Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.
I remember Ray-Gun "cutting N running" out of Beirut! After he allowed all those marines to be bombed and killed in their sleep!!!! Do you remember!!!!
When Reagan Cut and Run
When Reagan Cut and Run
forgotten history of when America boldly abandoned ship in the Middle East.

And the US dropped an inert nuclear bomb last week, is that another triumph for the Trumpets?

Must have you pounding on walls that the Free World and many Democrats gave President Donald Trump a standing ovation for vividly demonstrating that America is back leading from the front! Nearly 100 ISIS fighters killed, 4 of which were commanders, PLUS munitions and supplies were stored in the caves destroyed.
Meh! Trump is busy behind the scenes to try and get FBI Comey off his ass!!!!! and stop the investigations/grand jury.
Welp, I guess since now we know Kim Jong did fire off a missile yesterday now time for the new excuses. Just like I said would happen.

An ATTEMPT to fire one off THE NEXT DAY, WHICH FLOPPED. It appears that we hacked their launch site.

First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
I see Obama's cyber warfare on NK is paying dividends with sabotaging NK's recent missile launches!!!!!!! Naturaly Idiot Boy Dementia Trump with Red State Amerika will try and take credit.
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What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.
I don't suffer fools gladly, whether they're on MSNBC or USMB.


What was his first big victory? The word "another" implies that he's had others?
He's won everything he's run for including obviously the GOP nomination and of course the biggest election possible. That's why he's POTUS.
I don't suffer fools gladly, whether they're on MSNBC or USMB.


Come again.......what has Trump accomplished?????
Come again.......what has Trump accomplished?????
Well, he's made billions, became president of the US, has partially repealed Obama's legacy i, but more importantly than all that, pissed off snowflakes more than anyone could have imagined less than 6 months ago.

Very few people in modern history have done more!

Suck it up buttercup.
Come again.......what has Trump accomplished?????
Well, he's made billions, became president of the US, has partially repealed Obama's legacy i, but more importantly than all that, pissed off snowflakes more than anyone could have imagined less than 6 months ago.

Very few people in modern history have done more!

Suck it up buttercup.
Please list the accomplishments of the Idiot in the Oval Office.
Trump's been winning on one issue or the other every day. I really like it that when ever Trump or his team shows up on TV they make a point to bash Obama personally. Nice.
Come again.......what has Trump accomplished?????
Well, he's made billions, became president of the US, has partially repealed Obama's legacy i, but more importantly than all that, pissed off snowflakes more than anyone could have imagined less than 6 months ago.

Very few people in modern history have done more!

Suck it up buttercup.

He's stolen and bullied his way to wealth, using other people's money, and giving nothing in return. That includes the Presidency. Obama's legacy is still strong as long as the US is still standing because if not for Obama, you would have gone down after Bush.

Pissing people off isn't a particularly good talent to have. Every other G-20 country in the World has a smarter leader than the USA right now, and between everyone who's hung up on him, refused to meet with him without Trump grovelling, apologizing for his behaviour, and reneging on a campaign promise or two, and those world leaders who have said that they will not support his further aggressions, the US is going to find itself very much alone in going after Assad, or Korea, and by extension, China. This is a very dangerous game. But hey - two madmen, nuclear weapons, what could possibly go wrong.

And I don't know why, but I am shocked that Trump would bomb Afghanistan, threaten to annihilate the Koreans, and then take off to Florida for the weekend to go golfing. Gotta give those Mar-a-lago members who paid $200,000 a chance to hob nob with their President.

Pay for play at its finest. Plus he gets to pocket the bill to have the SS stay there with him.
Stolen and bullied his way to wealth...

Comic book emotive innuendo is no substitute for truth and facts
Libs dont have much in the truth and fact department
A lot of libs are just marginal in life, they really resent those who have made it, and having no fact based understanding of their own situation they smear those who do have a clue about successfully navigating life
Yeah, he had it streamed to his Ipad..

You have President Donald Trump confused with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. President "Lead from Behind" Obama had his security briefings sent to his Ipad. President Trump takes them in person and asks tough questions.

Do you think that could be part of the reason that we're now WINNING?
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Come again.......what has Trump accomplished?????
Well, he's made billions, became president of the US, has partially repealed Obama's legacy i, but more importantly than all that, pissed off snowflakes more than anyone could have imagined less than 6 months ago.

Very few people in modern history have done more!

Suck it up buttercup.

He's stolen and bullied his way to wealth, using other people's money, and giving nothing in return. That includes the Presidency. Obama's legacy is still strong as long as the US is still standing because if not for Obama, you would have gone down after Bush.

Pissing people off isn't a particularly good talent to have. Every other G-20 country in the World has a smarter leader than the USA right now, and between everyone who's hung up on him, refused to meet with him without Trump grovelling, apologizing for his behaviour, and reneging on a campaign promise or two, and those world leaders who have said that they will not support his further aggressions, the US is going to find itself very much alone in going after Assad, or Korea, and by extension, China. This is a very dangerous game. But hey - two madmen, nuclear weapons, what could possibly go wrong.

And I don't know why, but I am shocked that Trump would bomb Afghanistan, threaten to annihilate the Koreans, and then take off to Florida for the weekend to go golfing. Gotta give those Mar-a-lago members who paid $200,000 a chance to hob nob with their President.

Pay for play at its finest. Plus he gets to pocket the bill to have the SS stay there with him.
Why would I feel obliged to explain anything to pipsqueak?

We are dealing on two different levels here. Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladlly,,
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.

Your bud had promised a huge event on the 105th birthday. Nothing happened but his usual military demonstrations and parades. NEXT day he attempted a launch, and it fizzled. Apparently, it was hacked.
Progressives, President Trump scored another huge victory today!

Progressives, have you heard about the nuclear bomb test set off by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in celebration of their 105 anniversary? How about the test launch of his ICBM's?

Yeah, ME NEITHER! After all of Kim Jong-un saber rattling and their past history of setting off either a nuclear test or ICBM test on these anniversaries.

This year, NOTHING. Why?

This comes after President Donald Trump meets face to face with President Xi Jinping of China, during which time President Trump launched the attack against Syria. This week, Rex Tillerson was scheduled with Russia but no meeting with President Putin was scheduled. Tillerson's meeting was not canceled, despite the screaming coming from the Kremlin. After the meeting with his counterpart, Tillerson then met with President Putin, not a handshake and done, but for TWO HOURS.

Following that, some of you may have noticed that we killed more than 90 ISIS fighters along with three massive tunnels with the MOAB.

Presto, a sedated Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!

Here's the best headline Kim Jung-un could muster.

North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

Published April 15, 2017
North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

Right now Trump...for the first time in his life is totally engulfed in world problems. God Save Us All!!!!
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
Getting rid of most of Obama's stupid Executive orders and rearranging the State Dept. and The EPA is a great start. He started up the Keystone Pipeline and contractors are already getting contracts to begin construction of the wall. He made Obama look like a boy child in less than 100 days and gave notice to the world that America is back in the hands of adults not high school girls.

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