Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY!

In one of the debates he clearly said and repeatedly said that China would take care of NK. No wobbling. Now, we've got aircraft carriers in position off the coast of NK and the base at Osan in SK is bracing itself as a possible first target. Thanks, Trump. He's a massive heap of steaming shit for this country.

It must crush your little heart that China is, in fact, helping the United States with North Korea. You probably didn't see it on MSNBC or CNN that China turned back twelve coal ships from making their delivery in China. North Korea's economy desperately needs the money from those coal shipments.
Well fat boy Kim in N.Korea finally fired off 2 missiles but they were duds.

DJ Trump is apparently playing this down.

Had they not been duds it is interesting to wonder what he would have done otherwise.

No nuke tests have been conducted lately by the fat boy Kim either.
It must crush your little heart that China is, in fact, helping the United States with North Korea. You probably didn't see it on MSNBC or CNN that China turned back twelve coal ships from making their delivery in China. North Korea's economy desperately needs the money from those coal shipments.
I/we cannot tell if they are helping or not.

The Chinks are infamous for lying and stalling.

They are more likely to be stalling to see how fast DJ Trump gets out (of the White House).
First he didnt fire a missle which meant he was scared. What's the new excuse? He fired a missile so that means he's scared of Trump too? Lol.

Your bud had promised a huge event on the 105th birthday. Nothing happened but his usual military demonstrations and parades. NEXT day he attempted a launch, and it fizzled. Apparently, it was hacked.
This is Trump's Honey period!!!!! I predict his approval numbers will continue to decline. Trump will be treated the same way the GOP and conservatives would have treated Hillary had she won.
It must crush your little heart that China is, in fact, helping the United States with North Korea. You probably didn't see it on MSNBC or CNN that China turned back twelve coal ships from making their delivery in China. North Korea's economy desperately needs the money from those coal shipments.
I/we cannot tell if they are helping or not.

The Chinks are infamous for lying and stalling.

They are more likely to be stalling to see how fast DJ Trump gets out (of the White House).
Hell Trump has grown infamous from his lies and flip flops!!!!
Well fat boy Kim in N.Korea finally fired off 2 missiles but they were duds.

DJ Trump is apparently playing this down.

Had they not been duds it is interesting to wonder what he would have done otherwise.

No nuke tests have been conducted lately by the fat boy Kim either.
Trump is a Fat ass 70 year old who is showing signs of Dementia!!!!!! So who's fatter Kim or Trump????
Right now Trump...for the first time in his life is totally engulfed in world problems. God Save Us All!!!!

He has! The Free World along with many Democrats joining in have been giving standing ovations to President Donald Trump both after the Tomahawk attack and again after the dropping of the MOAB.

Toughen up Snowflakes, soon you might actually learn to enjoy being admired by the rest of the Free World and feared by the bad guys.
Well fat boy Kim in N.Korea finally fired off 2 missiles but they were duds.

DJ Trump is apparently playing this down.

Had they not been duds it is interesting to wonder what he would have done otherwise.

No nuke tests have been conducted lately by the fat boy Kim either.

Apparently the attempted launches were hacked. I wonder who might have done such a thing?
Why do libs believe that if you are nice to assholes that they will stop being assholes?

Why do Republicans always use bombs instead of diplomacy? Answer.....they like war because their rich assed constituency get rich while wars are being somebody else's kids.
Pay for play at its finest.


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