Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.
So the only other victory you can cite is the one daddy Vlad handed him? Lol, sad.

Twinkle Twinkle little czar
Putin put you where you are
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.

An ATTEMPT to fire one off THE NEXT DAY, WHICH FLOPPED. It appears that we hacked their launch site.
And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

Must have you pounding on walls that the Free World and many Democrats gave President Donald Trump a standing ovation for vividly demonstrating that America is back leading from the front! Nearly 100 ISIS fighters killed, 4 of which were commanders, PLUS munitions and supplies were stored in the caves destroyed.
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.
So the only other victory you can cite is the one daddy Vlad handed him? Lol, sad.

Twinkle Twinkle little czar
Putin put you where you are
So the only other victory you can cite is the one daddy Vlad handed him?

And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

Must have you pounding on walls that the Free World and many Democrats gave President Donald Trump a standing ovation for vividly demonstrating that America is back leading from the front! Nearly 100 ISIS fighters killed, 4 of which were commanders, PLUS munitions and supplies were stored in the caves destroyed.
Yes it was time for a big explosion..
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.

An ATTEMPT to fire one off THE NEXT DAY, WHICH FLOPPED. It appears that we hacked their launch site.

First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?

Fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles striking the Syrian airbase from which the aircraft were launched. The Free World and many Democrats again gave a standing ovation! The frosting on the cake was that it happened while President Trump was having dinner with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. I think it came with the dessert course. Must have been quite a conversation starter.
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?

Fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles striking the Syrian airbase from which the aircraft were launched. The Free World and many Democrats again gave a standing ovation! The frosting on the cake was that it happened while President Trump was having dinner with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. I think it came with the dessert course. Must have been quite a conversation starter.
Yeah, he had it streamed to his Ipad..
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.
Reagan's second term was well napped..
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.

I get it bro. You think Trump's existence creates fear no matter the person's actions. That's why I say he's your God. You praise him during good and bad times.
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.

I get it bro. You think Trump's existence creates fear no matter the person's actions. That's why I say he's your God. You praise him during good and bad times.
I get it. Butt hurt creates a lot of fear, especially when it's repeated. It's going to be a painful and scary 8 years for you bro.
So NK's previous missile failures on Obama's watch represented huge victories for him?

I'll bet you won't acknowledge that.

If you recall, ours were not so great in the beginning either.

With each one, they have learned and gotten better. Yes, they were huge victories for Kim Jong-un. The U.S. stood by and did nothing.

Maybe the first thing to do is to stop believing that it's the job of the US to do everything... know, like Trump said about not being the world's policeman.

In one of the debates he clearly said and repeatedly said that China would take care of NK. No wobbling. Now, we've got aircraft carriers in position off the coast of NK and the base at Osan in SK is bracing itself as a possible first target. Thanks, Trump. He's a massive heap of steaming shit for this country.
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.

I get it bro. You think Trump's existence creates fear no matter the person's actions. That's why I say he's your God. You praise him during good and bad times.
I get it. Butt hurt creates a lot of fear, especially when it's repeated. It's going to be a painful and scary 8 years for you bro.

Spoken like the truly deluded. No way Trump could win a second term. I don't even think he's going to make it two years before impeachment proceedings will be successfully launched against him.

By the by, he said the Bible was his favorite book after his own Tony Schwartz-written "Art of the Deal"...Do you think Trump attended services on this Easter Sunday? Twenty-five cents says the big fat lying fuckwad is on the golf course, just as he was yesterday.
And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

If Trump farts, it's another triumph for the Trumpets. The Chinese are done trying to deal with him. The Brits and the Germans have told him he's on his own in all of this bombing and aggression, but Donnie keeps trying to bully the rest of the world leaders while astounding them with his total ignorance of diplomacy, co-operation, or even the terms of the treaties he's obliged to honour.

Trump is not the new sheriff in town. He's the biggest rancher in the valley who is operating for his own interests, and against those of the rest of the people in the town, and is using his "boys" to harass and intimmidate everyone else in the town.
And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

If Trump farts, it's another triumph for the Trumpets. The Chinese are done trying to deal with him. The Brits and the Germans have told him he's on his own in all of this bombing and aggression, but Donnie keeps trying to bully the rest of the world leaders while astounding them with his total ignorance of diplomacy, co-operation, or even the terms of the treaties he's obliged to honour.

Trump is not the new sheriff in town. He's the biggest rancher in the valley who is operating for his own interests, and against those of the rest of the people in the town, and is using his "boys" to harass and intimmidate everyone else in the town.
I am truly not surprised...His continuous flip flopping must be a stumper for his lemmings..
And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

If Trump farts, it's another triumph for the Trumpets. The Chinese are done trying to deal with him. The Brits and the Germans have told him he's on his own in all of this bombing and aggression, but Donnie keeps trying to bully the rest of the world leaders while astounding them with his total ignorance of diplomacy, co-operation, or even the terms of the treaties he's obliged to honour.

Trump is not the new sheriff in town. He's the biggest rancher in the valley who is operating for his own interests, and against those of the rest of the people in the town, and is using his "boys" to harass and intimmidate everyone else in the town.

Meanwhile, in reality:

Britain backs Donald Trump's missile attack as Russia fumes and China plays peacemaker

If only would these folks not confuse their fantasies with reality...
What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.

Trump didn't "win" the election, he did what he always does, he found an angle, an edge, a con he could run, and then he lied to the voters and cheated his way into the White House, using the Russian Propaganda Machine and WikiLeaks. He's not a legitimate President at all, and he's deflecting like crazy and trying to shut down the House Investigation into his campaigns activities before he's caught.

When Obama drew his red line in the sand, Republican Senators sent him a letter saying that he needed Congressional Approval before he bombed Syria or he would be in violation of the Constitution. Trump tweeted the same thing, but two weeks ago when he bombed Syria, Trump didn't even tell Congress he was going to do it. He did tell Putin though.

Trump reminds me of Charlie Sheen after he got fired from 2 1/2 Men. Charlie was "winning" and went around America on a cocaine fuelled rampage with a retinue of porn stars and other users holding court in concert halls on his "Winning Tour". Fools, who thought living in hotel rooms snorting cocaine with women you had bought and paid for was the epitome of "winning" bought tickets and cheered this public orgy of self destruction.

Trump isn't on drugs, but he does have a retinue of people who are only with him for the money, and loyal fans who think he's the cat's ass, and that this horror show of an administration is somehow "winning" for America.
I'll tell you something else that didn't happen today. Space aliens did not land in the USA and start deporting Americans to another planet as a food source. THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP!

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