Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

I don't need to government to tell me not to eat Pink Slime.

And CC, how on earth do you survive without the government telling you exactly what to eat at each meal, when to bathe (if you do indeed bathe..doubtful), when to go to sleep, when to take a dump....?

There is an excellent children's book "A Wrinkle In Time" in which the heroine travels to a totalitarian planet. On that planet, everyone does the required government behaviors at the exact same time every day, or else.

THAT is the Utopian Ideal of your ideology.

Do you know when you might be eating pink slime?

Yes, fast food companies often use it in their burgers and tacos. As I rarely eat fast food, it's not an issue for me.
Yep, time to go back to the Caveat Emptor style of food shopping.

Sniff your meat before you buy it, it's your own fault if you get something rotten.

Guess the ingredients in what you're purchasing.

Allergies? Go fuck yourself!

Btw, heavy sarcasm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Another profoundly stupid Nanny/Police Stater analogy. We have enough Government in our lives. And that's an understatement. So you Nanny/Police Staters can go fuck yourselves.

Yes, because food industries have always done what is best for the consumer and environment.

Why not trust them?
I don't need to government to tell me not to eat Pink Slime.

Right. You can tell by looking at a product EXACTLY what is in it, right?

Jesus wept.....

We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And Jesus would weep over turning free people into serfs of the government.
Hey, do you all know Obama is good friends with Beyonce and Jay Z, and Al Gore invented the Internet? Seriously, it's true. So?...
Yes, there are perfectly rational people on this board who see through the transparent NONSENSE of having a centralized government policy (and hence control) over personal choices.

And you do not see any difference between the words 'information' and 'control'?

Why is it a bad thing that the consumer knows what they are eating?
I don't need to government to tell me not to eat Pink Slime.

And CC, how on earth do you survive without the government telling you exactly what to eat at each meal, when to bathe (if you do indeed bathe..doubtful), when to go to sleep, when to take a dump....?

There is an excellent children's book "A Wrinkle In Time" in which the heroine travels to a totalitarian planet. On that planet, everyone does the required government behaviors at the exact same time every day, or else.

THAT is the Utopian Ideal of your ideology.

Do you know when you might be eating pink slime?

Yes, fast food companies often use it in their burgers and tacos. As I rarely eat fast food, it's not an issue for me.

What about the ground beef and/or preformed patties in the supermarket?
Yep, time to go back to the Caveat Emptor style of food shopping.

Sniff your meat before you buy it, it's your own fault if you get something rotten.

Guess the ingredients in what you're purchasing.

Allergies? Go fuck yourself!

Btw, heavy sarcasm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Another profoundly stupid Nanny/Police Stater analogy. We have enough Government in our lives. And that's an understatement. So you Nanny/Police Staters can go fuck yourselves.

Yes, because food industries have always done what is best for the consumer and environment.

Why not trust them?

Yeah, you should stop eating. Just to be safe. Problem solved. You're welcome.
Yep, time to go back to the Caveat Emptor style of food shopping.

Sniff your meat before you buy it, it's your own fault if you get something rotten.

Guess the ingredients in what you're purchasing.

Allergies? Go fuck yourself!

Btw, heavy sarcasm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Another profoundly stupid Nanny/Police Stater analogy. We have enough Government in our lives. And that's an understatement. So you Nanny/Police Staters can go fuck yourselves.

Yes, because food industries have always done what is best for the consumer and environment.

Why not trust them?

You people are insane. Never before in history have so many people had access to clean food.

If you are concerned about the poor health of obese Americans, perhaps you should focus on the destructive FOOD PYRAMID promoted by the GOVERNMENT which emphasizes a high ratio of carbohydrates instead of protein and natural fats.
And CC, how on earth do you survive without the government telling you exactly what to eat at each meal, when to bathe (if you do indeed bathe..doubtful), when to go to sleep, when to take a dump....?.

You're right knowing if chemicals and bacteria is in my food is just like knowing when and when you do not have a bowel movement. Silly me
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

You sad little sack of silliness. Nobody is standign up against bacteria and chemicals in food. We're against the Government TAKING OVER OUR FOOD SUPPLY and ruining it via Cronyism the way they do with every other market based activity they touch.

I know, but you guys never say what you're for. I dont see any republican talking about chemicals in our food and in fact when someone brings it up republicans are sure to shout them down. Its a defensive defense of chemicals in our foods

There isnt a bunch of chemicals in your food unless you're eating dog food from china.
Ask yourself this. If farmers and ranchers are loading up your food with chemicals,how long before the FDA comes down on them and closes the doors on em?
Not to mention once word gets out the public will shut them down by not purchasing their goods.
Yep, time to go back to the Caveat Emptor style of food shopping.

Sniff your meat before you buy it, it's your own fault if you get something rotten.

Guess the ingredients in what you're purchasing.

Allergies? Go fuck yourself!

Btw, heavy sarcasm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Another profoundly stupid Nanny/Police Stater analogy. We have enough Government in our lives. And that's an understatement. So you Nanny/Police Staters can go fuck yourselves.

Yes, because food industries have always done what is best for the consumer and environment.

Why not trust them?

Yeah, you should stop eating. Just to be safe. Problem solved. You're welcome.

I'll take my food that has to meet certain standards of quality, set by a government agency, thank you very much.
The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Even by the standards of this board, the sheer blind hatred, stupidy and bitterness of this thread take some beating.

Is there really anyone on this board who wouldn't welcome a national food policy if it had been introduced by the party they voted for?

We have quite enough laws, standards and procedures in place. We're doing fine.
As usual the left wants to create a "crisis" so they can rush in and "fix" it...which always includes higher taxes, more "laws" and "regulations" and more gvmt control.

You worry about finland..we got this.
I don't need to government to tell me not to eat Pink Slime.

Right. You can tell by looking at a product EXACTLY what is in it, right?

Jesus wept.....

We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And Jesus would weep over turning free people into serfs of the government.

They don't call it "pink slime" on the label.

You'll know it when you eat'll get a feeling
People just need to stop eating, drinking, swimming in swimming pools, driving cars, etc. etc...

Play it safe people. Don't hurt yourselves.

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