Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking. That’s why cons claim...

...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.
The outlets you speak of generally do just fine when reporting "news", as in what happened. The moment they even begin to comment on recently occurring events they turn into leftist twits. For decades I've gotten my news from NPR, I have great respect for their "news" reporting. The moment they begin to analyze or add commentary they turn into complete blithering idiots.

In addition the whole "progressive" thing has run it's course. Cancer is often progressive.
Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking

I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.

This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking

I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.
Right exactly - regressives like Ted Cruz and Mike Pence.

You've just provide his point. He is talking about you and you couldn't figure it out
Lol yeah dude. I caught on to that. That was sarcasm. Perhaps that is an alien concept as well to you.
Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking

I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.

This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.
Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking

I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.
Right exactly - regressives like Ted Cruz and Mike Pence.

You've just provide his point. He is talking about you and you couldn't figure it out
Lol yeah dude. I caught on to that. That was sarcasm. Perhaps that is an alien concept as well to you.

No. I've never heard of sarcasm. What is this strange thing you speak of?
Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking

I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.

This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.

Yeah, continue ignoring they said it was really about wealth redistribution. If you look back at all the ecological movements, the answer is always the same, central control nations losing their sovereignty with the first world western countries footing all the bills. Of course you demented regressive have the memory of a flee, so that realization is beyond you.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller
I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.

This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.

Yeah, continue ignoring they said it was really about wealth redistribution. If you look back at all the ecological movements, the answer is always the same, central control nations losing their sovereignty with the first world western countries footing all the bills. Of course you demented regressive have the memory of a flee, so that realization is beyond you.

What is this exact quote that you interpret as “wealth distribution”?
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.
I often wonder what conservative outlets USMB members watch. Is it Fox? Where do they get their information?

I can tell you that I don't get any propaganda by the lamestream media that is controlled by six corporations. I use alternative media sources and do the proper vetting of the information...that explains as to why I am infinitely more informed than you are. It explains as to how and why I am able to utterly destroy you when you feebly attempt to refute my very salient points. How many lame threads of yours have I utterly destroyed? I would say at least a hundred....could be even more than that.
I've seen little critical thinking or thinking of any kind coming from Regressives.

This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.

Yeah, continue ignoring they said it was really about wealth redistribution. If you look back at all the ecological movements, the answer is always the same, central control nations losing their sovereignty with the first world western countries footing all the bills. Of course you demented regressive have the memory of a flee, so that realization is beyond you.


The environmental movement was started by the Club Of Rome of elitist rich fucks that wanted to destroy the middle class and snowflake leftard commies flocked to the movement like flies on shit.........
This is just one of his republicans are stupid troll threads, it all he knows.

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.

Yeah, continue ignoring they said it was really about wealth redistribution. If you look back at all the ecological movements, the answer is always the same, central control nations losing their sovereignty with the first world western countries footing all the bills. Of course you demented regressive have the memory of a flee, so that realization is beyond you.

What is this exact quote that you interpret as “wealth distribution”?

The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

Well today’s republicans really are stupid. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid though.

I bet you are stupid enough to think the Paris climate agreement was a good thing too. Even though the UN admitted if everyone met their targets it wouldn't make a measurable difference in a hundred years and it was really about wealth redistribution. And you think you have room to talk about anyone else, that is totally laughable.

What the UN said is that the push wasn’t good enough. It didn’t mean every nation couldn’t do MORE which is what is needed. Their conclusion was based upon what each nation was contributing.

Yeah, continue ignoring they said it was really about wealth redistribution. If you look back at all the ecological movements, the answer is always the same, central control nations losing their sovereignty with the first world western countries footing all the bills. Of course you demented regressive have the memory of a flee, so that realization is beyond you.

What is this exact quote that you interpret as “wealth distribution”?

The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'


The IPCC has always worked at the leisure of the U.N.........I have posted NUMEROUS quotes by those associated with the "climate change" that is being artificially created via stratospheric aerosol spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters to manipulate weather patterns and the jet stream. The patents for this are available on line........but the sheeple keep their heads down. The Detroit metroplex got totally bombarded with spraying today.......pisses me off in ways that make me sick to my stomach.
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.

Think about it this way... if you liberals were truly intelligent, you'd have an argument, rather than calling us ignorant. Name calling does not make you intelligent.

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