Progressives Only! How excited will you be when "Michelle" announces?

Oprah would beat Michelle. Oprah is in the best position to be the Country’s first Black Woman Presidebt. Hell, if she threw her hat in the ring now she could give Trump a better fight than Michelle or any other Democrat.
No more entertainers for awhile.
Oprah would beat Michelle. Oprah is in the best position to be the Country’s first Black Woman Presidebt. Hell, if she threw her hat in the ring now she could give Trump a better fight than Michelle or any other Democrat.
No more entertainers for awhile.

You may feel that way and I could even agree with that but my statement was an analysis and assessment. I don’t know what kind of President Oprah would be but she could get elected.
If she tossed her hat into the 2020 race I would think less of her wisdom. Now if she racked up some political IOU's during the 2022 midterm then 2024 would be a reasonable possibility.
Question for the Progressives, on a scale of "1 to ZOMG I just came in my pants!" How excited are you over even the idea that the most admired 'woman' in history, no, not Hillary but Michelle is likely to announce "it's 'her' turn"?

What's likely about it?

2 recent "news" stories list her as the "most admired 'woman' in the world". Sounds familiar, right? And 'she's' stepped up a Tweet war with Trump.

Barack has not said a THING about his former bff Biden.


I doubt Michelle is running.

Barrack is just holding cards until later... Biden doesn't need an endorsement, he has told people time and time again what he thinks of Biden...
Question for the Progressives, on a scale of "1 to ZOMG I just came in my pants!" How excited are you over even the idea that the most admired 'woman' in history, no, not Hillary but Michelle is likely to announce "it's 'her' turn"?
Where is this coming from?

I read Drudge. Two recent stories: Michelle most admired 'woman' (have to laugh at the irony AND that they said the EXACT same thing about Hillary), and only 15% of Progressive have supposedly made up their mind on a candidate.
Michelle won't run for an office because she doesn't want to do the work it would take in campaigning to get elected. Oprah won't run because it wouldn't be of any personal benefit for her to do so.
I would love to see Michelle run. President Trump would expose her for the racist she is.

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