Project Veritas Video- Pfizer Exec Admits They Are Manipulating the Virus & Subverting Regulators For Profits

So , if i may dumb this down to 'pig farmer' levels, The pharamacabal wants to pursue 'gain of function' to be able to profit on it's offerings to us????
:oops: :eek: :eek::eek:
help me out here.....

I’m not the best person to respond here Sparky, but I can relay what I’ve learned. Plus, I am on to your level of smarts as a a top pig farmer of the nation, that takes a lot of effort and know how, but appreciate you pointing this out on this thread:)

So Pfizer spends about twice as much on advertising compared to research and development, this was reported by Forbes in 2019. The annual increases were significant from 2018 to 2019 and particular with adverts, please don’t quote me on this but I believe a 13% jump. As we know, if they aren’t placing curative measures over adverts there’s not going to be any cures publicly released. There are multiple sealed medical patents at this time, who knows how many over the decades.

Jump ahead to 2023, Pfizer comes out with a new heart drug to help with the heart clots that the Pfizer fake vaccines caused in the first place. Profit upon profit. Some might say a double whammy per person, Pfizer charges you going in and charges you going out, what a racket! And now we learn flu vaccines will be mRNA method as well, after they know about the risks involved with the lipid transporter, they’re still going to use it! They knew that the fatty transporter does not work because it doesn’t keep the injection at the injection site as falsely claimed, and only about 20% stays in the arm. They knew the organ risks yet lied to ensure the public of its safety.

This could be a skit on a comedy show poking fun of some hack claiming to have the cure to reverse aging, all for the low cost of $19.00. Sorry, no satisfaction guaranteed just like Pfizer lol
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So , if i may dumb this down to 'pig farmer' levels, The pharamacabal wants to pursue 'gain of function' to be able to profit on it's offerings to us????
:oops: :eek: :eek::eek:
help me out here.....

Yes, recall that wild pigs were imported to Baric's North Carolina in 1913. There are two coronaviruses that cause sudden death in animals: rabbits and pigs. Baric just happened to be located in North Carolina, and has published on rabbit coronavirus myocarditis and death. What a coincidence! Next, he and his cronies deliberately withhold knowledge of American coronaviruses, to be exploited for later use.

It boils down to the spike. Where is the published sequence for American Appalachian Ridge coronavirus spike?
I’m not the best person to respond here Sparky, but I can relay what I’ve learned. Plus, I am on to your level of smarts as a a top pig farmer of the nation, that takes a lot of effort and know how, but appreciate you pointing this out on this thread:)

So Pfizer spends about twice as much on advertising compared to research and development, this was reported by Forbes in 2019. The annual increases were significant from 2018 to 2019 and particular with adverts, please don’t quote me on this but I believe a 13% jump. As we know, if they aren’t placing curative measures over adverts there’s not going to be any cures publicly released. There are multiple sealed medical patents at this time, who knows how many over the decades.

Jump ahead to 2023, Pfizer comes out with a new heart drug to help with the heart clots that the Pfizer fake vaccines caused in the first place. Profit upon profit. Some might say a double whammy per person, Pfizer charges you going in and charges you going out, what a racket! And now we learn flu vaccines will be mRNA method as well, after they know about the risks involved with the lipid transporter, they’re still going to use it! They knew that the fatty transporter does not work because it doesn’t keep the injection at the injection site as falsely claimed, and only about 20% stays in the arm. They knew the organ risks yet lied to ensure the public of its safety.

This could be a skit on a comedy show poking fun of some hack claiming to have the cure to reverse aging, all for the low cost of $19.00. Sorry, no satisfaction guaranteed just like Pfizer lol
Spot on, Claire. The lipid nanoparticle, according to some Twitter researchers, is more toxic than the spike.

What was the clot drug?
Spot on, Claire. The lipid nanoparticle, according to some Twitter researchers, is more toxic than the spike.

What was the clot drug?
I found this while continuing to look but I believe it’s the first one mentioned here : FDA approves new treatments for heart disease caused by a serious rare disease, transthyretin mediated amyloidosis

Yet another fast tracked round of drugs by Pfizer, as reported in the above article. Vyndaqel (tafamidis).
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I found this while continuing to look but I believe it’s the first one mentioned here : FDA approves new treatments for heart disease caused by a serious rare disease, transthyretin mediated amyloidosis

Yet another fast tracked round of drugs by Pfizer, as reported in the above article. Vyndaqel (tafamidis).
Great! Transthyretin links to thyroid and badger2 has taken some notes on this within the last three years (currently reviewing notes).
i found the usmb biotech braintrust.
I found this while continuing to look but I believe it’s the first one mentioned here : FDA approves new treatments for heart disease caused by a serious rare disease, transthyretin mediated amyloidosis

Yet another fast tracked round of drugs by Pfizer, as reported in the above article. Vyndaqel (tafamidis).
You helped to weld another bar in place for their prison cells.

No going back now. The RGD motif links to the communist virus, SARS2 @ positions 403-5 of the spike, and the communist PLA's military virus, XC45 RGD motif has been posted on Dr. Quay's Twitter page (24 Aug 2022). There are only two entries for the Pubmed search, 'transthyretin rgd,' both linking to the same place, University of Melbourne, Australia:

Jump ahead to 2023, Pfizer comes out with a new heart drug to help with the heart clots that the Pfizer fake vaccines caused in the first place
holy wuhan bat sh*t!
Baric just happened to be located in North Carolina, and has published on rabbit coronavirus myocarditis and death. What a coincidence!
well jeez, now i feel guilty......

This could be a skit on a comedy show poking fun of some hack claiming to have the cure to reverse aging, all for the low cost of $19.00. Sorry, no satisfaction guaranteed just like Pfizer lol
I'll admit to not being the sharpest knife Claire , but i do get the feeling i'm (et all) being played....
Roy's sow 2.JPG

what can i say Badger?

The European counterpart came in 2015, Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum

2015 R. ferrumequinum Transthyretin

This Lesser Horseshoe bat also comes from the Mojiang copper mine, Yunnan, China:
2013 R. affinis Transthyretin

Pfizer was likely working on amyloid clot removal as early as 2013.
holy wuhan bat sh*t!

well jeez, now i feel guilty......

Here’s another element of surprise, well at least for any informed reader. Research scientists giving accolades to Pfizer for rushing through this heart drug, yet again rushing their testing!? Were they comatose over the past 3 years and missed learning how rushed mRNA testing played out?

I’ve lost respect for the scientific community at large, but know that there are many good doctors and scientists in various fields, they just don’t work for Pfizer, nor Moderna for that matter. Kind of like when a naive kid grows out of being an idealistic thinker, when everything‘s fair and everyone in positions of power wouldn’t be there unless they deserved the position..and then Wham! The light comes on and greedy misers controlling the actions of the masses by false public assertions are running amuck, and continue to run amuck.
Kind of like when a naive kid grows out of being an idealistic thinker, when everything‘s fair and everyone in positions of power wouldn’t be there unless they deserved the position
We've not been a meritocracy for quite some time, JMHO

And while a lot of us can sense this all around us, most (yours truly) can't always put their finger on in , and exclaim 'there it is!'

So , if i may dumb this down to 'pig farmer' levels, The pharamacabal wants to pursue 'gain of function' to be able to profit on it's offerings to us????
:oops: :eek: :eek::eek:
help me out here.....


The fantasy is they think these companies think they're going to get rich by killing all their customers. They're conspiracy theorists; any guess is a good one as far as they're concerned. They have this bizarre belief that sociopaths never rat each other out or something. They can't accept the reality that many of these organizations are merely incompetent; they need to believe somebody is in control at all times.
Using the combinatorial spirit of science, sooner or later once pounces upon reality.
Part 2 is more shocking than part 1...

Pfizer has turned off comments on they're social media.

Still watching it myself.

For some reason, tweets do not embed on my machine anymore. I think it might have to do with my privacy blocker. . .

I'll put these here in case anyone else does not want to click through to twatter, or in case these get pulled by Musk.

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution'​

Pfizer Director Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recording..\​


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