Progressives: Despicable Liars

I'm on a smart phone.
Yeah...and? Smartphones have browsers and internet access sweetie. :laugh:

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | The Huffington Post

Recently Donald Trump broke with the Republican convention and roiled the party base by boldly stating “You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They [the Bush administration] lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq]; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.” He also stated “We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. Obviously, it was a mistake. George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East.”

This typically brash Trump statement went against an unwritten rule in the Republican establishment which states that it is taboo to bring up the subject of the WMDs
I'm on a smart phone.
Yeah...and? Smartphones have browsers and internet access sweetie. :laugh:

the truth also matters, and the truth is that there were numerous occasions when Bush and his advisers made statements that intelligence agencies knew to be false, both about WMDs and about Saddam Hussein’s nonexistent links to al-Qaeda. The term commonly used for making statements that one knows to be false is "lying."

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

  • In October 2002, Bush said that Saddam Hussein had a "massive stockpile" of biological weapons. But as CIA Director George Tenet noted in early 2004, the CIA had informed policymakers it had "no specific information on the types or quantities of weapons agent or stockpiles at Baghdad's disposal." The "massive stockpile" was just literally made up.
    • In December 2002, Bush declared, "We do not know whether or not [Iraq] has a nuclear weapon." That was not what the National Intelligence Estimate said. As Tenet would later testify, "We said that Saddam did not have a nuclear weapon and probably would have been unable to make one until 2007 to 2009." Bush did know whether or not Iraq had a nuclear weapon — and lied and said he didn’t know to hype the threat.
    • In August 2002, Dick Cheney declared, "Simply stated, there's no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction."
    The Bush administration on numerous occasions exaggerated or outright fabricated conclusions from intelligence in its public statements. Bush really did lie, and people really did die as a result of the war those lies were meant to build a case for. Those are the facts.

    The failure of Iraq was not merely a case of well-meaning but incompetent policymakers rushing into what they should’ve known would be a disaster. It’s the story of those policymakers repeatedly misleading the public about why, exactly, the war started.
Good. The more of those mooslum savages we kill the better. Bush should get the medal of honor.
This typically brash Trump statement went against an unwritten rule in the Republican establishment which states that it is taboo to bring up the subject of the WMDs

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | The Huffington Post
So Donald Trump's uninformed opinion is your "proof" that Bush "lied"? There are so many flaws in this one I'm not even sure where to begin.

1. Donald Trump did not hold any position in government during the Bush Administration nor did he have any national security clearance. How would he know what was true and what was a "lie"?

2. Let's pretend (key word here) that there were "no WMD's found in Iraq". How does that prove that Bush "lied"? Maybe Saddam Hussein destroyed them before they could be found. Maybe Saddam Hussein kept them hidden. Maybe President Bush was given poor intelligence. Maybe key intelligence personnel lied to Bush.

3. Are you ready for the ultimate bombshell? WMD's were found in Iraq just as the Bush Administration said. Tons of them. But that is embarrassing to the left-wing narrative of "Bush lied us into war" so they make sure not to talk about it. However, even MSNBC themselves reported on the WMD's found in Iraq.

This typically brash Trump statement went against an unwritten rule in the Republican establishment which states that it is taboo to bring up the subject of the WMDs

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq | The Huffington Post
So Donald Trump's uninformed opinion is your "proof" that Bush "lied"? There are so many flaws in this one I'm not even sure where to begin.

1. Donald Trump did not hold any position in government during the Bush Administration nor did he have any national security clearance. How would he know what was true and what was a "lie"?

2. Let's pretend (key word here) that there were "no WMD's found in Iraq". How does that prove that Bush "lied"? Maybe Saddam Hussein destroyed them before they could be found. Maybe Saddam Hussein kept them hidden. Maybe President Bush was given poor intelligence. Maybe key intelligence personnel lied to Bush.

3. Are you ready for the ultimate bombshell? WMD's were found in Iraq just as the Bush Administration said. Tons of them. But that is embarrassing to the left-wing narrative of "Bush lied us into war" so they make sure not to talk about it. However, even MSNBC themselves reported on the WMD's found in Iraq.

You must not have read what I put up. Bush and CO cherry picked. The tossed out information that showed Saddam didn't have WMD's. So they knew they were fabricating a case for war. Maybe Jr. didn't like how Saddam disrespected his daddy. Most likely it was for Haloburton though. One things for sure. We all pretty much know Bush lied us into Iraq. And history will not be kind to him for it. You may be but we see what happened to his brother and to be honest, even though you won't admit it that the GOP lied, I think we all know it's true. And that's why Jeb and all the other Republicans are not in the White House today. Their corruption and lies is why Trump won. If not Trump wouldn't have stood a chance in the Republican primaries. But because even Republicans don't like the modern day Republicans, Trump was able to kick all those liars asses. Those are all the kinds of men you defended during the Bush years. Well if they didn't suck, tell me why did Obama win 2 times and why did Trump manage to kick all the Republicans asses? Because he sometimes told the truth. Like we need to tariff companies that go overseas. That and how he called out Bush for lying us into Iraq are how he won.

Don't tell me the President is wrong about something, is he??? LOL
Then listen to Trump or the rest of the world. The only ones who don't know Bush lied are you fucking idiots.
MSNBC doesn't think that "Bush lied". Here they are reporting on the WMD's found in Iraq and used against our own forces...

Bomb said to holddeadly sarin gas explodes in Iraq

I know! This is why I tell you to stop calling MSNBC liberal. They aren't as liberal as I would have them be. Just like Hillary and Bill. Thank you for proving my point the media is not liberal
Then listen to Trump or the rest of the world. The only ones who don't know Bush lied are you fucking idiots.
MSNBC doesn't think that "Bush lied". Here they are reporting on the WMD's found in Iraq and used against our own forces...

Bomb said to holddeadly sarin gas explodes in Iraq

I know! This is why I tell you to stop calling MSNBC liberal. They aren't as liberal as I would have them be. Just like Hillary and Bill. Thank you for proving my point the media is not liberal
Wait...they are "not liberal" because they told the TRUTH about WMD's in Iraq? Wow. If that isn't an insight into the mind of the modern-day left-wing view, nothing is.
You must not have read what I put up. Bush and CO cherry picked. The tossed out information that showed Saddam didn't have WMD's.
But Saddam did in fact have WMD's (chemical weapons - to be specific). So obviously "Bush and Co." tossed out the incorrect information. Which means they were spot on in their intelligence assessments.

In your attempt to "prove" that Bush "lied" you have actually made the strongest case yet that he was honest and accurate!
You must not have read what I put up. Bush and CO cherry picked. The tossed out information that showed Saddam didn't have WMD's.
But Saddam did in fact have WMD's (chemical weapons - to be specific). So obviously "Bush and Co." tossed out the incorrect information. Which means they were spot on in their intelligence assessments.

In your attempt to "prove" that Bush "lied" you have actually made the strongest case yet that he was honest and accurate!

Chemical weapons with "mushroom clouds"?

This is how despicable the left is - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred.

Indiana police: Muslim professor charged with fabricating anti-Islamic hate crimes, assault

Mod Note:

This is an older thread that was placed in Badlands without any mod notes on it. So it's been cleaned, revived, and placed in Politics. KEEP it clean. Back to Zone2..

It was after all a bait thread from the beginning, purporting to employ a blanket political label that expired a century ago, a label that the OP cannot and will not define, even in historical terms let alone contemporary ones, which means it's just here as a pretext for him to whine about any story he scrapes up, laying the same label on it despite said stories having no common thread. Which in turn means the OP never made a point, which in turn is why I pointed that out from its inception.

Which only goes to prove, as Confushi said many, many years ago, “lon gai zahou tong goo loo tao aye tai zai zahou.”

Which translated briefly means: If you get to it, and you can not do it.
There you jolly well are [whew] --- aren't you."

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