Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

Meh! Red Nation will over reach......they always do. Republican's cant Govern
Keep on dreaming but it won't get you anywhere. You are welcome to join us, to get educated. But if you think we are going back to Obama's America you are sorely mistaken. His America is thankfully gone for ever.
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.

I get it bro. You think Trump's existence creates fear no matter the person's actions. That's why I say he's your God. You praise him during good and bad times.
I get it. Butt hurt creates a lot of fear, especially when it's repeated. It's going to be a painful and scary 8 years for you bro.

Spoken like the truly deluded. No way Trump could win a second term. I don't even think he's going to make it two years before impeachment proceedings will be successfully launched against him.

By the by, he said the Bible was his favorite book after his own Tony Schwartz-written "Art of the Deal"...Do you think Trump attended services on this Easter Sunday? Twenty-five cents says the big fat lying fuckwad is on the golf course, just as he was yesterday.

Trump attends Easter service. :tongue-44:

Trump continues Easter service tradition at Bethesda in Palm Beach

.................Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!......
Trump's been winning on one issue or the other every day. I really like it that when ever Trump or his team shows up on TV they make a point to bash Obama personally. Nice.
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing

Tune out the noise coming from the White House. So far, very little has actually happened.

By Zachary Karabell

February 13, 2017
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
If he has done nothing, then why are all you snowflakes screaming about him so much?
Progressives, President Trump scored another huge victory today!

Progressives, have you heard about the nuclear bomb test set off by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in celebration of their 105 anniversary? How about the test launch of his ICBM's?

Yeah, ME NEITHER! After all of Kim Jong-un saber rattling and their past history of setting off either a nuclear test or ICBM test on these anniversaries.

This year, NOTHING. Why?

This comes after President Donald Trump meets face to face with President Xi Jinping of China, during which time President Trump launched the attack against Syria. This week, Rex Tillerson was scheduled with Russia but no meeting with President Putin was scheduled. Tillerson's meeting was not canceled, despite the screaming coming from the Kremlin. After the meeting with his counterpart, Tillerson then met with President Putin, not a handshake and done, but for TWO HOURS.

Following that, some of you may have noticed that we killed more than 90 ISIS fighters along with three massive tunnels with the MOAB.

Presto, a sedated Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!

Here's the best headline Kim Jung-un could muster.

North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade

Published April 15, 2017
North Korea rolls out missiles, other weaponry at annual parade
Please explain how a North Korean missile blowing up is a victory for Trump. Did he shoot it down or did he just tweet it to death.
Why do Republicans always use bombs instead of diplomacy?

Given that the Free World is in far worse shape than when petulant former President Barrack Hussein took office, how does that demonstrate that diplomacy will succeed?

Diplomacy, on a world stage, is impossible without the threat of force. See President Obama...again. Leading from behind.
That no nuclear test was schedules is the point the Alt Right neo-fascists refuse to tell you.

Thanks to Markle for his admission of defeat.

They either launch rockets or detonate a nuclear device. There was an increase in activity at their nuclear site.

To the best of my knowledge, we are not on North Korea's mailing list to notify of their schedules.
Then nothing was scheduled. Thank you for admitting that fact.
It must suck being wrong everyday. This years surprise blew up in their faces.
Why do Republicans always use bombs instead of diplomacy?

Given that the Free World is in far worse shape than when petulant former President Barrack Hussein took office, how does that demonstrate that diplomacy will succeed?

Diplomacy, on a world stage, is impossible without the threat of force. See President Obama...again. Leading from behind.

Our security is a three legged stool dependent on, military might, diplomacy, and foreign aid. The belief that military force in itself is the answer reflects a misunderstanding about the world, that security is assured only when we’re blowing things up. It’s sometimes true that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, but it also emerges from diplomacy, foreign aid, and carefully cultivated good will.
Egads Trump could fart and the righties would be singing his praises. Listen guys you got your big strong macho draft dodger president, be happy and kneel in prayer that you are safe now. And don't forget your taxes tomorrow, Trump needs your money for his Mar-a-lago entitlement golf outings. LOL

"I found much that was alarming about being a citizen during the tenures of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. But, whatever I may have seen as their limitations of character or intellect, neither was anything like as humanly impoverished as Trump is: ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency, and wielding a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.” Philip Roth

Philip Roth E-Mails on Trump

There's a worrying conspiracy theory that Donald Trump 'can barely read'
Remind me again what war that Clinton or Obama served?
The thing about good will is its gotta be two way from the get go. One way good will is why the military option gets implemented
The belief that military force in itself is the answer reflects a misunderstanding about the world, that security is assured only when we’re blowing things up.

Please show us where I made any such statement. Why do you find it necessary to re-write what you think you wanted me to say rather than the truth. That desperate?
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.
Kim is indeed scared of Trump although I suuspect not as scared as you are of Trump's success.

Those of us old enough remember Reagan going from victory to victory, and very much like Reagan , Trump is making his predecessor look like an ineffectual munchkin.

I get it bro. You think Trump's existence creates fear no matter the person's actions. That's why I say he's your God. You praise him during good and bad times.
I get it. Butt hurt creates a lot of fear, especially when it's repeated. It's going to be a painful and scary 8 years for you bro.

Spoken like the truly deluded. No way Trump could win a second term. I don't even think he's going to make it two years before impeachment proceedings will be successfully launched against him.

By the by, he said the Bible was his favorite book after his own Tony Schwartz-written "Art of the Deal"...Do you think Trump attended services on this Easter Sunday? Twenty-five cents says the big fat lying fuckwad is on the golf course, just as he was yesterday.

Trump attends Easter service. :tongue-44:

Trump continues Easter service tradition at Bethesda in Palm Beach

I wonder if he believes that will help?

Mark 10:25

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
Please explain how a North Korean missile blowing up is a victory for Trump. Did he shoot it down or did he just tweet it to death.

You know Trump personally snuck in to the launch pad the previous night and re-wired the missile's internal controls causing it to blow up. There would be proof but after the Hitler-chemical weapons thing last week the White House communications team did not want to risk showing the Donald in black-face.
Trump's been winning on one issue or the other every day. I really like it that when ever Trump or his team shows up on TV they make a point to bash Obama personally. Nice.
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing

Tune out the noise coming from the White House. So far, very little has actually happened.

By Zachary Karabell

February 13, 2017
President Trump Has Done Almost Nothing
If he has done nothing, then why are all you snowflakes screaming about him so much?
What's wrong with protesting Trump for the next 4 years!!! Hell Impeachment watch and calls have already started!!!!
Meh! Red Nation will over reach......they always do. Republican's cant Govern
Keep on dreaming but it won't get you anywhere. You are welcome to join us, to get educated. But if you think we are going back to Obama's America you are sorely mistaken. His America is thankfully gone for ever.
Why do Republicans always use bombs instead of diplomacy?

Given that the Free World is in far worse shape than when petulant former President Barrack Hussein took office, how does that demonstrate that diplomacy will succeed?

Diplomacy, on a world stage, is impossible without the threat of force. See President Obama...again. Leading from behind.
Let's see President Idiot boy get in trouble and commit troops on the ground.
Congress told him "no", so that comment ^^^ goes down the flusher.

China and Russia back Kim down. Very good.

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