Progressive crazy Cali...

View attachment 270410

San Francisco… Yesterday

Coming to the urban area near you... lol
Another post about California lol.... millionth one I've seen.

Here is my explanation to haters again:

1. Those homeles are mostly Americans from all over the US.
2. They come to generous California.
3. They didnt find a handing help in red areas.
4. Most cant survive in flyover states (bad weather, selfish Christians)
5. I'm yet to meet someone born and raised in California.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Fair share? I can tell you what it isn't.

Doesn’t the top 20% pay 87% of all taxes?
FEELZ, emotion and ignorance aside...that’s not a “fair share”?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

Do the top 20% suffer from a lack of money? Do they hurt when public transportation, the supermarket, or day care for their kids raise their prices?

Defaulting to FEELZ and moving the goalposts huh?
There you go...dismissing simple logic and injecting’s what you do.
Only in that fucked up, twisted, backwards world of LibTardia does it make sense to FORCE good, responsible, productive people to pay for the mistakes and poor decision making of lowlife degenerates. There is no way in hell that anybody sane can think we should have tax code that forces good people to pay / reward Guadalupe for giving birth to more of her filthy same.

You post here ^^^ does not respond to my response to the question about a "fair share".

How do you define, "good people"?

Which people are the good ones' and the bad ones' in this corporation's clusterfuck?

Equifax's CEO Who Oversaw Its Huge Data Breach Is Retiring With a $90 Million Pay Day

You may know that the federal income tax benefits CEO's and other high earners under the Ryan Bill than the middle class and working poor - by design.

You may even know that Right to Work is a euphemism for Union Busting?

BTW, I'm in the top 20%, adding in my property holdings I'm probably closer to the top 15%.
Another post about California lol.... millionth one I've seen.

Here is my explanation to haters again:

1. Those homeles are mostly Americans from all over the US.
2. They come to generous California.
3. They didnt find a handing help in red areas.
4. Most cant survive in flyover states (bad weather, selfish Christians)
5. I'm yet to meet someone born and raised in California.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
It's been the directive from Fox News for awhile now. They have a story on California every day. None of them accurate but that's not the purpose.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
except a few of us here have experienced the legitimate complaints that many here are talking about...we know better...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
It's been the directive from Fox News for awhile now. They have a story on California every day. None of them accurate but that's not the purpose.
none of them are accurate? sure you want to say that?..
Crazy GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America you mean. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.... How about a reasonable low income housing policy and a reasonable mental health system? Can't blame them for going where the weather is nice and the people are not right wing brainwashed assholes who blame the poor...
/——/ So why are Blue States like NY suing to stop the rich from paying their fair share?
Some unfair corrupt un American GOP tax rates No doubt, brainwashed functional moron.
/——-/ A libtard moonbat like you complains that taxes are unfair to the rich? Gov Cuomo agrees and sues to stop the rich from paying their fair share. Funny stuff.
New York sues federal government over tax law
You're not supposed to design your tax policy to punish the other party, brainwashed functional moron.
/——/ I live in a Blue State and it affects me, and I’m a Republican who approves. I love the libtards having a conniption fit over paying more taxes. Now the pressure is on for them to lower our property taxes. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
We're not so keen on a chunk of our taxes going to prop up no-load Red states....that's true.
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
except a few of us here have experienced the legitimate complaints that many here are talking about...we know better...

And you know the Pols in power today work to correct the issues which face us in California; blaming Democrats is their game, and you know that much of the problems commenced with the end of the Bracero Program and Reagan's governance which handcuffed common sense solutions, both pragmatic and empathetic.
I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?
I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Fair share? I can tell you what it isn't.

Doesn’t the top 20% pay 87% of all taxes?
FEELZ, emotion and ignorance aside...that’s not a “fair share”?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

Do the top 20% suffer from a lack of money? Do they hurt when public transportation, the supermarket, or day care for their kids raise their prices?

Defaulting to FEELZ and moving the goalposts huh?
There you go...dismissing simple logic and injecting’s what you do.
Only in that fucked up, twisted, backwards world of LibTardia does it make sense to FORCE good, responsible, productive people to pay for the mistakes and poor decision making of lowlife degenerates. There is no way in hell that anybody sane can think we should have tax code that forces good people to pay / reward Guadalupe for giving birth to more of her filthy same.

You post here ^^^ does not respond to my response to the question about a "fair share".

How do you define, "good people"?

Which people are the good ones' and the bad ones' in this corporation's clusterfuck?

Equifax's CEO Who Oversaw Its Huge Data Breach Is Retiring With a $90 Million Pay Day

You may know that the federal income tax benefits CEO's and other high earners under the Ryan Bill than the middle class and working poor - by design.

You may even know that Right to Work is a euphemism for Union Busting?

BTW, I'm in the top 20%, adding in my property holdings I'm probably closer to the top 15%.

I have already responded to your nonsense about “fair share”...I showed you the top 20% pay 87% of collected tax revenues.
I call bullshit on you being a top 20%’er....Nobody successful advocates to pay more to the treasury...nobody successful wants to pay Guadalupe more for her litters.
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
except a few of us here have experienced the legitimate complaints that many here are talking about...we know better...

And you know the Pols in power today work to correct the issues which face us in California; blaming Democrats is their game, and you know that much of the problems commenced with the end of the Bracero Program and Reagan's governance which handcuffed common sense and humanity solutions.
do they Wry?....i beg to differ...i have seen good many good intentioned programs to help people turn into out of control programs with many people taking advantage of them,and when someone tries to reign them in,that person gets called a racist by the activists and so they shut up,and so the program just goes on eats up tax one wants to endure the racial bullshit....i have seen it happen in Santa Ana,Stanton,Anaheim,Garden Grove,Buena Park, 50 years the list goes on....
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
Crazy Cali is an easy target, Like I said political correctness makes people fucking retarded
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

I here this a lot. But rarely hear what the fair share is. Care to be specific. Exactly how much is their fair share?

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Fair share? I can tell you what it isn't.

Doesn’t the top 20% pay 87% of all taxes?
FEELZ, emotion and ignorance aside...that’s not a “fair share”?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
So all taxes are income taxes? and there you see your brainwash....
Another post about California lol.... millionth one I've seen.

Here is my explanation to haters again:

1. Those homeles are mostly Americans from all over the US.
2. They come to generous California.
3. They didnt find a handing help in red areas.
4. Most cant survive in flyover states (bad weather, selfish Christians)
5. I'm yet to meet someone born and raised in California.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...
Of course it has nothing to do with the national GOP policies we've been living with the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and screw everyone else.... The population has doubled since you moved there at least...
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Fair share? I can tell you what it isn't.

Doesn’t the top 20% pay 87% of all taxes?
FEELZ, emotion and ignorance aside...that’s not a “fair share”?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

Do the top 20% suffer from a lack of money? Do they hurt when public transportation, the supermarket, or day care for their kids raise their prices?

Defaulting to FEELZ and moving the goalposts huh?
There you go...dismissing simple logic and injecting’s what you do.
Only in that fucked up, twisted, backwards world of LibTardia does it make sense to FORCE good, responsible, productive people to pay for the mistakes and poor decision making of lowlife degenerates. There is no way in hell that anybody sane can think we should have tax code that forces good people to pay / reward Guadalupe for giving birth to more of her filthy same.

You post here ^^^ does not respond to my response to the question about a "fair share".

How do you define, "good people"?

Which people are the good ones' and the bad ones' in this corporation's clusterfuck?

Equifax's CEO Who Oversaw Its Huge Data Breach Is Retiring With a $90 Million Pay Day

You may know that the federal income tax benefits CEO's and other high earners under the Ryan Bill than the middle class and working poor - by design.

You may even know that Right to Work is a euphemism for Union Busting?

BTW, I'm in the top 20%, adding in my property holdings I'm probably closer to the top 15%.

I have already responded to your nonsense about “fair share”...I showed you the top 20% pay 87% of collected tax revenues.
I call bullshit on you being a top 20%’er....Nobody successful advocates to pay more to the treasury...nobody successful wants to pay Guadalupe more for her litters.
87% of federal income taxes, brainwashed functional moron, not all taxes. If you count all taxes we have a flat tax system. Rich Democrats advocate themselves paying more to the treasury, brainwashed functional moron. Because they know we need more investment in our people and our infrastructure in order to have a healthy middle class and working class, unlike the slow ruin of them we have had the last 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee read something for crying out loud. Start with googling the only tax graph you need to know.
Trump country!
no its called if you aint rich and live along the wealthy coast we dont give a fuck about you...
No it's called you sold your souls (and water) out to the rich corporate agro conglomerates by voting for the party of rich corporate interests for all these years. I've never been sure why you did that, and why you continue to do that.
i did it?...sorry i dont live up there....
Oh, sorry, thought you knew what you were talking about.
i do....i was a resident of the state while this shit was going on...whats your credentials?...
I am still a resident of this state and I've educated myself about it's history. Especially the issues in the Central Valley. I've watched it change over the years. Not for the better. But it's still red as ever. I expect it will get much worse.
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...

Picking on California is the most recent game played by the ignorant, the envious and (sadly) the stupidest members of the USMB.
It's been the directive from Fox News for awhile now. They have a story on California every day. None of them accurate but that's not the purpose.
none of them are accurate? sure you want to say that?..
Eh, I'll give you that one. An exaggeration for sure. The whole picture they paint is not accurate.

We have issues for sure. It's how we respond to them that makes us different from the red states.
if California is so generous why is there so many living in tents on the sidewalks?....and if you have never met anyone born in California then you dont get out much...
Read what said again. Those homeless are Americans from different places including California. They weren't all the product of it ?
you said California is generous...if so why are those people living in tents on the street?.........what are they getting from the state that makes it so generous? you get that?...
Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of socialism....
issa has a California flag sticking out of his ass...when asses like him started moving in with their holier than thou attitude, thats when the quality of life started going downhill....California used to take care of everyone in the State,now its just those living in the "nicer" areas...
Of course it has nothing to do with the national GOP policies we've been living with the last 35 years. Give away to the rich and screw everyone else.... The population has doubled since you moved there at least...
Give away to the rich and screw everyone else
sounds like California...only its take care of the rich and everyone else...oh well....

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