Progressive Islamic forces must unite against destructive Islam


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Progressive Islam, represented by the peoples of Northern Afghanistan, Central Asia and others, cannot remain silent when the Islamic Axis of Evil is on the rampage.

Some Islamic preachers, especially Sufis, praised homosexuality and wars of conquest. As a result, villainous Islamic forces emerged, represented by the Taliban and Ba'ath. Representatives of these movements disgrace Islam, they are involved in homosexuality, pedophilia (Bacha Bazi), and aggressive Arab Nazism.

This must be stopped through the unification of progressive Islam with the assistance of the American Army.
It didn't happen after 9/11 why do you believe it will happen now? As soon as this occurred Saudi.Arabia and the U.N took the opportunity to condemn Israel. For daring to have their citizens slept! It is absurd and insulting. ALL good people on both sides need to demand peace and it needs to be demanded daily not just during these violent times.
It didn't happen after 9/11 why do you believe it will happen now? As soon as this occurred Saudi.Arabia and the U.N took the opportunity to condemn Israel. For daring to have their citizens slept! It is absurd and insulting. ALL good people on both sides need to demand peace and it needs to be demanded daily not just during these violent times.
After 9/11, America itself pacified the Axis of Islamic Evil - Bush Jr. destroyed the Baath regime in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom)

The Taliban were also under control at that time and they were not rampant in Northern Afghanistan.
It didn't happen after 9/11 why do you believe it will happen now? As soon as this occurred Saudi.Arabia and the U.N took the opportunity to condemn Israel. For daring to have their citizens slept! It is absurd and insulting. ALL good people on both sides need to demand peace and it needs to be demanded daily not just during these violent times.
this is what you get with a hard line right wing government in Israel. They were unfair to the Palestinians for years and the pressure just builds up until it explodes. Guys like Sharon and Netanyahu need to be voted out and people like Rabin and others who have been assassinated for crying out loud. They should try humanity again and democracy and stop just being hardliners....What a mess And the main reason Muslims hate us....
this is what you get with a hard line right wing government in Israel. They were unfair to the Palestinians for years and the pressure just builds up until it explodes. Guys like Sharon and Netanyahu need to be voted out and people like Rabin and others who have been assassinated for crying out loud. They should try humanity again and democracy and stop just being hardliners....What a mess And the main reason Muslims hate us....
I agree that hardliners are a problem everywhere, it isn't just one sided though.
Progressive Islam, represented by the peoples of Northern Afghanistan, Central Asia and others, cannot remain silent when the Islamic Axis of Evil is on the rampage.

Some Islamic preachers, especially Sufis, praised homosexuality and wars of conquest. As a result, villainous Islamic forces emerged, represented by the Taliban and Ba'ath. Representatives of these movements disgrace Islam, they are involved in homosexuality, pedophilia (Bacha Bazi), and aggressive Arab Nazism.

This must be stopped through the unification of progressive Islam with the assistance of the American Army.
LOL “progressive Islam”. Good luck.

The whole religion is based off a false prophet who was a pedophile and a murderer. His fake pagan god commands their followers to rape and sell women.

How you can think anything good can come from this Satanic inspired cult is beyond comprehension.
this is what you get with a hard line right wing government in Israel. They were unfair to the Palestinians for years and the pressure just builds up until it explodes. Guys like Sharon and Netanyahu need to be voted out and people like Rabin and others who have been assassinated for crying out loud. They should try humanity again and democracy and stop just being hardliners....What a mess And the main reason Muslims hate us....
Yea! Israel would be so much better off by tearing down its nice big wall. Allow all Muslim refugees. Give them citizenship. What could go wrong?

Diversity is strength right?

Let’s hear it, Frances.
LOL “progressive Islam”. Good luck.

The whole religion is based off a false prophet who was a pedophile and a murderer. His fake pagan god commands their followers to rape and sell women.

How you can think anything good can come from this Satanic inspired cult is beyond comprehension.
Firstly, the peoples who are now involved in the Islamic world are not native carriers of this religion; it was imposed on them during the Arab conquest.

It is not surprising that they abandoned the regressive tendencies in Islam, since their spirit did not accept regressive Islam.
Yea! Israel would be so much better off by tearing down its nice big wall. Allow all Muslim refugees. Give them citizenship. What could go wrong?

Diversity is strength right?

Let’s hear it, Frances.
Jews have sufficient genetic diversity. There are Spanish Jews, German Jews, Chinese Jews, Central Asian Jews, and Pashtuns also consider themselves Jews. In order to be a halakhic Jew, it is enough to have a relationship with Jewry through the female line; there can be no talk of “purity of blood”
And besides, Arabs are Semites
Jews have sufficient genetic diversity. There are Spanish Jews, German Jews, Chinese Jews, Central Asian Jews, and Pashtuns also consider themselves Jews. In order to be a halakhic Jew, it is enough to have a relationship with Jewry through the female line; there can be no talk of “purity of blood”
And besides, Arabs are Semites
LOL tell that to the fake Jews of today. They are the most racist people on the planet. Anyone who isn’t them, are goy, whose only purpose is to serve them. They believe their messiah will be a political leader and conquerer that will rule the world and everyone will serve Israel. Wake up. They are a Satanic cult just like Islam is.
Yea! Israel would be so much better off by tearing down its nice big wall. Allow all Muslim refugees. Give them citizenship. What could go wrong?

Diversity is strength right?

Let’s hear it, Frances.
2 state solution. The Palestinians need their own state and they need to be allowed to have an economy of their own for crying out loud.... Start a Holy Land theme park run by Norwegians or Hindus in Jerusalem.....
2 state solution. The Palestinians need their own state and they need to be allowed to have an economy of their own for crying out loud.... Start a Holy Land theme park run by Norwegians or Hindus in Jerusalem.....
Palestinians have REJECTED every two state solution. They simply won’t accept their defeat and will continue barbaric terrorist attacks.

You can’t reason with evil. This is why God commanded the destruction of evil tribes adjacent to Israel in the Old Testament. (Not that modern day “Israel” is the same thing).
Firstly, the peoples who are now involved in the Islamic world are not native carriers of this religion; it was imposed on them during the Arab conquest.

It is not surprising that they abandoned the regressive tendencies in Islam, since their spirit did not accept regressive Islam.
They are all really coming out of the Third World and really fundamental religions. Fundamentalism is a problem in every religion, including the GOP base LOL.... Investing in these 3rd world Islam countries would be a nice touch for Saudi Arabia and other oil rich Islam nations. They certainly have plenty of money.... Enough with the golfers and the skyscrapers and the Lamborghinis.....
LOL tell that to the fake Jews of today. They are the most racist people on the planet. Anyone who isn’t them, are goy, whose only purpose is to serve them. They believe their messiah will be a political leader and conquerer that will rule the world and everyone will serve Israel. Wake up. They are a Satanic cult just like Islam is.
Which fake Jews are you talking about from where? You seem to be a little pessimistic about fellow humans LOL. Many Republicans have just given up on everything but cutting taxes. Work it doesn't.....
Fundamentalism is a problem in every religion, including the GOP base LOL...
There is no religion in the real Republican Party. It is only pseudo-Republican Trumpism that preaches the anti-American Judeo-Christianity of the slave empires of Europe.
Palestinians have REJECTED every two state solution. They simply won’t accept their defeat and will continue barbaric terrorist attacks.

You can’t reason with evil. This is why God commanded the destruction of evil tribes adjacent to Israel in the Old Testament. (Not that modern day “Israel” is the same thing).
francoHFW (frances) claims this is fake news, but runs away like a coward.

Show us where Palestine agreed to a two state solution?
Which fake Jews are you talking about from where? You seem to be a little pessimistic about fellow humans LOL. Many Republicans have just given up on everything but cutting taxes. Work it doesn't.....
Any Rabbinic Jew.

They don’t follow Mosaic Law and reject scriptures from the Torah/Tanakh.

What the hell does tax rates have to do with this? Idiot.
There is no religion in the real Republican Party. It is only pseudo-Republican Trumpism that preaches the anti-American Judeo-Christianity of the slave empires of Europe.
How are they anti american? Religion should not even be part of politics, it should be a private thing.

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