Prominent European Scientists: "100 year mini-ice age upon us!"


In the iconic picture of the global surface temperature of the 20th century [fig 1, top] one can discern two warming intervals -- in the initial decades (1910-42) and in the final decades, 1977 to 2000. But the global temps are about even between 1940-1977, why is that? And then there's the lack of GW for most of the last 18-20 years, WTF? Shouldn't there be pretty much a straight line going up from 1910 on?

Same deal with the US temps, not a lot of difference here really from 1940-2000, right? Hey I wouldn't argue that GW is happening or that anthropogenic activity is a cause, maybe even a major cause. But the issue is how serious is this problem and how much of our budget should we be spending on this and aren't there less expensive ways to get just as much bang for a lot fewer bucks? I don't hear a lot of talk from the GWers about that.

Agreed..........this issue is indeed "how serious is this?". As of yet, nobody alive knows with any degree of certainty. What get me is this phony loose association on the issue of CO2. Troubles the hell out of me that there are people who just automatically throw their cards in on that. These are not stoopid people............which clearly points to an agenda. Fortunately, the people out there who vote have clearly connected the dots on this goofball AGW concept.:coffee:

In the iconic picture of the global surface temperature of the 20th century [fig 1, top] one can discern two warming intervals -- in the initial decades (1910-42) and in the final decades, 1977 to 2000. But the global temps are about even between 1940-1977, why is that? And then there's the lack of GW for most of the last 18-20 years, WTF? Shouldn't there be pretty much a straight line going up from 1910 on?

Same deal with the US temps, not a lot of difference here really from 1940-2000, right? Hey I wouldn't argue that GW is happening or that anthropogenic activity is a cause, maybe even a major cause. But the issue is how serious is this problem and how much of our budget should we be spending on this and aren't there less expensive ways to get just as much bang for a lot fewer bucks? I don't hear a lot of talk from the GWers about that.
No, it should not be a straight line. There are other factors. The pause you see from 1940 to 1980 represents the natural variance plus the reflectance of the aerosols industry was putting into the air. When the US and Europe cleaned up their emissions, the temperature started going up again.

Yet we don't see that for the Indian and Chinese aerosols. Because now the influence of the GHGs already in the atmosphere is simply great enough that it continues to rise in spite of the reflectance of the aerosols. When China and India clean up their act, the temperature is going to rise very rapidly.

Now as for solutions. No, we need not spend a lot of money on the causes, because we will be replacing our energy infrastructure in any case. And solar and wind are now the cheapest energy available.


Low Costs of Solar Power & Wind Power Crush Coal, Crush Nuclear, & Beat Natural Gas Batteries in the United States.pdf

Executive Summary

This study describes the deployment of grid-scale batteries in the U.S. using data from the DOE Global Energy Storage Database and provides an interpretation of the patterns revealed in these data. This technology has followed a diffusion pathway that is characteristic of rapidly-growing industries. In the 1990s and early 2000s unique projects were undertaken, and there was no evident trend in battery chemistry or application. 2009-2014 can be seen as a period of ferment, in which diverse chemistries were tried out in diverse applications, often with risk-sharing support from government agencies and incentives from regulators. The end of this period saw a shakeout. Lithium-ion chemistry for frequency regulation ascended in prominence, and by 2015, it had become dominant, even as the market grew exponentially. Looking forward, however, limits to this trajectory are apparent, and another period of ferment may be required to bring other chemistries to maturity to serve other applications.

Tesla is manufacturing and installing grid scale batteries as we post. Other companies are developing other batteries based on different chemistry. In all, the next ten years should see in grid scale batteries the same kind of expansion of available technologies, and the reduction in price that we have seen in the solar panels. This kind of technology makes solar and wind 24/7.
We've been being told renewable energy is the cheapest energy for a long, long time. But its just not so........the proponents of renewable energy always leave out the true costs, like, for example, the mega-costs of building transmission lines for wind. The proponents of renewable energy display the "after its all built" other words, these presentations are all about fakery.

And think about it.......except for green energy company projections, all credible sources ( including our own government, :ie: Obama Energy Information Agency ) say that 25 years from now, renewable energy will STILL be a fringe energy source. Why? Well........of course its because of "costs". The people of Germany found that out the hard way the last several years when they started receiving their electric bills. They had been told how wonderful renewable energy is...........but never told them about the costs. The voters blew their top........and now Germany coal imports are at record levels >> German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006 ..........voters don't like to be scammed.

China is upping its coal production be...........ready for this.............50% by 2050!! Why? Cheap energy of course........

When you get educated on the true costs of renewable energy, you recognize why it is fringe now and why it will continue to be for decades.

It always comes down to one thing................costs!!

But don't take my word for it..........see what the New York Times said about the true costs of wind energy..............

Costs. And who pays for the children with asthma from the coal fired plants? We do, and their parents. Who pays for the pollution to the watersheds? We do, the coal companies pay nothing. Those advocating for the use on coal on the basis of costs conveniently leave out the externalities of coal the we, the people, the taxpayers, pay.
Costs. And who pays for the children with asthma from the coal fired plants? We do, and their parents. Who pays for the pollution to the watersheds? We do, the coal companies pay nothing. Those advocating for the use on coal on the basis of costs conveniently leave out the externalities of coal the we, the people, the taxpayers, pay.

Like I always comes down to costs and there isn't shit any of us can ever do about it. So since that is a given, I choose to not have to pay double for my electricity. Its the only reason I exist in this forum for 9 educate people about the agenda of the climate change industry and the link to green energy.
Hmmmm..........hey Billy...........think this post above deserves a double bumpy cucumber?:dunno:
And a tin foil hat. All evil is due to Russian interference, CO2 and both are core elements of a vast conspiracy that Democrats are unmasking on CNN, MSNBC etc.
The coal & the asthma effect is now the WMD weapon of choice the conspirators opted for after Obama said there are no more Chemical weapon stockpiles in Syria which would have done the job before Trump`s 4 year collusion-window with the Russians expires.
The only thing the Captain Planet squad has not yet exposed are all the earth quakes we triggered since we increased tectonic shifts due to "unprecedented" thermal expansion of the earth`s crust exposure to back radiation. This increases the territory of the Russians we are colluding with, while liberal strongholds will be pushed into the ocean and get flooded with arctic melt water.
From your stupid link:
"Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019."

The cooling cycle they say began 2014 has had three record warm years in a row since the "cooling" began!!!!

2017HottestOnRecord_TopTen_en_title_lg_660_371_s_c1_c_c.jpg lets see now?

The NOAA says and displays data displaying clear cooling over the past decade >>

Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling


A graph from an environmentalist link called "CLIMATE CENTRAL":spinner::spinner:

Hmmm......think I'll go with what the NOAA is saying!!!:popcorn:

From your stupid link:
"Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019."

The cooling cycle they say began 2014 has had three record warm years in a row since the "cooling" began!!!!

2017HottestOnRecord_TopTen_en_title_lg_660_371_s_c1_c_c.jpg lets see now?

The NOAA says and displays data displaying clear cooling over the past decade >>

Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling


A graph from an environmentalist link called "CLIMATE CENTRAL":spinner::spinner:

Hmmm......think I'll go with what the NOAA is saying!!!
I'm glad you say you will go with what NOAA is saying because NOTHING in your Forbes link comes from NOAA. All their links go to the dishonest WUWT denier site.

Here is what the actual NOAA data says:

Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA

  • During 2016, the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.69°F (0.94°C) above the twentieth-century century average.
  • This was the third year in a row, and the fifth time since 2000, that a new temperature record was set.
  • 1976 was the last time the annual average temperature was cooler than the twentieth-century average.
  • All 16 years of the twenty-first century rank among the 17 warmest years on record.
So, the "prominent European scientists" were:

1. David Dilley, "CEO of Global Weather Oscillation". That is, a crazy denier non-scientist with a kook blog.

2. Dr. Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist with no climate science experience. She predicts a slightly cooler sun, and simply assumes that will freeze the earth, not backing that claim up in any way.

Even for skook, this is an impressive fail. Just more denier ice agers making their failed ice age predictions, same as they've been doing for the last 40 years.
From your stupid link:
"Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019."

The cooling cycle they say began 2014 has had three record warm years in a row since the "cooling" began!!!!

2017HottestOnRecord_TopTen_en_title_lg_660_371_s_c1_c_c.jpg lets see now?

The NOAA says and displays data displaying clear cooling over the past decade >>

Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling


A graph from an environmentalist link called "CLIMATE CENTRAL":spinner::spinner:

Hmmm......think I'll go with what the NOAA is saying!!!
I'm glad you say you will go with what NOAA is saying because NOTHING in your Forbes link comes from NOAA. All their links go to the dishonest WUWT denier site.

Here is what the actual NOAA data says:

Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA

  • During 2016, the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.69°F (0.94°C) above the twentieth-century century average.
  • This was the third year in a row, and the fifth time since 2000, that a new temperature record was set.
  • 1976 was the last time the annual average temperature was cooler than the twentieth-century average.
  • All 16 years of the twenty-first century rank among the 17 warmest years on record.

And said we are seeing cooling temperatures in the last decade s0n!!:2up:. Guess you missed that little point! The blinding us with science bs is losing side tactics. And nobody is caring about 0.5 degree's cent,...........if they are, please show us where s0n!!:coffee: #23 above kinda ended the debate on this thread anyway!! ( ps.....easily identified........the one with the bumpy cucumber! )
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So, the "prominent European scientists" were:

1. David Dilley, "CEO of Global Weather Oscillation". That is, a crazy denier non-scientist with a kook blog.

2. Dr. Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist with no climate science experience. She predicts a slightly cooler sun, and simply assumes that will freeze the earth, not backing that claim up in any way.

Even for skook, this is an impressive fail. Just more denier ice agers making their failed ice age predictions, same as they've been doing for the last 40 years.

Taking bows s0n.........and is more fodder that in 2017, the emerging consensus is that the world is embracing the science of the lukewarmers and not the alarmists. The evidence is everywhere, most notably in the government where the alarmist view is getting kicked in the nutsacks at the EPA and I couldn't be laughing any harder!:deal:
Costs. And who pays for the children with asthma from the coal fired plants? We do, and their parents. Who pays for the pollution to the watersheds? We do, the coal companies pay nothing. Those advocating for the use on coal on the basis of costs conveniently leave out the externalities of coal the we, the people, the taxpayers, pay.
what a total fraud libtard.. Tell me moron, are all the power plants still running at idle for your fantasy or not? Why yes they are! because wind and solar are unreliable and those reliable plants must run when they stop producing.. So you have made NO IMPACT ON OUTPUTS FROM FOSSIL FUEL PLANTS and your so called benefits have come from other things like scrubbing technology ..

Your a fraud and so is your science.
nobody cares about 1/4 of a degree........and like the European scientists speak about in their research,( and the alarmists dismiss outright ).........the sun matters.

Do you care about glacier shrinkage at all ??
No reason to care.. They have come and gone millions of times before man roamed the earth. Its not unusual or alarming and is a normal cyclical variation of the earths systems.
we are seeing cooling temperatures in the last decade s0n!!:2up:. Guess you missed that little point!
Missed it because it is NOT true, child. 8 of the last 10 years are in the top 10 warmest years.
The last eight years is not even comparable to the RWP, MEWP, or any other warm period in paleo history.. Your fear-mongering is noted and dismissed as propaganda.
and now Germany coal imports are at record levels >> German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006
Typical Right-wing half truth/whole lie!
First of all, highest since 2006 does not mean "record levels" as obviously imports were higher before 2006. And secondly, while coal imports from Russia may have increased in 2014 according to your link, over all coal usage declined by 1.4 TWh in 2015.
we are seeing cooling temperatures in the last decade s0n!!:2up:. Guess you missed that little point!
Missed it because it is NOT true, child. 8 of the last 10 years are in the top 10 warmest years.
The last eight years is not even comparable to the RWP, MEWP, or any other warm period in paleo history.. Your fear-mongering is noted and dismissed as propaganda.
You don't know that because all you have is local PROXY data which is essentially worthless on a global scale

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