Progressive Government Kills Capitalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The Great Northern transcontinental railroad is the story of capitalism.
Unlike the Union Pacific and Central Pacific transcontinentals, it was built with private funds, and without government subsidies.

Along came the Progressive movement, the hatred of success, and government screwed down the nations biggest business with red tape and regulation.

It is an interesting cautionary tale that should be taught to every school child....a prediction as to the fate of America.

1. The Great Northern was built by James J. Hill, the 'Empire Builder,' without the generous land grants given to other transcontinental railroads. Hill, a one-eyed Canadian, was a true railroad man "having 20 years of frontier freighting, merchandising, and transportation experience."
John Stover, "American Railroads," p. 76.

a. He began by taking over the bankrupt St. Paul & Pacific, March 13, 1878, building in fits and starts, recycling profits from completed sections to pay for the next stretch. As he progressed westward, he would throw out branches where he could see easy potential profits.

b. Unlike those of his rivals, the financing of his railroad was generated by it transportation activity rather than through land deals. The very symbol of capitalism, it was built with private money, not government subsidies...i.e., mercantilism.

c. The transcontinentals essentially stole Indian land.
Hill actually purchased the right of was for cash, and gave jobs to Indians.

2. The Great Northern Railway (reporting mark GN), running from Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Seattle, Washington—more than 1,700 miles (2,736 km)—was the creation of the 19th century railroad tycoon James J. Hill and was developed from the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad. The Great Northern's route was the northernmost transcontinental railroad route in the United States. It was completed on January 6, 1893, at Scenic, Washington.

a. At completion it was so profitable, it allowed Hill to take over the rival Northern Pacific.

b. "He had the satisfaction of being able to watch all the other transcontinentals to collapse into bankruptcy during the financial panic of 1893, while his railroad continued to flourish." Wolmar, "The Great Railroad Revolution," p.178.

c. "Between 1891 and 1907, the year Hill retired from its presidency, the Great Northern built an average of one new mile of road for every working day."
Stover, Op. Cit, p. 79.

3. A study of Hill's success will show his butting up against the Progressive movement. Railroads were the biggest business in the country, and the big government wave instituted more and more regulations. It did not go unnoticed that he kept his railroad afloat by cutting salaries several time. But the fact that other rivals went bankrupt provided unions with very little leverage.

a. When Hill tried to raise funds to modernize, Progressives showed their hostility toward giant corporations by forbidding the increase in ticket prices and rate increases.
Wolmar, Op. Cit., p. 272.
Mark this when you are told that America is a capitalist economy.

b. They had to face the usual business-government problems of raising costs and fixed rates. Just when increased profits would have allowed railroads to face the new competition of automobiles, they were give the coup de grace by government.

4. " Hill is considered to have inspired (in broad outline, though not in specific details) the character Nathaniel Taggart in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged." James J. Hill - The Full Wiki

5. [ame=]History of the Great Northern Railroad - YouTube[/ame]
The same attack on capitalism goes on today....

" The fight between AppleAAPL -0.88% and the Department of Justice has been a story of overreaching. Rather than join publishers in settling with the government over accusations it conspired to fix the prices of e-books, Apple decided to fight in court. Of course,the company lost and as a result the government gets to weigh in on punishment for Apple. This time the Department of Justice is doing the overreaching. It recommended Judge Denise Cote not only stop Apple from engaging in the offending behavior that started this mess, but also that the government get to dictate how Apple runs its App Store and iTunes store for years to come." E-Book Case Reminds Apple Its Biggest Enemy Isn't Samsung Or Google - Forbes

Government regulation is often a form of legalized extortion. For example, federal regulators routinely show up at corporate headquarters and accuse a corporation of being out of compliance with regulations that no human could possibly be in compliance with. Regulatory Extortion : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
Progressive policies take away incentive. in an entitlement society there is no incentive to be a worker. what killed jobs wasn't outsourcing. outsourcing was a solution to a number of problems. no one wants to be a laborer anymore. when you add up welfare, food stamps, free medical, free incentives like phones, free minutes, gas cards, housing, education allowance, utility allowance, it doesn't pay to work. you can get more for doing nothing. also many of the labor jobs became skilled and no one wanted to train for them. nations like Germany, japan, now china have the skilled labor. unions drove unskilled labor wages well above the competitive market. Successful societies need a functioning labor pool. Progressive policies stifle labor

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.
Progressive policies take away incentive. in an entitlement society there is no incentive to be a worker. what killed jobs wasn't outsourcing. outsourcing was a solution to a number of problems. no one wants to be a laborer anymore. when you add up welfare, food stamps, free medical, free incentives like phones, free minutes, gas cards, housing, education allowance, utility allowance, it doesn't pay to work. you can get more for doing nothing. also many of the labor jobs became skilled and no one wanted to train for them. nations like Germany, japan, now china have the skilled labor. unions drove unskilled labor wages well above the competitive market. Successful societies need a functioning labor pool. Progressive policies stifle labor

As a capitalist, you should understand that the best motivation is ALWAYS MONEY, right? So, pay the fucking workers. Maybe you can eliminate unemployment that way.

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.

There is no capitalism here. That's Corporatism you're confusing. Capitalism requires a semblance of free markets in order to function. There is nothing free at all about US markets. They are all controlled directly through monetary policies. Not to mention regualtion, favoritism, collusion, etc....

Get your terms nailed down, kid.

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.

There is no capitalism here. That's Corporatism you're confusing. Capitalism requires a semblance of free markets in order to function. There is nothing free at all about US markets. They are all controlled directly through monetary policies. Not to mention regualtion, favoritism, collusion, etc....

Get your terms nailed down, kid.

Capitalism actually abhors free markets. Free markets reduce potential profits--and profit is the ONLY MOTIVE of capitalists. Capitalists are more than happy to design a political system and national economy to suit their needs. In America, they own the politicians, write the laws, determine regulation, and manipulate the tax laws.

It's ALL capitalism. Nothing else. Without regulation, eventually capitalism will result in one company (or individual) owning everything by leveraging accumulated wealth.

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.

There is no capitalism here. That's Corporatism you're confusing. Capitalism requires a semblance of free markets in order to function. There is nothing free at all about US markets. They are all controlled directly through monetary policies. Not to mention regualtion, favoritism, collusion, etc....

Get your terms nailed down, kid.

Capitalism actually abhors free markets. Free markets reduce potential profits--and profit is the ONLY MOTIVE of capitalists. Capitalists are more than happy to design a political system and national economy to suit their needs. In America, they own the politicians, write the laws, determine regulation, and manipulate the tax laws.

It's ALL capitalism. Nothing else. Without regulation, eventually capitalism will result in one company (or individual) owning everything by leveraging accumulated wealth.
And, of course, if you actually understood what free markets entails, and what unfettered capitalism entails, you would see that those models are based on a near total lack of monopoly power. Not a favored concept among corporatists who would have you believe they are capitalists. So, are those pushing for capitalism also pushing to eliminate monopoly power??
Of course not. To them, capitalism entails no gov intervention. But to them, monopoly power is just fine. But of course, Adam Smith would disagree. And he would also be found to be wrong about monopoly power. He thought the free market would self regulate such that monopoly power would not be a big deal. Big error in thought.
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I believe Adam Smith recognized the need for regulation in order for capitalism to function.

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.

There is no capitalism here. That's Corporatism you're confusing. Capitalism requires a semblance of free markets in order to function. There is nothing free at all about US markets. They are all controlled directly through monetary policies. Not to mention regualtion, favoritism, collusion, etc....

Get your terms nailed down, kid.

Capitalism actually abhors free markets. Free markets reduce potential profits--and profit is the ONLY MOTIVE of capitalists. Capitalists are more than happy to design a political system and national economy to suit their needs. In America, they own the politicians, write the laws, determine regulation, and manipulate the tax laws.

It's ALL capitalism. Nothing else. Without regulation, eventually capitalism will result in one company (or individual) owning everything by leveraging accumulated wealth.

What a giant load of crap.

Here you go, son. Back the books for you:

Definition of CAPITALISM
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Corporatism abhors free markets. Corporatists rely on the favoritisms establsihed through governemnt collusion in markets. To kill off competition in order to monooplize an industry.

There is nothing BUT capitalism driving this country and its economy. You can explain every disease in the American economic fabric based upon capitalism. The so-called "liberal" faction that is allowed to exist in America only does so to provide the image of balance to the pervasive right wing domination.

Obama is virtually the same as Bush . . . who was the same as Clinton . . . who was the same as Bush I . . . etc., etc.

There is ONE POLITICAL/ECONOMIC SYSTEM in the U.S, and it's capital is Wall Street.

So.....this is your first day out of the 'nervous hospital'?
There is no capitalism here. That's Corporatism you're confusing. Capitalism requires a semblance of free markets in order to function. There is nothing free at all about US markets. They are all controlled directly through monetary policies. Not to mention regualtion, favoritism, collusion, etc....

Get your terms nailed down, kid.

Capitalism actually abhors free markets. Free markets reduce potential profits--and profit is the ONLY MOTIVE of capitalists. Capitalists are more than happy to design a political system and national economy to suit their needs. In America, they own the politicians, write the laws, determine regulation, and manipulate the tax laws.

It's ALL capitalism. Nothing else. Without regulation, eventually capitalism will result in one company (or individual) owning everything by leveraging accumulated wealth.

What a giant load of crap.

Here you go, son. Back the books for you:

Definition of CAPITALISM
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Corporatism abhors free markets. Corporatists rely on the favoritisms establsihed through governemnt collusion in markets. To kill off competition in order to monooplize an industry.

Free markets do not and never will exist. Never have. They are a requisite of Libertarianism. And largely the reason why there never has been and never will be a successful libertarian economy. Here is a good definition:
"Just like supply-side economics, free market is a term used to describe a political or ideological viewpoint on policy and is not a field within economics."
Free Market Definition | Investopedia

Contrary to the view of many on the right, the market system has never existed. If it did, they would not like it even a little. Which also helps explain why there is no Libertarian economy in the world.

So, Capitalism is largely in the same boat. At least pure competition, which is generally defined in the same way as the free market. So, your definition:
"Definition of CAPITALISM: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market "

The problem areas are: 1. Competition - Corporations hate competition, and much prefer as much monopoly power as they can accumulate. And obviously, monopoly power reduces competition. And because competition is quite limited, both by corporations who pay politicians and politicians who take bribes from corporations. 2. Free markets - they have never existed and never will.
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Of course Progressive Government kills Capitalism, that's the whole idea of it.

Bring down the system by overloading it and causing it to collapse. Then bring in Collectivism/Socialism/Communism style Government with the Elite Bankers on top of it all.

The best part is that you get American Taxpayers to pay for their own country's demise! It's the prefect plan!
Of course Progressive Government kills Capitalism, that's the whole idea of it.

Bring down the system by overloading it and causing it to collapse. Then bring in Collectivism/Socialism/Communism style Government with the Elite Bankers on top of it all.

The best part is that you get American Taxpayers to pay for their own country's demise! It's the prefect plan!
Wow. That has happened a lot during our history in this country, right?? Did I miss something, or are you just making it up???
Of course you are.
Of course Progressive Government kills Capitalism, that's the whole idea of it.

Bring down the system by overloading it and causing it to collapse. Then bring in Collectivism/Socialism/Communism style Government with the Elite Bankers on top of it all.

The best part is that you get American Taxpayers to pay for their own country's demise! It's the prefect plan!
Wow. That has happened a lot during our history in this country, right?? Did I miss something, or are you just making it up???
Of course you are.
It's happening right under your nose right now, you stupid fucking fifth columnist trash.
Of course Progressive Government kills Capitalism, that's the whole idea of it.

Bring down the system by overloading it and causing it to collapse. Then bring in Collectivism/Socialism/Communism style Government with the Elite Bankers on top of it all.

The best part is that you get American Taxpayers to pay for their own country's demise! It's the prefect plan!
Wow. That has happened a lot during our history in this country, right?? Did I miss something, or are you just making it up???
Of course you are.
It's happening right under your nose right now, you stupid fucking fifth columnist trash.
It's ok, Odd. You are simply a congenital idiot. Which is a mental and medical problem. It is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
The congenial (useful) idiots are closeted Marxist slimeballs like you.....The exact sort of knuckle-dragging barbarian essential to the Cloward/Piven stratagem.

Bravo 4 U. :thup:
The congenial (useful) idiots are closeted Marxist slimeballs like you.....The exact sort of knuckle-dragging barbarian essential to the Cloward/Piven stratagem.

Bravo 4 U. :thup:
Not just a congenital idiot. You are a delusional congenital idiot.
Capitalism actually abhors free markets. Free markets reduce potential profits--and profit is the ONLY MOTIVE of capitalists. Capitalists are more than happy to design a political system and national economy to suit their needs. In America, they own the politicians, write the laws, determine regulation, and manipulate the tax laws.

It's ALL capitalism. Nothing else. Without regulation, eventually capitalism will result in one company (or individual) owning everything by leveraging accumulated wealth.

What a giant load of crap.

Here you go, son. Back the books for you:

Definition of CAPITALISM
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Corporatism abhors free markets. Corporatists rely on the favoritisms establsihed through governemnt collusion in markets. To kill off competition in order to monooplize an industry.

Free markets do not and never will exist. Never have. They are a requisite of Libertarianism. And largely the reason why there never has been and never will be a successful libertarian economy. Here is a good definition:
"Just like supply-side economics, free market is a term used to describe a political or ideological viewpoint on policy and is not a field within economics."
Free Market Definition | Investopedia

Contrary to the view of many on the right, the market system has never existed. If it did, they would not like it even a little. Which also helps explain why there is no Libertarian economy in the world.

So, Capitalism is largely in the same boat. At least pure competition, which is generally defined in the same way as the free market. So, your definition:
"Definition of CAPITALISM: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market "

The problem areas are: 1. Competition - Corporations hate competition, and much prefer as much monopoly power as they can accumulate. And obviously, monopoly power reduces competition. And because competition is quite limited, both by corporations who pay politicians and politicians who take bribes from corporations. 2. Free markets - they have never existed and never will.


OK. sure thing, fella.
Republicans are always looking to the past when people were paid a dime a day. But when you start doing research, you always find out it wasn't the "land of milk and cookies" they imagined it to be.

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