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Progressives vs. Homeschooling

What's a parent to do?

Don't want your kid to hear about other religions or go to school with Jews or Muslims? Homeschool
Don't want your daughter associating with negroes? Homeschool
Don't want your child to learn that being homosexual is not the end of the world? Homeschool
Don't wan tyour child learn'n them liberal ide and they can bairly add and subtract.as? Homeschool
Afraid your child may learn about sex from other children? Homeschool
Don't want to vaccinate your child? Homeschool

Oddly, you don't even mention actual education... that's the issue here, people are sick of sending their kids off to school and having them learning about Jews, Muslims, Homosexuality and whatnot and then they can barely add and subtract.

I remember when I went to school 50 years ago

Parents in our neighborhood would brag how they send their kids to Catholic school because they wanted them to receive a "good catholic education"
When I talked to the kids they would say their parents didn't want them to go to my school because there are negroes there

So you lived half a century ago....somewhere up north no doubt....with a lot of racists.

What does that have to do with now? :)

They have expanded their list of who to isolate their children from

Used to be negroes...now it's Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, gays, poor whites

Who is they?

Probably anyone with more character than he has.
As long as conservatives agree that we should hold homeschool teachers to exactly the same kind of stringent standards that conservatives consistently demand we hold public school teachers to,

I don't see any problem with homeschooling.
Why should anyone agree to that, because the teachers union doesn't want competition?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Conservatives want all sorts of requirements placed on public school teachers that they don't want placed on homeschool teachers.

That is textbook bias.

Can we see your credentials for this post?
Please provide the requirements that NY homeschoolers must meet.
Conservatives are very keen on the idea of school districts being able to fire teacher who aren't performing up to standards.

Are they willing to extend that to homeschool teachers who are poor performers?

I would be remiss not to interject here that homeschooled students are required to take the same tests that government school students do.

Clearly, you know less than nothing about the subject, and merely want to make certain that every citizen is retained in the re-education camps....government schools.
Then you socialist can be sure of another generation of Lock-Step Liberals.
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering

Standardized test results for 16,000 home educated children, grades K-12, were analyzed in 1994 by researcher Dr. Brian Ray. He found the nationwide grand mean in reading for homeschoolers was at the 79th percentile; for language and math, the 73rd percentile. This ranking means home-educated students performed better than approximately 77% of the sample population on whom the test was normed. Nearly 80% of homeschooled children achieved individual scores above the national average and 54.7% of the 16,000 homeschoolers achieved individual scores in the top quarter of the population, more than double the number of conventional school students who score in the top quarter. 1

A Harvard University (MA) admissions officer said most of their home-educated students "have done very well. They usually are very motivated in what they do." Results of the SAT and SAT II, an essay, an interview, and a letter of recommendation are the main requirements for home-educated applicants. "[Transcripts are] irrelevant because a transcript is basically a comparison to other students in the school."
HSLDA Homeschooled Students Excel in College

Still, many admissions officials say they are becoming more at ease with applicants who took alternative paths, if for no other reason than it’s a booming market. Almost 2 million American students are educated at home, and more than 80 percent of colleges have formal policies for assessing these applicants – up from 52 percent in 2000.

The number of home-learners in Massachusetts is about 9,000—1.2% of all students—up from approximately 3,000 in 1983, said Patrick Farenga, publisher of Growing Without Schooling magazine in Cambridge, Mass. This increase is remarkable in an era of two-income families because it pretty much requires one dedicated parent (generally the mother) at some financial sacrifice.
Home-Schooled Kids Get Into Harvard And

For Carey, home-schooled since she was 2, acceptances are more than an entrance ticket to a college classroom--she's already taken courses and will earn a Harvard Extension School associate's degree (AA) in June--they are evidence her schooling is as rigorous and legitimate as those earning traditional high school diplomas.

Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
\College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines HSLDA National Center News

Everything I did was only possible because my parents were dedicated and loving enough to homeschool my sister and me. My mother, a former Montessori teacher and author of several children’s books, took the time to instruct us every day. Aside from textbook lessons, she had us perform many exercises designed to stimulate our creativity.
Homeschooling and College - HowStuffWorks

In your face, huh?
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering
What's sad and telling is how the right has misappropriated education and turned it into a partisan football.

Actually, you liar, it was Jimmy Carter and the Left.
    1. Department of Education is, of course, unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states that powers not granted to the federal government belong to the states. So where is the impetus for its creation? Unions. The National Education Association (NEA) “In 1972, the massive union formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.” D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3. When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees. http://crunchycon.nationalreview.co...-department-education-not-radical/mona-charen “In November 1995, when the federal government shut down over a budget crisis, 89.4 percent of the department’s employees were deemed ‘nonessential’ and sent home.” Beck and Balfe, “Broke,” p.304
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering
What's sad and telling is how the right has misappropriated education and turned it into a partisan football.
Their education solution is homeschool and vouchers

The reason?
Unlike Liberals, we believe in freedom and liberty.
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering
What's sad and telling is how the right has misappropriated education and turned it into a partisan football.
Their education solution is homeschool and vouchers
The children of working families be damned.

You Leftists.....so fake.
Here is the nexus of working families and education.

1. " ...the Fujianese work like dogs, as do Chinese immigrants generally.In New York City, the Chinese are more likely than any other ethnic group to live in dual-earning households. ... women typically sewed in garment-factory sweatshops....clean hotel rooms or take care of the elderly.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. ....education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
....one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

a. No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC foundone Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000."
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

Many currently use the parochial schools because they are soooooo much better than the government schools that mis-educated you.

2. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
i. Over 66 percentof the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

ii. The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

iii. The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

iv. 60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations. Why Catholic Schools Spell Success For America s Inner-CityChildren
Conservatives are very keen on the idea of school districts being able to fire teacher who aren't performing up to standards.

Are they willing to extend that to homeschool teachers who are poor performers?

I would be remiss not to interject here that homeschooled students are required to take the same tests that government school students do.

Clearly, you know less than nothing about the subject, and merely want to make certain that every citizen is retained in the re-education camps....government schools.
Then you socialist can be sure of another generation of Lock-Step Liberals.

So you are demanding one set of standards for teachers in public schools and effectively no standards for homeschool teachers.
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering
What's sad and telling is how the right has misappropriated education and turned it into a partisan football.
Their education solution is homeschool and vouchers
The children of working families be damned.

You Leftists.....so fake.
Here is the nexus of working families and education.

1. " ...the Fujianese work like dogs, as do Chinese immigrants generally.In New York City, the Chinese are more likely than any other ethnic group to live in dual-earning households. ... women typically sewed in garment-factory sweatshops....clean hotel rooms or take care of the elderly.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. ....education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
....one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

a. No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC foundone Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000."
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

Many currently use the parochial schools because they are soooooo much better than the government schools that mis-educated you.

2. Urban parochial schools were serving a growing share of disadvantaged and frequently non-Catholic youngsters. In a study published in 1990, for example, the Rand Corporation found that, of the Catholic school students in these Catholic high schools in New York City, 75 to 90 percent were black or Hispanic.
i. Over 66 percentof the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction;

ii. The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class;

iii. The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students' average combined SAT score was 642;

iv. 60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.

« More recent studies confirm these observations. Why Catholic Schools Spell Success For America s Inner-CityChildren

Hey, Chinese immigrants coming to America can wave to the US jobs heading for China!

Send jobs to Asia, and then import Asians to fight with Americans for the jobs that are left.

What a plan.
Why conservative parents homeschool


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Conservatives are very keen on the idea of school districts being able to fire teacher who aren't performing up to standards.

Are they willing to extend that to homeschool teachers who are poor performers?

I would be remiss not to interject here that homeschooled students are required to take the same tests that government school students do.

Clearly, you know less than nothing about the subject, and merely want to make certain that every citizen is retained in the re-education camps....government schools.
Then you socialist can be sure of another generation of Lock-Step Liberals.

So you are demanding one set of standards for teachers in public schools and effectively no standards for homeschool teachers.

Oooo....stating you lying early, huh?

Or...if you deny that...show where I said "you are demanding one set of standards for teachers in public schools and effectively no standards for homeschool teachers."

Was that needed. Now they are going to say there is no proof to prove any that wrong....

While some partents offer great homeschooling it must be said:
There is a link between Home schooling and Child abuse, that is not to say home schoolers are child abusers but child abusers are more likely to avail of the privacy of home schooling to abuse children. This why it needs to be heavilly regulated.

Now since the arguement for home schooling is about indoctrination by the state is a conspiracy theory which shows a mild mental paranoid disorder. Do children have the rights not to be taught by someone with a mental disorder?

Was that needed. Now they are going to say there is no proof to prove any that wrong....

While some partents offer great homeschooling it must be said:
There is a link between Home schooling and Child abuse, that is not to say home schoolers are child abusers but child abusers are more likely to avail of the privacy of home schooling to abuse children. This why it needs to be heavilly regulated.

Now since the arguement for home schooling is about indoctrination by the state is a conspiracy theory which shows a mild mental paranoid disorder. Do children have the rights not to be taught by someone with a mental disorder?

It is the homeschool child who is indoctrinated

The parent shields the child from any information outside the families religious, political or social beliefs

Today I will teach you why God hates fags....
I've known families that had done excellent work teaching their children at home, however this is not always the case. Some of these children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks...like PC Chick.

Full Story @

Home-schooled and illiterate - Salon.com

Though I fell out of touch with my home-schooled friends as we grew older, a few years ago, I reconnected with a few ex-Quiverfull peers on a new support blog calledNo Longer Quivering. Poring over their stories, I was shocked to find so many tales of gross educational neglect. I don’t merely mean that they had received what I now view as an overly politicized education with huge gaps, for example, in American history, evolution or sexuality. Rather, what disturbed me were the many stories about home-schoolers who were barely literate when they graduated, or whose math and science education had never extended much past middle school.

Take Vyckie Garrison, an ex-Quiverfull mother of seven who, in 2008, enrolled her six school-age children in public school after 18 years of teaching them at home. Garrison, who started the No Longer Quivering blog, says her near-constant pregnancies – which tended to result either in miscarriages or life-threatening deliveries – took a toll on her body and depleted her energy. She wasn’t able to devote enough time and energy to home schooling to ensure a quality education for each child. And she says the lack of regulation in Nebraska, where the family lived, “allowed us to get away with some really shoddy home schooling for a lot of years.”

“I’ll admit it,” she confesses. “Because I was so overwhelmed with my life… It was a real struggle to do the basics, so it didn’t take long for my kids to fall far behind. One of my daughters could not read at 11 years old.”

No Longer Quivering

Standardized test results for 16,000 home educated children, grades K-12, were analyzed in 1994 by researcher Dr. Brian Ray. He found the nationwide grand mean in reading for homeschoolers was at the 79th percentile; for language and math, the 73rd percentile. This ranking means home-educated students performed better than approximately 77% of the sample population on whom the test was normed. Nearly 80% of homeschooled children achieved individual scores above the national average and 54.7% of the 16,000 homeschoolers achieved individual scores in the top quarter of the population, more than double the number of conventional school students who score in the top quarter. 1

A Harvard University (MA) admissions officer said most of their home-educated students "have done very well. They usually are very motivated in what they do." Results of the SAT and SAT II, an essay, an interview, and a letter of recommendation are the main requirements for home-educated applicants. "[Transcripts are] irrelevant because a transcript is basically a comparison to other students in the school."
HSLDA Homeschooled Students Excel in College

Still, many admissions officials say they are becoming more at ease with applicants who took alternative paths, if for no other reason than it’s a booming market. Almost 2 million American students are educated at home, and more than 80 percent of colleges have formal policies for assessing these applicants – up from 52 percent in 2000.

The number of home-learners in Massachusetts is about 9,000—1.2% of all students—up from approximately 3,000 in 1983, said Patrick Farenga, publisher of Growing Without Schooling magazine in Cambridge, Mass. This increase is remarkable in an era of two-income families because it pretty much requires one dedicated parent (generally the mother) at some financial sacrifice.
Home-Schooled Kids Get Into Harvard And

For Carey, home-schooled since she was 2, acceptances are more than an entrance ticket to a college classroom--she's already taken courses and will earn a Harvard Extension School associate's degree (AA) in June--they are evidence her schooling is as rigorous and legitimate as those earning traditional high school diplomas.

Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
\College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines HSLDA National Center News

Everything I did was only possible because my parents were dedicated and loving enough to homeschool my sister and me. My mother, a former Montessori teacher and author of several children’s books, took the time to instruct us every day. Aside from textbook lessons, she had us perform many exercises designed to stimulate our creativity.
Homeschooling and College - HowStuffWorks

In your face, huh?

I do not dispute your links, and have already stated that there are plenty examples of good results from children that are educated at home. My sister-in-law educated her children at home, and two of her children are now enrolled in college and are doing quite well. However, my sister-in-law has a college degree herself, and did research before she decided to educate her children at home. This is not always the case.

Some parents decide to educate their children at home due to behavioral problems, and the child ends up at home watching TV instead of going to school. Some wacko parents believe that there's a liberal agenda when creating the schools curriculum, so they decide they are more qualified than the teacher with the college degree, and their children turn out to be dumb as a box of rocks.

Take this couple for example...


They sure do look nice, but their children can't read.

Parents Arrested For Not Teaching Their Home-schooled Children Say They re Innocent WFSU

I realize that you love your freedumb, but don't you think teaching should be left to professionals, or at the very least, the same standards of public schools?

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