Profile white males at airports?

It's mad reasoning to suspect all white males. This would cause massive delays at US airports. Anyway, Chechens have favoured female suicide bombers during attacks in Russia. This time it was supposedly white males, next time it will be someone else. The minute white males are stopped at airports, someone from Afghanistan or Pakistan will slip through the net and cause chaos.

In the last four times I have taken commercial flights I, a White Middle aged Male who looks like a candidate for the "stereotypical White male club" have TWICE been searched and picked out for having my bags torn apart.

What's a Honkey like me to think?:eusa_eh:

That "bland" is obviously "suspicious".
Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


I'm for strip searching lawyers and politicians at the airport.

Check their financials while you're at it. Red flag all wire transfers and cash deposits.
Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


when have you EVER seen TSA pull anyone OTHER THAN a WHITE PERSON out of the line at airports? EVER? Cause I can tell you I've never seen it happen. NEVER.
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

provide a link and pictures,
George Zimmerman, in his own words:

“I think that honestly all of this could’ve been avoided if my parents would’ve given me a proper Hispanic/Latino name,” Zimmerman says to a family member on a jailhouse phone, according to transcripts released on Monday.

Zimmerman then says a name like “Jorge” rather than George, would have helped him out.

“But you have the most American name in the world,” the female tells him.

Then he adds sarcastically that his family “should’ve named me George Herbert Walker,” alluding to former president George H.W. Bush.

Zimmerman also takes issue with a media description of him as a “white Hispanic.”

“Honestly, they’re gonna give me a complex,” he says. “Every time I see my photo I say, ‘What’s a white Hispanic?’”

Wow. :cuckoo: All this because you cant deal with the fact that these two guys are white. Well, they are white muslims. I say, white people should be profiled at airports, just like brown muslims were after 9/11.

Even in Spain or Italy those two guys would not be described as "white" or ethnically native.

So if some liberals want to sell their anti-white male stuff, they should find smarter ways.
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

Clearly you're not, as anyone who reads your posts can see. The funniest part of this is that you don't see it, you truly believe your own tripe. :lmao: :lmao:
I am a white guy. I know for a fact I get profiled. So what ? I would bet every member here has been profiled at some point.
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I say profile all Muslims no matter what race.

I bet you will get your panties all twisted about that.


No documents demanded at the airport report what religion you belong to.
"...White terrorists are never called “white.” But other terrorists are given ethnic affiliations....Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies."

Which terrorists are profiled??

"Muslim" is not a race. And there is a huge difference between radical yihadist islamism and regular muslims.
George Zimmerman, in his own words:

“I think that honestly all of this could’ve been avoided if my parents would’ve given me a proper Hispanic/Latino name,” Zimmerman says to a family member on a jailhouse phone, according to transcripts released on Monday.

Zimmerman then says a name like “Jorge” rather than George, would have helped him out.

“But you have the most American name in the world,” the female tells him.

Then he adds sarcastically that his family “should’ve named me George Herbert Walker,” alluding to former president George H.W. Bush.

Zimmerman also takes issue with a media description of him as a “white Hispanic.”

“Honestly, they’re gonna give me a complex,” he says. “Every time I see my photo I say, ‘What’s a white Hispanic?’”

Wow. :cuckoo: All this because you cant deal with the fact that these two guys are white. Well, they are white muslims. I say, white people should be profiled at airports, just like brown muslims were after 9/11.

Even in Spain or Italy those two guys would not be described as "white" or ethnically native.

So if some liberals want to sell their anti-white male stuff, they should find smarter ways.

You're too funny. You're asking a bunch of idiots to find smarter ways? LOL...if they had any smarts they wouldn't be swimming around in the liberal cesspool in the first place.

I'd imagine whites are profiled all the time anyway. The profilers see they're white and then zero in on any non-whites around them.
Are liberals finally admitting the Tsarnaev brothers are white? They've been black long enough.
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I'm a white male and I'm all for racial profiling. It's just common sense. Whoops, there goes the point you were making. lol
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I'm a white male and I'm all for racial profiling. It's just common sense. Whoops, there goes the point you were making. lol

BodeyZona has NEVER had even so much as a the hint of a whisper of a glimmer of a shadow of a hope of having any common sense . . . or any sense at all.
George Zimmerman, in his own words:

“I think that honestly all of this could’ve been avoided if my parents would’ve given me a proper Hispanic/Latino name,” Zimmerman says to a family member on a jailhouse phone, according to transcripts released on Monday.

Zimmerman then says a name like “Jorge” rather than George, would have helped him out.

“But you have the most American name in the world,” the female tells him.

Then he adds sarcastically that his family “should’ve named me George Herbert Walker,” alluding to former president George H.W. Bush.

Zimmerman also takes issue with a media description of him as a “white Hispanic.”

“Honestly, they’re gonna give me a complex,” he says. “Every time I see my photo I say, ‘What’s a white Hispanic?’”

Wow. :cuckoo: All this because you cant deal with the fact that these two guys are white. Well, they are white muslims. I say, white people should be profiled at airports, just like brown muslims were after 9/11.

Even in Spain or Italy those two guys would not be described as "white" or ethnically native.

So if some liberals want to sell their anti-white male stuff, they should find smarter ways.

What??? Zimmerman is half-Peruvian, and half German or German Jew. Jews have long insisted on being perceived as "white", and for the most part it has become the "general consensus", despite the reality. Funny, but the dead brother married a white American, with no ruckus. Clearly, the family are "white Muslims"....the same kind that Malcolm X found on his sojourn to Mecca, where it changed his anti-white mindset, and made him a liability to the Nation of Islam, in America. He was assassinated for his changed rhetoric.

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