Progressive Propaganda: The Academia Edition


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is as damaging as it gets for the left. It proves that left-wing academia has abandoned all intellectualism and instead is pushing pure propaganda for an agenda.
The 3,000-word paper was titled, “The Conceptual Penis As A Social Construct,” and was submitted, and published, to the “Cogent Social Sciences” academic journal in its May edition. Lindsay and Boghossian cited 20 sources in their paper, many of which they said they made up or never read.
But it gets much worse than that...
Indeed, according to the academics, the editors of the journal loved their conclusion that penises “are not best understood as the male sexual organ” but rather “social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations.”

In the end, the duo said their paper “was rooted in moral and political biases masquerading as rigorous academic theory. Working in a biased environment, we successfully sugarcoated utter nonsense with a combination of fashionable moral sentiments and impenetrable jargon.”
Fake academic paper published in liberal journal hilariously exposes the absurdity of gender studies
Spoken like a true religious fascist that hates freedom with all his little cold heart. Go live in the islamic state man. damn.
There is a one minute delay between the time my post was made and your response was typed up and submitted. That means you couldn't possibly have read my post and the article. Which also means you are speaking from a position of pure ignorance.

This indisputably proves that you're not interested in facts or the truth - but rather - that you are only interested in defending the left-wing ideology at all costs. You messed up on this one, snowflake.
I aint going back into no closet! No fucking way!
Well that explains a lot. It's impossible to be informed and educated when one locks themselves into a closet.

Now that you've decided to come out - would you please educate yourself?!?
This is as damaging as it gets for the left. It proves that left-wing academia has abandoned all intellectualism and instead is pushing pure propaganda for an agenda.
The 3,000-word paper was titled, “The Conceptual Penis As A Social Construct,” and was submitted, and published, to the “Cogent Social Sciences” academic journal in its May edition. Lindsay and Boghossian cited 20 sources in their paper, many of which they said they made up or never read.
But it gets much worse than that...
Indeed, according to the academics, the editors of the journal loved their conclusion that penises “are not best understood as the male sexual organ” but rather “social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations.”

In the end, the duo said their paper “was rooted in moral and political biases masquerading as rigorous academic theory. Working in a biased environment, we successfully sugarcoated utter nonsense with a combination of fashionable moral sentiments and impenetrable jargon.”
Fake academic paper published in liberal journal hilariously exposes the absurdity of gender studies

Piltdown Man - Wikipedia

There are always frauds in the human race looking to make a dollar or a name, or just get their sick jollies from harming other people. They are exposed in the end as the frauds they are and discarded. Just as this new one has been.

There are no perfect human systems but science is the one that continually monitors itself and deliberately and openly researches claims and either confirms or debunks them. Nothing new, as humans study the natural world they make mistakes, re-research the subject, make corrections and so on. Scientists are not afraid to do this because facts are always the end goal. "Oh boy someone did a little creative writing and passed themself off as legitimate." Forgers of paintings and other works of art do it all the time. Humanity is constantly having to deal with frauds.

The question then becomes why do these losers need attention, even negative attention, for their fraud and for disrupting talented and learned people from doing their jobs?

Misery, loves, company.
There are always frauds in the human race looking to make a dollar or a name, or just get their sick jollies from harming other people. They are exposed in the end as the frauds they are and discarded. Just as this new one has been.
Snowflake...your attempt to twist this damning story which exposes the fraud that is left-wing academia illustrates just what a miserable and hateful animal you are.

Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay were not "exposed". The intentionally engaged in an experiment to expose the corruption of left-wing academia - and they were successful. In the process, they have also exposed both you and matty as dishonest, disingenuous, partisan hacks who will do anything to hide the truth and facilitate propaganda for your ideology.

Freedom is all about accepting that some people will be different and won't accept your narrow view of the world. Get use to it!

I aint going back into no closet! No fucking way!

Damn right your not Matilda, especially mine. No way in hell are you going into my closet, smoking that wacky tobbaccy, and stinking up all my clothes-)
I'm sorry you're miserable.
Miserable? Snowflake - Barack Insane Obama is gone, the Republicans own the House, the Senate, and the White House, and President Trump is upholding the U.S. Constitution. I'm not sure I've ever been happier.

There is only one of us whining 24x7 on USMB snowflake, and it sure as hell isn't me.

Freedom is all about accepting that some people will be different and won't accept your narrow view of the world. Get use to it!

I aint going back into no closet! No fucking way!
None of which has anything to do with the post or the article. You saw gender studies, lined up your talking points and rode off in all directions only proving you really are the idiot everyone thinks you are.
I'm sorry you're miserable.
Miserable? Snowflake - Barack Insane Obama is gone, the Republicans own the House, the Senate, and the White House, and President Trump is upholding the U.S. Constitution. I'm not sure I've ever been happier.

There is only one of us whining 24x7 on USMB snowflake, and it sure as hell isn't me.

You have a whiner personality, it is who you are. Nobody pins their happiness on politics. But your propaganda makes it seem like that is all there is and you go along with it like sheep off a cliff. The herd mentality among conservative population around the world is the strongest. Conservatives really don't like to go it alone as the world is just too scary. This is also why the clinging to guns and law enforcement. The need for 'daddy' to 'pertect us'. Which is fine. But to pretend things like Faux News and conservative talk radio are not propaganda is to have no understanding of what propaganda is.

Be happy snowflake, but stop lying to yourself and others.
The herd mentality among conservative population around the world is the strongest. Conservatives really don't like to go it alone as the world is just too scary. This is also why the clinging to guns and law enforcement. The need for 'daddy' to 'pertect us'. Which is fine. But to pretend things like Faux News and conservative talk radio are not propaganda is to have no understanding of what propaganda is.
Dimwit here believes that if he can take the faults of the left-wing ideology which I have pointed out, steal my words, and apply them to the right, he can convince the world that it's actually the right which is inept, incapable, and immature. :eusa_doh:'s you progressives who insist that government place a gun to the head of society and force everyone to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction because you're too afraid to go it alone and too afraid of liberty. You think all of society will implode if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction.

We stand for the individual and liberty. You stand for the collective and communism. Enough said.
You have a whiner personality, it is who you are.
Says the boards resident whiner. :eusa_doh:

Snowflake - I've never seen anyone as shaken by facts and the truth as you are. You're so afraid of having of losing your government gravy train and having to support yourself. I can only tell you that you'll be a better man for it. I promise, a little work will not kill you.

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