Progressives: Despicable Liars

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

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That's not in the quran, bro.

This is: Eh, Taqiyyah is Taqqiyah. Is this a legal citizen?

I'm over it, baby. FYI: SJW Taqiyyah is done. Next 1-2 Muslim attacks in America, and I feel sorry for Americanized Muslims. There will be hangings.

taqiyyah | religious doctrine
Exactly....she did recant her story. Your position is that she didn't. You're really struggling to follow along here, aren't you?

In all seriousness - are you ok? You are displaying symptoms similar to those that have experienced a stroke. If not, have you taken any medications or consumed any alcohol?
My position was (and is) I didn't see her recant her story, because there were no statements from her. I also said the jury is still out. You keep pushing the lying bullshit that I said she did not recant, which would mean the jury is in. That is not what I said and you are a fucking asshole to keep pushing this garbage.
Any world domination scheme that masquerades as a religion does not belong in America.

It directly clashes with the idea of America.
Next 1-2 Muslim attacks in America, and I feel sorry for Americanized Muslims. There will be hangings.
I don't. To hell with them. They hate America, they hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate the christian principles this nation was founded on. I don't feel sorry for them at all. They should go to the Middle East and live their faith. Not run their mouths from the safety that the nation they despise provides them.
Exactly....she did recant her story. Your position is that she didn't. You're really struggling to follow along here, aren't you?

In all seriousness - are you ok? You are displaying symptoms similar to those that have experienced a stroke. If not, have you taken any medications or consumed any alcohol?
Here I misspoke.

So lets reset. You're claiming she did. I'm saying there are no statements from her saying she did. Which means my position is, I don't know if she did or didn't. The one thing that I never said was that she didn't.
I didn't change anything, snowflake. You claimed she "didn't" recant her story when in fact both the article and law enforcement stated that she did recant her story.

You twisted yourself into knots to deny reality and now you're screwed. You've painted yourself into the corner by attempting to lie about something which cannot be lied about and now your pissed off because everyone has pinned you down on it.
I said I didn't see any statements from her recanting her story.
Next 1-2 Muslim attacks in America, and I feel sorry for Americanized Muslims. There will be hangings.
I don't. To hell with them. They hate America, they hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate the christian principles this nation was founded on. I don't feel sorry for them at all. They should go to the Middle East and live their faith. Not run their mouths from the safety that the nation they despise provides them.

You missed the point: There are Americanized muslims.

I say the litmus test is put them all in a room with puppies and baby pigs. If they can't stand it, they fail.
Exactly....she did recant her story. Your position is that she didn't. You're really struggling to follow along here, aren't you?

In all seriousness - are you ok? You are displaying symptoms similar to those that have experienced a stroke. If not, have you taken any medications or consumed any alcohol?
My position was (and is) I didn't see her recant her story, because there were no statements from her. I also said the jury is still out. You keep pushing the lying bullshit that I said she did not recant, which would mean the jury is in. That is not what I said and you are a fucking asshole to keep pushing this garbage.
Of course you "didn't see it" - you weren't there, snowflake. But law enforcement did see it and they reported it. The ACLU acknowledged it. The news acknowledged. You are literally the only asshole in America attempting to deny it.
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So lets reset. You're claiming she did. I'm saying there are no statements from her saying she did. Which means my position is, I don't know if she did or didn't. The one thing that I never said was that she didn't.
When law enforcement says she did....she did. Unless the entire police department is on some great big conspiracy because they are out to "get" her. This story is black and white, cut and dry. Law enforcement told the media she admitted lying about the entire incident. Case closed (literally).
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Of course you "didn't see it" - you weren't there...
Neither were you, but that didn't stop you from drawing a conclusion.

, snowflake.
Last year it was "princess". What's next years stupid little right wing word going to be?

But law enforcement did see it and they reported it. The ACLU acknowledged it. The news acknowledged. You are literally the only asshole in America attempting to deny it.
Like the disingenuous little troll that you are, you keep pushing this little bullshit lie.
When law enforcement says she did....she did. Unless the entire police department is on some great big conspiracy because they are out to "get" her. This story is black and white, cut and dry. Law enforcement told the media she admitted lying about the entire incident. Case closed (literally).
Law enforcement is famous for saying one thing, then changing their official comments after a video comes to light showing they had lied, as was the case in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, etc...

So no, the case is not closed.
Of course you "didn't see it" - you weren't there...
Neither were you, but that didn't stop you from drawing a conclusion.
I didn't "draw a conclusion" - I read the news report which stated that law enforcement informed the public that she recanted her story. But because that doesn't fit with your left-wing ideology, you want to deny what the rest of the world knows to be true.
When law enforcement says she did....she did. Unless the entire police department is on some great big conspiracy because they are out to "get" her. This story is black and white, cut and dry. Law enforcement told the media she admitted lying about the entire incident. Case closed (literally).
Law enforcement is famous for saying one thing, then changing their official comments after a video comes to light showing they had lied, as was the case in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, etc...

So no, the case is not closed. now you're going to go with the tinfoil hat "defense". :eusa_doh:
P@triot thank you for this rock solid thread. Your evidence is undeniable and irrefutable.
That makes the Left livid.

Chuck Schumer says we should pick a Supreme court justice "by the rules" and not bend the rules.....

Translated.....Schumer and the left wants a SCOTUS who will support their agenda without question.....while the right simply wants a SCOTUS who will follow THE LAW without question......

After all, the left would NEVER do such a thing now would they.....?
Reid invokes “nuclear option” to get Obama nominees approved

It's understandable why he is being nicknamed "UpChuck Schumer"
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Chuck Schumer says we should pick a Supreme court justice "by the rules" and not bend the rules.....

Translated.....Schumer and the left wants a SCOTUS who will support their agenda without question.....while the right simply wants a SCOTUS who will follow THE LAW without question......
If that was true, then why didn't you have a single confirmation hearing for Obama's nominee?
Chuck Schumer says we should pick a Supreme court justice "by the rules" and not bend the rules.....

Translated.....Schumer and the left wants a SCOTUS who will support their agenda without question.....while the right simply wants a SCOTUS who will follow THE LAW without question......
If that was true, then why didn't you have a single confirmation hearing for Obama's nominee?

Anyone who reads this can see you have no idea at all......sad.
I didn't "draw a conclusion" - I read the news report which stated that law enforcement informed the public that she recanted her story. But because that doesn't fit with your left-wing ideology, you want to deny what the rest of the world knows to be true.
This is a conclusion!

No snowflake....that is the report from law enforcement. That is reality.

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