Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking. That’s why cons claim...

...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.

Think about it this way... if you liberals were truly intelligent, you'd have an argument, rather than calling us ignorant. Name calling does not make you intelligent.

Leftards here give me a wide berth or anyone else that has the slightest clue..........they stick to what they do best which is lame insults....honest debate? Not so much.
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.
I often wonder what conservative outlets USMB members watch. Is it Fox? Where do they get their information?
The truth is, you'd rather control where we get our information. Heaven help us if we dare to disagree with you.
The problem is that some progressive ideals make sense. That doesn’t mean all of them do. Let’s take school choice. A “progressive” piece in Huffington Post is here. 'School Choice' Is A Lie That Harms Us All | HuffPost

The author argues that we should not use school choice to send children into the competition for the best schools, but instead fix the schools which our kids would otherwise go to. In other words, the schools that are the worst, and pour more money into failing institutions.

The argument made plainly in the article is that it is the White Schools, the elites, that succeed. I say pfui. There are a finite number of Joe Clark types who are able to turn around failing schools and create an environment where education is even remotely possible. And as for teachers, there is a finite number of Jamie Escalante types. And even he suffered because of jealousy and petty politics from the far more common average quality teachers. In other words, everyone is not exceptional.

When you have a chance to follow someone exceptional, you take it. When you have a chance to study under someone exceptional, you jump at the chance. Tens of thousands will ask to clerk for the Supreme Court Justices this year. A dozen or so will get it. Those who do and do well stand a better chance at a successful career than those who do not.

Those are the facts, and the reality. Parents who want the best for their children work and strive to get their children into the best school possible. Everyone can’t go to Harvard, Oxford, Columbia, or UCLA. But we believe that the best can go there, because we recognize that some people are just more capable, more driven, and have a little more talent. That isn’t unfair to local schools. That is the reality we live in. It has been the reality of humanity since we stopped grunting at each other and leaned to use words. Some were just better hunters, or gatherers. Progressive ideals would decry this reality, and demand we pretend it does not exist.

We used to teach children to face their fears, and strive to achieve all they could. Now we are supposed to reign in the best and brightest because it isn’t fair they are given a little more potential by God, or random genetic chance if you prefer.

Do not reign those children in. Let them become all they can. Help them excel, because we all benefit when they do. We are given a great teacher like Escalante. Or a great scientist like John Craven. How many examples do you want? Harrison Schmidt was a pretty good Geologist. Nothing outstanding about him. But he was given the chance to be great. He is the only Geologist who visited the Moon.
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.
“Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking.”


Progressives are pragmatists who seek to predicate public policy on facts and objective, documented evidence independent of political doctrine and dogma.

Conservativism, on the other hand, is the purview of ideologues who blindly adhere to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma to the exclusion of facts and objective, documented evidence.

For example, the wrongheaded conservative notion that cutting taxes will result in economic growth and prosperity – when in fact there is no evidence of this being true; in fact, there is evidence of the opposite being true, such as the Kansas tax cutting debacle.

The wrongheaded conservative notion that ‘voter fraud’ exists to the extent that citizens’ voting rights must be infringed as a ‘solution’ to a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist, where there is no objective, documented evidence in support of measures intended to address the myth of ‘voter fraud.’

Or the wrongheaded conservative notion that the carrying of concealed firearms acts as a ‘deterrent’ to crime, when again there is no objective, documented evidence in support of that position.
"Progressivism" (Regressivism) is illiberal leftist authoritarianism.

It's incurious, intolerant, myopic, hateful, narcissistic, manipulative and dishonest.

It is a distortion, a disfigurement, a perversion, of liberalism.

Honest (and horrified) liberal Dave Rubin (former member of The Young Turks) explains clearly:

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Liberal logic:
Liberals hate the rich 1%, but the Democratic Party is run by the rich 1%.
If a Liberal is rich, do they hate themselves?
Liberal Logic:
Voting Rights is sacred, but protecting everyone's right to vote with Voter ID laws is racism.
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

Proof once again that you are a far left drone!
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

You can't even figure out what your gender's is... you are not capable of thinking let alone critical thinking.

Two year olds posses better thinking skills, but then, they have not yet had the public school experience.
Conservatives are very clannish. They don't like outsiders and distrust them. This is born of ignorance. People are afraid of things they don't understand. Educated people are much clearer on what the real threats are and which ones aren't. Conservatives have a hard time telling the difference thus it is easy for con media to manipulate and frighten them into very narrow viewpoints.

Look at any conservative media, they are CONSTANTLY playing the 'see they aren't like you' card. 'The other' is always painted as scary and evil.

This isn't reality. It is paranoia fostered by a cadre of manipulators.
Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking.

yet you dumb fuckers can not figure out

that criminals will not obey a gun free zone sign

some fucking critical thinking there ya rocket scientist

and continue to insist that our most valuable assists (our children)

are left unprotected
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.
I often wonder what conservative outlets USMB members watch. Is it Fox? Where do they get their information?

It's called the internet. You can pick and choose stories that look interesting
Okay like what? Give me some examples.
Classic, never ending libtardism....

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.

And they are too ignorant to know it which is played on and milked by Fake Fox News and the rest.
I often wonder what conservative outlets USMB members watch. Is it Fox? Where do they get their information?

It's called the internet. You can pick and choose stories that look interesting
Okay like what? Give me some examples.
Classic, never ending libtardism....

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

(19)) and continue to wallow in willful ignorance and spew false information
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.
Clearly Billy you are uninformed. Not knowing the major broadcast networks, WAPO and NYT are left leaning and far from objective, makes you so.

Why are you admitting ignorance?
...most media sources have a “liberal bias.”

Let’s take a look at all the major conservative news outlets (bullshit): Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars (god it’s pathetic), The Blaze, Forbes, Heritage. There might be a few I’m missing.

Now, anyone can tell MSNBC, TYT, Bill Maher, John Oliver or The Huffington Post are blatant liberal bias. These are outlets that have mostly opinionated content which are authored by outspoken liberals.

However, when it comes to the objective content you find on ABC, CBS, Washington Post, NYT, etc., conservatives still think these are liberal outlets even though they just report, you know, facts. They also have a history of highlighting negative press about Hillary, Obama, and other democrats. Their content is based around facts, statistics, and full context. Such concepts rarely align with a republican perspective.

This is why the rightwing rejects any media outlet besides the conservative ones I mentioned. Republicans just can’t figure out what is objectively true.
“Progressivism is based upon facts and critical thinking.”


Progressives are pragmatists who seek to predicate public policy on facts and objective, documented evidence independent of political doctrine and dogma.

Conservativism, on the other hand, is the purview of ideologues who blindly adhere to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma to the exclusion of facts and objective, documented evidence.

For example, the wrongheaded conservative notion that cutting taxes will result in economic growth and prosperity – when in fact there is no evidence of this being true; in fact, there is evidence of the opposite being true, such as the Kansas tax cutting debacle.

The wrongheaded conservative notion that ‘voter fraud’ exists to the extent that citizens’ voting rights must be infringed as a ‘solution’ to a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist, where there is no objective, documented evidence in support of measures intended to address the myth of ‘voter fraud.’

Or the wrongheaded conservative notion that the carrying of concealed firearms acts as a ‘deterrent’ to crime, when again there is no objective, documented evidence in support of that position.

Progressives are pragmatists? Now THAT is some funny shit!

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