Progressive Propaganda: The Voter Fraud Edition

I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
And that’s fair. But there is absolutely no harm in a thorough and transparent audit. At worst, you restore faith in our voting process. At best, you expose voter fraud and correct a horrible injustice.
Ask yourself why Democrats so vehemently oppose secure elections. The answer is not hard to figure out.

Ask yourself why Democrats so vehemently oppose secure elections. The answer is not hard to figure out.

The same reason Republicans oppose open elections. HINT: It has nothing (at all) to do with the "sanctity of the vote"

Despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth, Democrats didn't cheat by pulling off a nationwide vote fraud conspiracy. They "cheated" by using the pandemic as an excuse to change voting rules in ways that would favor their candidates. But it was legal "cheating" - much like gerrymandering.
Get used to seeing this:


It's over.

I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
And that’s fair. But there is absolutely no harm in a thorough and transparent audit. At worst, you restore faith in our voting process. At best, you expose voter fraud and correct a horrible injustice.
The Arizona clown car of a Fraudit doesn't do that.
The Democratic Party will never willingly give up the only leverage they have for winning elections. They won't loosen that death grip on voter fraud, it'll have to be pried from their cold dead hands (so to speak).

Again, where is the evidence the election was stolen? It's the single issue you have and blame without support.
Your Republican stacked SC couldn't find the evidence but an intellectual mountain like you still believe it.
Breathtaking. Unbelievable logic.
I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
And that’s fair. But there is absolutely no harm in a thorough and transparent audit. At worst, you restore faith in our voting process. At best, you expose voter fraud and correct a horrible injustice.
The Arizona clown car of a Fraudit doesn't do that.
We get it, Kitty. Like all on the left, you're terrified of the audit. We the People would be too if we routinely engaged in voter fraud.
Again, where is the evidence the election was stolen?
That's the battle-cry of every ignorant, uninformed leftist out there. But here's the thing - just because you refuse to educate yourself on the issue, doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exit. It just means you refuse to examine it. :dunno:
Your Republican stacked SC couldn't find the evidence but an intellectual mountain like you still believe it.
That's because there is no such as a "Republican-stacked" Supreme Court. When Republican's appoint a justice, they are people of the upmost moral character who put aside their personal views to strictly uphold the US Constitution as it is written.

Though I can see how you would find that confusing, since you're used to Democrats appointing radical political activists who are there strictly to advance the left-wing agenda at all costs, constitution be damned.
I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
And that’s fair. But there is absolutely no harm in a thorough and transparent audit. At worst, you restore faith in our voting process. At best, you expose voter fraud and correct a horrible injustice.
The Arizona clown car of a Fraudit doesn't do that.
We get it, Kitty. Like all on the left, you're terrified of the audit. We the People would be too if we routinely engaged in voter fraud.

What a load of crap. Youre still bitter and paranoid about republicans voting trump out. Get over it.
I see charges of election fraud by Republicans and voter suppression by Democrats as pretty much the same sort marketing ploy as the old, 'what so-and-so doesn't want you to know about such-and-such' hook to try and get me to pay attention to something-or-other. I treat it all as in one ear, out the other.
And that’s fair. But there is absolutely no harm in a thorough and transparent audit. At worst, you restore faith in our voting process. At best, you expose voter fraud and correct a horrible injustice.
The Arizona clown car of a Fraudit doesn't do that.
We get it, Kitty. Like all on the left, you're terrified of the audit. We the People would be too if we routinely engaged in voter fraud.
Not even a little bit...when it is an audit conducted by an accredited auditing agency...not an audit conducted by a Trump supporting QAnon believing "Cyber Ninja" (pow pow).

Let's say a Hillary supporter, funded by other Hillary supporters, got a hold of the 2016 Florida ballots and conducted a "forensic audit" with a magic machine they won't tell how it works and won't allow the press to watch. Would you accept the results of such an audit?
Youre still bitter and paranoid about republicans voting trump out. Get over it. think Republicans voted President Trump out? Bwahahaha!!! Talk about a "conspiracy theorist".

Snowflake, he got over 72 million votes. The most in US history. Substantially more than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama ever got.
Let's say a Hillary supporter, funded by other Hillary supporters, got a hold of the 2016 Florida ballots and conducted a "forensic audit" with a magic machine they won't tell how it works and won't allow the press to watch. Would you accept the results of such an audit? you mean exactly how the Dumbocrats counted votes in the 2020 election? :laugh:

Well, I guess I shouldn't say "exactly". In that case, you people also wouldn't allow the duly appointed Republicans in to watch/count as well. So infinitely worse than even what you are whining about the audit.

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