Profile white males at airports?

I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I'm a middle aged White man.

I've been stopped, questioned and my bag torn apart at an airport.

Was I profiled?
Seeing as how this is a pic of the bomber, should we now be suspicious of white males at airports?


go ahead and profile me.

I have nothing to hide
Americans have fucked up views on race, especially black americans. Only in America, would these guys be consider White, lol.

As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

Most whites don't give a shit.
Exept the self loathing liberals who obsess about the racism of others whilst they reside in all white burbs, terrified that their kids might make black friends at college!
Blacks piss and whine constantly about slavery.
No black today suffered slavery, stfu on that one.

You have equality, if you can't make it in America, it's on you, not the big bad white bogey man.

And you're a dimwit. Obviously, many whites do give a shit about race. From Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman's directive to forbid any of their California real estate properties from being rented, leased or bought by blacks, Hispanics or Jews, in fact, to George H.W. Bush's "Willie Horton ad", all the way to the "tar and feathering" of Barack Obama during the campaign of '08 and after his capturing the presidency , whites have made an issue of "race", yes they have.
Self-loathing liberals? Explain that.
Many whites, not only white liberals, participated in "white flight" (to the suburbs), and I'm reminded of when Muhammad Ali came looking for a home to buy in Houston's exclusive "River Oaks", and was rebuffed (See posts in thread: River Oaks Dirty Secret? - General Houston Discussions - HAIF - Houston's Leading News Forum).
And please. I was one of the blacks, a member of the prominent Cullen family brought home from college (U of H), "to dinner"....frequently.
And, sorry, you can't dismiss slavery, which factors in to what is going on today, in the way of discrimination, demonization and voter suppression. And you could always try to make me STFU., not sure if that will work out in your favor, though.
And we have the semblance of equality, and certainly not parity. It's not about "making it in America"'s about dispelling unfair advantages held by whites, solely on the basis of skin color.
most whites don't give a shit.
Exept the self loathing liberals who obsess about the racism of others whilst they reside in all white burbs, terrified that their kids might make black friends at college!
Blacks piss and whine constantly about slavery.
No black today suffered slavery, stfu on that one.

You have equality, if you can't make it in america, it's on you, not the big bad white bogey man.

and you're a dimwit. Obviously, many whites do give a shit about race. From ronald reagan and his first wife, jane wyman's directive to forbid any of their california real estate properties from being rented, leased or bought by blacks, hispanics or jews, in fact, to george h.w. Bush's "willie horton ad", all the way to the "tar and feathering" of barack obama during the campaign of '08 and after his capturing the presidency , whites have made an issue of "race", yes they have.
Self-loathing liberals? Explain that.
Many whites, not only white liberals, participated in "white flight" (to the suburbs), and i'm reminded of when muhammad ali came looking for a home to buy in houston's exclusive "river oaks", and was rebuffed (see posts in thread: river oaks dirty secret? - general houston discussions - haif - houston's leading news forum).
And please. I was one of the blacks, a member of the prominent cullen family brought home from college (u of h), "to dinner"....frequently.
And, sorry, you can't dismiss slavery, which factors in to what is going on today, in the way of discrimination, demonization and voter suppression. And you could always try to make me stfu., not sure if that will work out in your favor, though.
And we have the semblance of equality, and certainly not parity. It's not about "making it in america"'s about dispelling unfair advantages held by whites, solely on the basis of skin color.
you feel you are the victim of something that happened a centuary before your birth?
Fucking retard.
You whine and moan and accuse because you are too stupid , lazy or irresponsible to do what is needed to enjoy life.
It's your problem, not mine.

African immigrants seem very successful in the usa.
Do white immigrants have well established familial privilege established over decades?
Or do they arrive here, get off their arses and make a fucking go of it?

Failure in the usa is caused by stupidity and laziness, not because of white privelige.
Dozy twat!

you feel you are the victim of something that happened a centuary before your birth?
Fucking retard.
You whine and moan and accuse because you are too stupid , lazy or irresponsible to do what is needed to enjoy life.
It's your problem, not mine.

African immigrants seem very successful in the usa.
Do white immigrants have well established familial privilege established over decades?
Or do they arrive here, get off their arses and make a fucking go of it?

Failure in the usa is caused by stupidity and laziness, not because of white privelige.
Dozy twat!


Can't argue with your accurate points, oh hang on, there are non.


Really? LOLOL
Don't they already profile white males? They just have to be three years old or less, or in a wheel chair.
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I say profile all Muslims no matter what race.

I bet you will get your panties all twisted about that.
As would George Zimmerman. But you're wrong. Black Americans are clear about race...we've had practice, over the years. And we're actually over it. It's white America that is still "tripping" on race.

Most whites don't give a shit.
Exept the self loathing liberals who obsess about the racism of others whilst they reside in all white burbs, terrified that their kids might make black friends at college!
Blacks piss and whine constantly about slavery.
No black today suffered slavery, stfu on that one.

You have equality, if you can't make it in America, it's on you, not the big bad white bogey man.

And you're a dimwit. Obviously, many whites do give a shit about race. From Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman's directive to forbid any of their California real estate properties from being rented, leased or bought by blacks, Hispanics or Jews, in fact, to George H.W. Bush's "Willie Horton ad", all the way to the "tar and feathering" of Barack Obama during the campaign of '08 and after his capturing the presidency , whites have made an issue of "race", yes they have.
Self-loathing liberals? Explain that.
Many whites, not only white liberals, participated in "white flight" (to the suburbs), and I'm reminded of when Muhammad Ali came looking for a home to buy in Houston's exclusive "River Oaks", and was rebuffed (See posts in thread: River Oaks Dirty Secret? - General Houston Discussions - HAIF - Houston's Leading News Forum).
And please. I was one of the blacks, a member of the prominent Cullen family brought home from college (U of H), "to dinner"....frequently.
And, sorry, you can't dismiss slavery, which factors in to what is going on today, in the way of discrimination, demonization and voter suppression. And you could always try to make me STFU., not sure if that will work out in your favor, though.
And we have the semblance of equality, and certainly not parity. It's not about "making it in America"'s about dispelling unfair advantages held by whites, solely on the basis of skin color.

What unfair advantages? We have to score substantially higher on entrance exams for college, we have to be substantially more qualified to land a government job, we have to hold our tongues when harangued by mobs of black youths.
The only advantage whites have received in the last 50 years is that we no longer have to sit in the front of the bus.

and you're a dimwit. Obviously, many whites do give a shit about race. From ronald reagan and his first wife, jane wyman's directive to forbid any of their california real estate properties from being rented, leased or bought by blacks, hispanics or jews, in fact, to george h.w. Bush's "willie horton ad", all the way to the "tar and feathering" of barack obama during the campaign of '08 and after his capturing the presidency , whites have made an issue of "race", yes they have.
Self-loathing liberals? Explain that.
Many whites, not only white liberals, participated in "white flight" (to the suburbs), and i'm reminded of when muhammad ali came looking for a home to buy in houston's exclusive "river oaks", and was rebuffed (see posts in thread: river oaks dirty secret? - general houston discussions - haif - houston's leading news forum).
And please. I was one of the blacks, a member of the prominent cullen family brought home from college (u of h), "to dinner"....frequently.
And, sorry, you can't dismiss slavery, which factors in to what is going on today, in the way of discrimination, demonization and voter suppression. And you could always try to make me stfu., not sure if that will work out in your favor, though.
And we have the semblance of equality, and certainly not parity. It's not about "making it in america"'s about dispelling unfair advantages held by whites, solely on the basis of skin color.
you feel you are the victim of something that happened a centuary before your birth?
Fucking retard.
You whine and moan and accuse because you are too stupid , lazy or irresponsible to do what is needed to enjoy life.
It's your problem, not mine.

African immigrants seem very successful in the usa.
Do white immigrants have well established familial privilege established over decades?
Or do they arrive here, get off their arses and make a fucking go of it?

Failure in the usa is caused by stupidity and laziness, not because of white privelige.
Dozy twat!


[ame=]You can't handle the truth! (Jack Nicholson) - YouTube[/ame]
Bill Ayers? A non-issue...and a pathetic attempt on your part to make him relevant today.

The terrorist suspect and his deceased brother are white Muslims, from the Caucasus region. How much more Caucasian can one get? Now deny that white Muslims do not exist.

They exist, but they aren't White Muslims. They aren't European. Bosnian and Albanians are examples of White Muslims.
White ish Moslems , not as white as 30% of afghans.

Mohammed was probably whiter, his father was white, real white, not Caucasian.

Wow. :cuckoo: All this because you cant deal with the fact that these two guys are white. Well, they are white muslims. I say, white people should be profiled at airports, just like brown muslims were after 9/11.

Start looking at churches closer since they look as mosques? Hmmmm?
I mean, they couldn't get any whiter. Did you know they were originally from a place called Caucasia?

How many stories have we heard about how brown people were profiled at airports and other places after 9/11.

This was done by two white guys. Why no profiling? Should we judge all Caucasians because of these two?

I say profile all Muslims no matter what race.

I bet you will get your panties all twisted about that.

Not at all. You see, I am used to being profiled, you are the one who has to get used to the thought of it.

Profile whites at airports since you really cant tell which whites are muslims or not. This is fun.
It's mad reasoning to suspect all white males. This would cause massive delays at US airports. Anyway, Chechens have favoured female suicide bombers during attacks in Russia. This time it was supposedly white males, next time it will be someone else. The minute white males are stopped at airports, someone from Afghanistan or Pakistan will slip through the net and cause chaos.

In the last four times I have taken commercial flights I, a White Middle aged Male who looks like a candidate for the "stereotypical White male club" have TWICE been searched and picked out for having my bags torn apart.

What's a Honkey like me to think?:eusa_eh:

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