Progressives: Despicable Liars

The article doesn't say what her political ideology is.
So you think she's right-wing but attempted to frame Trump supporters? Just stop. You sound so ridiculous even you don't believe the nonsense you are pedaling.

So you're planting your flag on ipse dixit and the "everybody knows" fallacy AGAIN? You're actually purporting to dictate what the politics are of subjects you've never met in your fake stories AGAIN?

Arrogant asshole.
So you think she's right-wing but attempted to frame Trump supporters? :lmao:

Just stop. You sound so ridiculous even you don't believe the nonsense you are pedaling.
Do you have google? I know they don't officially call out presidents for lying but we know the bush administration cherry picked bad evidence and lied to hillary
Do you have Google? So far you've yet to add a single link (credible or otherwise) to back up your wild accusations.
I'm on a smart phone. You're just a bushy. Now probably a trumpeter
The article doesn't say what her political ideology is.
So you think she's right-wing but attempted to frame Trump supporters? Just stop. You sound so ridiculous even you don't believe the nonsense you are pedaling.

So you're planting your flag on ipse dixit and the "everybody knows" fallacy AGAIN? You're actually purporting to dictate what the politics are of subjects you've never met in your fake stories AGAIN?

Arrogant asshole.
So you think she's right-wing but attempted to frame Trump supporters? :lmao:

Just stop. You sound so ridiculous even you don't believe the nonsense you are pedaling.

Thanks for the confirmation, Dumbass. :dig:
Profiles in "Progressives-- Despicable Liars"
--- an occasional feature of elucidation for those with no idea what their own thread titles mean

Lucy Burns (1879-1966)

Passionate advocate for women's suffrage both in the UK and the US. Formed, with Alice Paul (q.v.) the National Women's Party to campaign for the franchise for women (which she had already worked for in the UK) and later the Equal Rights Amendment. Arrested numerous times for demonstrating for those causes. Led hunger strikes in jail. While in there circulated a document among other prisoners detailing their status as political prisoners. In retaliation the jail handcuffed her arms straight up in the air and left her in that position all night;.... and in solidarity the other prisoners voluntarily adopted the same pose. Still refused to eat on hunger strike and was eventually force-fed by inserting food tubes up her nose.

Burns' and Paul's Progressive activism eventually prevailed over Woodrow Wilson and other misogynist legislators and saw the Twentieth Amendment passed, 1920.

Lucy Burns --- actual, real, documented Progressive whose politics were well known and don't have to be fabricated by an arrogant historical revisionist asshole with an internet message board subscription and a penchant for childish ipse dixit and "everybody knows" fallacies.

Or for short --- "Despicable Liar".

From your own post of that link...dumb ass. The ACLU says she recanted. They just don't know why. I've bolded it in red for you and underlined the word "recant". Please ask an adult for help. Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
You SAID she did not recant. Was that a deliberate lie, or were you too stupid to know that?
So you're planting your flag on ipse dixit and the "everybody knows" fallacy AGAIN? You're actually purporting to dictate what the politics are of subjects you've never met in your fake stories AGAIN?

Arrogant asshole.
He is a perfect example of the real "fake news".
From your own post of that link...dumb ass. The ACLU says she recanted. They just don't know why. I've bolded it in red for you and underlined the word "recant". Please ask an adult for help. Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
You SAID she did not recant. Was that a deliberate lie, or were you too stupid to know that?
LMAO! said she did not recant her story. I never said anything about that. I simply provided yet another in a loooooong list of news stories where a progressive faked a "crime" in a desperate attempt to frame conservatives. And as always, you attempt to deny reality because reality destroys your ideology.
So let me get this straight - you are so desperate to deny reality that you are going to take the position that the entire law enforcement department lied?!?

You're not to bright, are you?

When someone say's the "jury is still out", it doesn't mean they've reached a "verdict". Taking a position the cops lied, is a verdict, which is something I did not say.

You bear so much false witness, you might want to ponder the notion that God doesn't like you.
LMAO! said she did not recant her story. I never said anything about that.
You're such a fuckin' liar!

LMAO!!!! I'm just going to let that one sit there for everyone to enjoy. :lmao:

(Psst....stupid....see the quotes and the question mark with the "WTF" emoji? I was quoting you and your absurd statement. I then posted quotes from the article proving you wrong). In all seriousness - do you suffer from some sort of learning disability? I'm not mocking you. I'm just trying to understand. I'll be more patient if it is something beyond your control.
You truly are stupid.... Do you not know how quotation marks work idiot?
He said he didn't say, "she did not recant her story"; I pasted the very post where HE SAID IT!

Now, fuck off!
The quotes around it were because I was quoting you. The question mark was because your quote was inaccurate. The "WTF" emoji was because it was such an idiotic statement by you.

Do you have a learning disability or did you skip English when you were in school? You don't understand sentence structures, punctuation, or what quotes do?
LMAO!!!! I'm just going to let that one sit there for everyone to enjoy. :lmao:

(Psst....stupid....see the quotes and the question mark with the "WTF" emoji? I was quoting you and your absurd statement. I then posted quotes from the article proving you wrong). In all seriousness - do you suffer from some sort of learning disability? I'm not mocking you. I'm just trying to understand. I'll be more patient if it is something beyond your control.
What you made, was a rhetorical statement, which disagreed with my statement saying I didn't see her recanting her story. You basically came back with a sarcastic comment like, "Oh, so she didn't recant her story?" Which is another way of saying she did.

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