Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

That is possible. Nuclear War could come. I dont deny the possibilities.

But those that do it will be just as dead as we are as WWIII will destroy the world.

Now on that note. Our playing by Rules is why this BS is even going on. Total War and those who would be on the reveiving end will regret the day they were born.

Anyway FO Raghead
It doesn't have to be a nuclear war, although that's possible as well. This country is going to implode socially, economically, and otherwise. The genocidal bombing of Gaza is a war crime that will lead to the collapse of the Western world.
Apparently not in Gaza. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005.
Israhell controls the water supply, electricity, the airspace above it, and the sea, and built a fence around it with razor wire. Nothing can go in or out without the permission of the Israelis and no one can leave. To get a permit to leave is extremely difficult and once the person leaves they can't return. Only in extremely rare cases are a few children allowed out to receive highly specialized medical treatment in Europe or the US and then permitted to return.

The water has also been deemed undrinkable by the UN and other humanitarian organizations, requiring people to sterilize the water beyond anything required under normal circumstances in that region. I used to live in Israel and in Cairo, as an American expat, and I used to drink the tap water in Cairo without a problem. In Gaza, people can't do that.

If Americans were living under such conditions they would create their version of Hamas and would be violently resisting the government that is criminally forcing them to live under such deplorable conditions. Israel has been carpet bombing Gaza for years, this isn't the first time. This is the worst of all of the bombing campaigns but the others were also brutal and thousands of civilians died, including many children.

You don't care because they're A-rab Palestinians. You could care less how many of these people are slaughtered because you're a soulless golem.
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It doesn't have to be a nuclear war, although that's possible as well. This country is going to implode socially, economically, and otherwise. The genocidal bombing of Gaza is a war crime that will lead to the collapse of the Western world.

Gaza is insignificant. Our issues are our own. And hell is coming to breakfast there.
Blaspheme against your false idol god? America isn't God's Kingdom, it's an evil empire, the whore of Babylon. You're not a disciple of Jesus Christ, you're an American flag-worshiping demon. The "my country, right or wrong" is a demonic attitude. The US has become an evil empire and it will be judged by God, and that includes the American church, which is full of flag-worshiping devils like you.

Either WW3 is going to do this evil empire in (Russia, China..etc), or it will implode, due to how rotten it is at its core.
What a snotty little puke you are...

Remember God said you are not the judge, he is...I'll wait for what he determines...

Now, piss off...
What a snotty little puke you are...

Remember God said you are not the judge, he is...I'll wait for what he determines...

Now, piss off...
Because Biden and Obama want to lower the caliber of the country.
So, let's see...Jordan won't take them, Egypt won't take them, Syria won't take them....Why should we?
Looks like there is nowhere for them to go.

Maybe Israel shouldn’t try to ethnically cleansed the area then
What a snotty little puke you are...

Remember God said you are not the judge, he is...I'll wait for what he determines...

Now, piss off...
You haven't read your Bible. There's no prohibition on judging (life is a series of judgment calls and if you don't realize that you're a fool). We are to judge correctly, without hypocrisy, that was Christ's demand, not "never judge". You just judged me as a "little puke" who is committing the supposed sin of "judging". In order for you to condemn me for judging, you had to judge. Do you see the irony? You have to judge me, in order to condemn me for doing something wrong, like "judging". Reflect.

America and its flag are more valuable to most American Evangelicals than God's truth and Kingdom. They will sell their mothers for the "USA" and its flag. I can stand in front of a group of American Evangelical Christians and take out a Bible, and start ripping it to pieces in front of them and all they will do is inform me that they're praying for me.

I know how they react to a person ripping the Bible in front of them because in 2011, I did just that. I had a printing company make me a fake Bible, with a bunch of dummy text printed on its pages. The dummy text was even divided into chapters and verses like in the real Bible. On the black front cover, it said HOLY BIBLE, in big gold letters.

Surrounded by American Protestant "Christians", in a "Praise & Worship" concert, I ripped that Bible to pieces in front of everyone. They just looked at me with a sad face and told me they would pray for me. They were so concerned about my mental and spiritual health. They spoke to me with such compassion and love, while I ripped what they believed to be God's Word. Then after I finished ripping the pages of that "Bible" to pieces, I made a "BIG MISTAKE". I took out their REAL god. The god they actually worship. I reached into my backpack and took AMERICAN FLAG.



You should've seen their faces. From sad concern and compassion to rage. I will never forget how their faces, their eyes, instantly changed and I was surrounded by what I felt were demons. Demoniacs.

I then pretended to rip the flag, pulling on it aggressively and I didn't even get a chance to throw it on the floor and start stomping on it. It must have been maybe, at the very most, ten seconds. I took it out and within 10 seconds, they had aggressively walked right up to me and pulled that flag away from my hands. One of them grabbed my arm, the other took the flag violently from my hands. They told me to leave or they would kick my a$$. They were DEAD SERIOUS.

They will pray for me if I rip God's Word to pieces in front of them. They don't care. They were so nice, so civil, and full of "love". Take out the American flag in front of a group of American protestant Christians, and try to desecrate it, and see what happens. They might lynch you.

I had to leave with my outreach team. We were escorted out of the concert hall by security. We left. The American church is going to be judged severely for its idolatry. America isn't the Kingdom of God, and its flag isn't sacred or holy before God or His angels. This country is doomed, and this genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza by the counterfeit "Israel" that American Christians also worship (along with their American flag), is the catalyst for WW3. Christ is coming and a lot of people who think they're Christians are going to be disappointed.

Mat 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

America and the "Israel" that is currently on the map, isn't the Kingdom of Christ. The true Israel of God is comprised of everyone who is born again and filled with His Spirit.
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You haven't read your Bible. There's no prohibition on judging (life is a series of judgment calls and if you don't realize that you're a fool). We are to judge correctly, without hypocrisy, that was Christ's demand, not "never judge". You just judged me as a "little puke" who is committing the supposed sin of "judging". In order for you to condemn me for judging, you had to judge. Do you see the irony? You have to judge me, in order to condemn me for doing something wrong, like "judging". Reflect.

America and its flag are more valuable to most American Evangelicals than God's truth and Kingdom. They will sell their mothers for the "USA" and its flag. I can stand in front of a group of American Evangelical Christians and take out a Bible, and start ripping it to pieces in front of them and all they will do is inform me that they're praying for me.

I know how they react to a person ripping the Bible in front of them because in 2011, I did just that. I had a printing company make me a fake Bible, with a bunch of dummy text printed on its pages. The dummy text was even divided into chapters and verses like in the real Bible. On the black front cover, it said HOLY BIBLE, in big gold letters.

Surrounded by American Protestant "Christians", in a "Praise & Worship" concert, I ripped that Bible to pieces in front of everyone. They just looked at me with a sad face and told me they would pray for me. They were so concerned about my mental and spiritual health. They spoke to me with such compassion and love, while I ripped what they believed to be God's Word. Then after I finished ripping the pages of that "Bible" to pieces, I made a "BIG MISTAKE". I took out their REAL god. The god they actually worship. I reached into my backpack and took AMERICAN FLAG.

You should've seen their faces. From sad concern and compassion to rage. I will never forget how their faces, their eyes, instantly changed and I was surrounded by what I felt were demons. Demoniacs.

I then pretended to rip the flag, pulling on it aggressively and I didn't even get a chance to throw it on the floor and start stomping on it. It must have been maybe, at the very most, ten seconds. I took it out and within 10 seconds, they had aggressively walked right up to me and pulled that flag away from my hands. One of them grabbed my arm, the other took the flag violently from my hands. They told me to leave or they would kick my a$$. They were DEAD SERIOUS.

They will pray for me if I rip God's Word to pieces in front of them. They don't care. They were so nice, so civil, and full of "love". Take out the American flag in front of a group of American protestant Christians, and try to desecrate it, and see what happens. They might lynch you.

I had to leave with my outreach team. We were escorted out of the concert hall by security. We left. The American church is going to be judged severely for its idolatry. America isn't the Kingdom of God, and its flag isn't sacred or holy before God or His angels. This country is doomed, and this genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza by the counterfeit "Israel" that American Christians also worship (along with their American flag), is the catalyst for WW3. Christ is coming and a lot of people who think they're Christians are going to be disappointed.

Mat 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

America and the "Israel" that is currently on the map, isn't the Kingdom of Christ. The true Israel of God is comprised of everyone who is born again and filled with His Spirit.
The Bible has NOTHING to do with what’s happening in Israel now. One way or the other.
You haven't read your Bible. There's no prohibition on judging....

Wrong you are....

Do not judge lest you be judged. (Matthew 7:1)

Unrighteous and unmerciful judgment is forbidden first of all because it manifests a wrong view of God. With the phrase lest you be judged, Jesus reminds the scribes and Pharisees that they are not the final court. To judge another person’s motives or to curse to condemnation is to play God. “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son” (John 5:22). During the millennial kingdom Christ will share some of that judgment with us (Matt. 19:28; 1 Cor. 6:2; etc.), but until that time we blaspheme God whenever we take upon ourselves the role of judge. “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” Paul asks.
Palestine has existed for thousands of years, going back to the time of the Egyptians before Christ. The city of Gaza today was the land of the Philistines. The Greek historian Herodotus identified the Holy Land as Philistina. The Romans after defeating the Jewish uprising under Bar Kokhba, identified the Holy Land as Palestine-Syria.

Whatever the people called themselves is irrelevant. Using the word "Palestinian" or not, they were the natives of the land, living there for generations. Genetic tests have even proved that these Palestinian "Arabs" are the natives of the Holy Land. Israeli scientists and rabbis actually admit this:

Palestine is a geographical area, much like Asia Minor, the Balkans, etc. There has never been a country called "Palestine". Get over it!
There are many wonderful people in the Islamic religion. They have their radicals just like most religions, who turn to terrorism to achieve their goals.
I have met quite a few and most of them are not wonderful people. They have strange beliefs and are not accepting of other religions.

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