.

The terrorist suspect and his deceased brother are white Muslims, from the Caucasus region. How much more Caucasian can one get? Now deny that white Muslims do not exist.


they are from the place where the name Caucasian came How much more in denial can they be? :doubt:
You forgot bill ayers.
These two are not white though, are they?
Bill Ayers? A non-issue...and a pathetic attempt on your part to make him relevant today.

The terrorist suspect and his deceased brother are white Muslims, from the Caucasus region. How much more Caucasian can one get? Now deny that white Muslims do not exist.
Caucasian is not white, it is Caucasian. From a specific region, the Caucasus mountain regions of the former Soviet Union.

I have met whiter Indians, Pakistanis , Arabs, afghans and Africans than these two.

If you had ever traveled more than 10 miles from the project where the crack whore raised you, you might get it.

If you ask nicely I will post some pictures of white.
You can point out the features they share with your Caucasians.

You remind me of the aryian nation retards who think aryians are white also.

Maps and books are available to them too, but like you, they prefer to follow ideology and dogma before fact.

LOL. I studied anthropology, thank you. No assistance or lecture required. LOL
caucasian is not white, it is caucasian. From a specific region, the caucasus mountain regions of the former soviet union.

I have met whiter indians, pakistanis , arabs, afghans and africans than these two.

If you had ever traveled more than 10 miles from the project where the crack whore raised you, you might get it.

If you ask nicely i will post some pictures of white.
You can point out the features they share with your caucasians.

You remind me of the aryian nation retards who think aryians are white also.

Maps and books are available to them too, but like you, they prefer to follow ideology and dogma before fact.

yea, whites=caucasian, caucasians=/=white
wrong, caucasian is from a region.
No physical features common to whites.

I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I know caucasians do you? I keep telling everyone that white comes in many shades.

But you racist bigots on the left only think of white as a nation. Fools.
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.
Yea, Whites=Caucasian, Caucasians=/=White
Wrong, Caucasian is from a region.
No physical features common to whites.
No you are wrong, Caucasian is the proper racial designation. Whites(basically Europeans) are are subset of Caucasians(Arabs, Persians and some Indians/Pakistanis are other examples of Caucasians who aren't White).

These guys being called "caucasians" is an informal ethnic designation primarily used by Russians to describe non-slavs, non-whites from the Caucuses. Yes, Caucasians(Racial Caucasians), originated out of this area, but over time those of Turkic lineage(Caucasian and Mongoloid background) moved into the area and left a genetic footprint on those in the area.

Oh I love you to death.....
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

You tell me why northern blacks hate the shit out of southern blacks?
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

What's white America you bigot? I'm whiter than an Italian. An Italian is a different white than a Tunisian. What is white to you? We are all different shades.

I am so sick of you "all whitey shit". We are different shades of white and different ethnic groups you fucking bigot.

You are the bigots. And you are disgusting.
No you are wrong, Caucasian is the proper racial designation. Whites(basically Europeans) are are subset of Caucasians(Arabs, Persians and some Indians/Pakistanis are other examples of Caucasians who aren't White).

These guys being called "caucasians" is an informal ethnic designation primarily used by Russians to describe non-slavs, non-whites from the Caucuses. Yes, Caucasians(Racial Caucasians), originated out of this area, but over time those of Turkic lineage(Caucasian and Mongoloid background) moved into the area and left a genetic footprint on those in the area.

Oh I love you to death.....
For all I know you are a man...

Oh cripes no....that makes it really funny. No I am very female.
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

Over it? Are you serious?

Poit has been Negged!
It's mad reasoning to suspect all white males. This would cause massive delays at US airports. Anyway, Chechens have favoured female suicide bombers during attacks in Russia. This time it was supposedly white males, next time it will be someone else. The minute white males are stopped at airports, someone from Afghanistan or Pakistan will slip through the net and cause chaos.

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