Promoting Islamophobia

QUOTE]How did I survive 4 years there, as a Christian?

That's why none of this resembles reality.

I think the hatefullness and lack of civility you, and the other Muslim haters on this thread, have shown probably behind the ease with which anti Muslim interests in the US have cultivated hatred in you.

If you DON"T want to kill Muslims...what is the point?

Do you think you're going to eradicate Islam?...or just the people who misuse it to recruit marginalized people as soldiers.

You're never going to convert them all to Christians.

So again...what is your goal?

Poor little fella.

You accuse others of wanting to kill Muslims, you make a very public farce out of offers for prayer, you lie continually and now you whine about people's incivility.

You poor, poor boy, you.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

What's yours. Why are you trying to whitewash Islamic intolerance and violence?
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.

I see this when I go into a small Iranian market in my neighborhood. The Muslim and Jewish Iranian shoppers happily get along with each other. In fact, outside there are several newspaper racks. They papers are all in Farsi, except one which is in Hebrew, and the Muslims shoppers certainly have not told the owner to stop displaying the one in Hebrew. I was in there the other day and happened to be speaking to a Muslim woman in front of me while we waited for the cashier. For some reason she asked if I was an Armenian. I told her no, that I was a New Yorker (once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker). Anyhow, I was unaware that Armenians have blue eyes, but you never know. One is always being made aware of how proud the Iranians are of their Persian heritage. If you happen to ask them where they come from, they invariably say Persia, not Iran. In fact, in the 70's I happened to be in the Base Exchange of the Los Angeles Air Force Base where I noticed some foreign military airmen also shopping. They were from the Iranian Air Force, but when I first asked where they were from, they said Persia.
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

The first time I ever heard that one about a "one legged man" was said by a guy from he South years ago. Up "shit's creek" is an old expression.
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

Can I assume something? From his Avatar, he reminds me of the American soldier who brought back a War Bride when he was stationed in Iraq. I don't know if any of you remember that particular story.

Sally----if you are referring to roudy and his avatar-----I do not think
you can make that assumption------but I may be wrong

No, not Roudy. The guy Toxic.
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.

I see this when I go into a small Iranian market in my neighborhood. The Muslim and Jewish Iranian shoppers happily get along with each other. In fact, outside there are several newspaper racks. They papers are all in Farsi, except one which is in Hebrew, and the Muslims shoppers certainly have not told the owner to stop displaying the one in Hebrew. I was in there the other day and happened to be speaking to a Muslim woman in front of me while we waited for the cashier. For some reason she asked if I was an Armenian. I told her no, that I was a New Yorker (once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker). Anyhow, I was unaware that Armenians have blue eyes, but you never know. One is always being made aware of how proud the Iranians are of their Persian heritage. If you happen to ask them where they come from, they invariably say Persia, not Iran. In fact, in the 70's I happened to be in the Base Exchange of the Los Angeles Air Force Base where I noticed some foreign military airmen also shopping. They were from the Iranian Air Force, but when I first asked where they were from, they said Persia.

I think that was back then SALLY------IRAN has become ****IRAN*****
back in the 70s-----a newcomer doc to the hospital in which I had a weekend
job stopped---(I was receptionist) and announced his name and said
I had no idea at that point as to what 'NOT AN ARAB' meant------but it happens
to be VERY VERY IMPORTANT--------.....never accuse an Iranian (or even
a persian) of being AN ARAB-----also---never accuse a turk of being an arab.

that was early 70s-----I believe that "persian" came into vogue---
during the HOSTAGE CRISIS------sounded better than bringing up
))))))) IRAN <gasp> ((((((((((

speaking of newspapers-----the only places near my home for
hubby to get his daily supply of Israeli newspapers is the
arab shop down the street--------he does the Yiddish papers too.
I was a little taken aback when I walked into that store for the first
time and he kinda automatically pointed to the piles of Hebrew papers.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

My goal?

My goal is to support enlightenment values against an anti-humanist totalitarian ideology that seeks to obliterate freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of expression from the face of the Earth.

What is yours?
I don't care. Born and raised in Iran, my background Iraqi / Kurdish. But on the other hand, I don't think living or going there is a prerequisite to knowing what life is like over there. You must be very insecure and / or uneducated to use your tourist trip to Turkey like that.

When people say things about themselves, I tend to regard such statements according to how honest they strike me in other regards. You don't try to pretend you are taking positions other than the ones you are taking and make honest comments, so I take you at your word. Toxic has indulged in quite demonstrable lies right here in this thread, so I am less inclined to believe what else he says about himself. Coyote has exhibited such a consistent pattern of deceit by making grandiose statements that fly completely in the face of her long established pattern of behavior (such as her ridiculous claim that she treats all religions the same) that I wouldn't believe ANYTHING she said about herself.

If it quacks like a duck.........
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

The first time I ever heard that one about a "one legged man" was said by a guy from he South years ago. Up "shit's creek" is an old expression.
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

Can I assume something? From his Avatar, he reminds me of the American soldier who brought back a War Bride when he was stationed in Iraq. I don't know if any of you remember that particular story.

Sally----if you are referring to roudy and his avatar-----I do not think
you can make that assumption------but I may be wrong

No, not Roudy. The guy Toxic.
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.

I see this when I go into a small Iranian market in my neighborhood. The Muslim and Jewish Iranian shoppers happily get along with each other. In fact, outside there are several newspaper racks. They papers are all in Farsi, except one which is in Hebrew, and the Muslims shoppers certainly have not told the owner to stop displaying the one in Hebrew. I was in there the other day and happened to be speaking to a Muslim woman in front of me while we waited for the cashier. For some reason she asked if I was an Armenian. I told her no, that I was a New Yorker (once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker). Anyhow, I was unaware that Armenians have blue eyes, but you never know. One is always being made aware of how proud the Iranians are of their Persian heritage. If you happen to ask them where they come from, they invariably say Persia, not Iran. In fact, in the 70's I happened to be in the Base Exchange of the Los Angeles Air Force Base where I noticed some foreign military airmen also shopping. They were from the Iranian Air Force, but when I first asked where they were from, they said Persia.

I think that was back then SALLY------IRAN has become ****IRAN*****
back in the 70s-----a newcomer doc to the hospital in which I had a weekend
job stopped---(I was receptionist) and announced his name and said
I had no idea at that point as to what 'NOT AN ARAB' meant------but it happens
to be VERY VERY IMPORTANT--------.....never accuse an Iranian (or even
a persian) of being AN ARAB-----also---never accuse a turk of being an arab.

that was early 70s-----I believe that "persian" came into vogue---
during the HOSTAGE CRISIS------sounded better than bringing up
))))))) IRAN <gasp> ((((((((((

speaking of newspapers-----the only places near my home for
hubby to get his daily supply of Israeli newspapers is the
arab shop down the street--------he does the Yiddish papers too.
I was a little taken aback when I walked into that store for the first
time and he kinda automatically pointed to the piles of Hebrew papers.

They had the IAF (Iranian Air Force) printed on their caps. At one time before the revolution I was doing some temp work for Litton Insustries, and the guidance and control equipment was contracted for by the purchasing agent who flew in from Iran. I think it was more that they were proud of their Persian heritage. After all, it is a very ancient one..
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

The first time I ever heard that one about a "one legged man" was said by a guy from he South years ago. Up "shit's creek" is an old expression.
"up shit creek......" uhm-----I am not familiar with that one
Well how about " a one legged man going to an ass kicking party". That's what toxic reminds me of.

I find it interesting when people assume things about other people on an anonymous internet message board.

Can I assume something? From his Avatar, he reminds me of the American soldier who brought back a War Bride when he was stationed in Iraq. I don't know if any of you remember that particular story.

Sally----if you are referring to roudy and his avatar-----I do not think
you can make that assumption------but I may be wrong

No, not Roudy. The guy Toxic.
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.

I see this when I go into a small Iranian market in my neighborhood. The Muslim and Jewish Iranian shoppers happily get along with each other. In fact, outside there are several newspaper racks. They papers are all in Farsi, except one which is in Hebrew, and the Muslims shoppers certainly have not told the owner to stop displaying the one in Hebrew. I was in there the other day and happened to be speaking to a Muslim woman in front of me while we waited for the cashier. For some reason she asked if I was an Armenian. I told her no, that I was a New Yorker (once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker). Anyhow, I was unaware that Armenians have blue eyes, but you never know. One is always being made aware of how proud the Iranians are of their Persian heritage. If you happen to ask them where they come from, they invariably say Persia, not Iran. In fact, in the 70's I happened to be in the Base Exchange of the Los Angeles Air Force Base where I noticed some foreign military airmen also shopping. They were from the Iranian Air Force, but when I first asked where they were from, they said Persia.

I think that was back then SALLY------IRAN has become ****IRAN*****
back in the 70s-----a newcomer doc to the hospital in which I had a weekend
job stopped---(I was receptionist) and announced his name and said
I had no idea at that point as to what 'NOT AN ARAB' meant------but it happens
to be VERY VERY IMPORTANT--------.....never accuse an Iranian (or even
a persian) of being AN ARAB-----also---never accuse a turk of being an arab.

that was early 70s-----I believe that "persian" came into vogue---
during the HOSTAGE CRISIS------sounded better than bringing up
))))))) IRAN <gasp> ((((((((((

speaking of newspapers-----the only places near my home for
hubby to get his daily supply of Israeli newspapers is the
arab shop down the street--------he does the Yiddish papers too.
I was a little taken aback when I walked into that store for the first
time and he kinda automatically pointed to the piles of Hebrew papers.

In a Middle East market in the next town, which is owned by a Lebanese Christian, the newsracks outside the store contain newspapers to cover everything, even the Turkish News. You don't even have to travel around the world to see people from all over the globe shopping there as this sharp guys carried things for many different groups. In fact, he now has three stores in different areas. I even see men dressed like you would swear they are members of the Taliban. Since there are many Israelis living in the San Fernando Valley, I would imagine that the newstands carry all the different Israeli newspapers. An Israeli can feel right at home because one man opened up a restaurant serving the same food as does his restaurant in Tel Aviv.
Aaaaand that's where I stopped reading.

You've never been to the middle east and you don't know any Mulsims there.

How do you know if they're anything?

You're going off what others have told you.

And...that's where you're fucking wrong. In fact I was born and raised in the Middle East, and by background is from several other ethnicities in the region..

The fact that you shacked up with a Muslim for a short period doesn't give you any real perspective on treatment of minorities by Muslims.

But I'm not going around throwing my credentials in people's faces just because of my background.

You sir, have a bias towards putting a good face on Islamic intolerance. Ever heard of going up shit creek without paddles?

I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?
QUOTE]How did I survive 4 years there, as a Christian?

That's why none of this resembles reality.

I think the hatefullness and lack of civility you, and the other Muslim haters on this thread, have shown probably behind the ease with which anti Muslim interests in the US have cultivated hatred in you.

If you DON"T want to kill Muslims...what is the point?

Do you think you're going to eradicate Islam?...or just the people who misuse it to recruit marginalized people as soldiers.

You're never going to convert them all to Christians.

So again...what is your goal?

Poor little fella.

You accuse others of wanting to kill Muslims, you make a very public farce out of offers for prayer, you lie continually and now you whine about people's incivility.

You poor, poor boy, you.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

what is "anti-muslim information"???
Everything you say about Muslims.

What do you want done about them?
I don't care. Born and raised in Iran, my background Iraqi / Kurdish. But on the other hand, I don't think living or going there is a prerequisite to knowing what life is like over there. You must be very insecure and / or uneducated to use your tourist trip to Turkey like that.

When people say things about themselves, I tend to regard such statements according to how honest they strike me in other regards. You don't try to pretend you are taking positions other than the ones you are taking and make honest comments, so I take you at your word. Toxic has indulged in quite demonstrable lies right here in this thread, so I am less inclined to believe what else he says about himself. Coyote has exhibited such a consistent pattern of deceit by making grandiose statements that fly completely in the face of her long established pattern of behavior (such as her ridiculous claim that she treats all religions the same) that I wouldn't believe ANYTHING she said about herself.

If it quacks like a duck.........
What about what I've said makes you think they're lies?

Since none of it is...apparently your need for what I've said to be lies is all you've got.
Aaaaand that's where I stopped reading.

You've never been to the middle east and you don't know any Mulsims there.

How do you know if they're anything?

You're going off what others have told you.

And...that's where you're fucking wrong. In fact I was born and raised in the Middle East, and by background is from several other ethnicities in the region..

The fact that you shacked up with a Muslim for a short period doesn't give you any real perspective on treatment of minorities by Muslims.

But I'm not going around throwing my credentials in people's faces just because of my background.

You sir, have a bias towards putting a good face on Islamic intolerance. Ever heard of going up shit creek without paddles?

I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?

First off, Roudy, do you know any one of Mr. Cuckoo's helpers who you can inform to have the correct number of stones ready for the convert since he is always sitting on his Porta-potty. I keep on getting alerts from this crackpot, as I am sure the viewers notice.

Secondly, so true, and not only that, they want to break the backs of all other religions so that only Islam will rule. We wee what is happening to those who are members of other religions in the Muslim world.

Syrian Islamist Scholar Muaz Al-Safouk: Only the Jihadi Movements Can Break the Backs of the Jews

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence Requires Jihad
QUOTE]How did I survive 4 years there, as a Christian?

That's why none of this resembles reality.

I think the hatefullness and lack of civility you, and the other Muslim haters on this thread, have shown probably behind the ease with which anti Muslim interests in the US have cultivated hatred in you.

If you DON"T want to kill Muslims...what is the point?

Do you think you're going to eradicate Islam?...or just the people who misuse it to recruit marginalized people as soldiers.

You're never going to convert them all to Christians.

So again...what is your goal?

Poor little fella.

You accuse others of wanting to kill Muslims, you make a very public farce out of offers for prayer, you lie continually and now you whine about people's incivility.

You poor, poor boy, you.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

what is "anti-muslim information"???
Everything you say about Muslims.

What do you want done about them?

Knowledge is power. I TRULY believe that the white house should have asked me-----"should we support the Taliban since they are opposing the USSR"? ----I would have said-----"they are dangerous--they are ISLAMICISTS"

I truly believe that Carter should have asked me ---"who is better ----shah reza what'shisname" or Komeini (spelling?) I would have said "that jerk on the
peacock throne------by a MILE"
And...that's where you're fucking wrong. In fact I was born and raised in the Middle East, and by background is from several other ethnicities in the region..

The fact that you shacked up with a Muslim for a short period doesn't give you any real perspective on treatment of minorities by Muslims.

But I'm not going around throwing my credentials in people's faces just because of my background.

You sir, have a bias towards putting a good face on Islamic intolerance. Ever heard of going up shit creek without paddles?

I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?

First off, Roudy, do you know any one of Mr. Cuckoo's helpers who you can inform to have the correct number of stones ready for the convert since he is always sitting on his Porta-potty. I keep on getting alerts from this crackpot, as I am sure the viewers notice.

Secondly, so true, and not only that, they want to break the backs of all other religions so that only Islam will rule. We wee what is happening to those who are members of other religions in the Muslim world.

Syrian Islamist Scholar Muaz Al-Safouk: Only the Jihadi Movements Can Break the Backs of the Jews

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence Requires Jihad

I just heard the news on TV-----I think it was-----the from England thing----they were
interviewing an ISIS schmuck. The nice british lady asked "do you think you are right to kill british and American hostages?-----the schmuck answered "we do
not talk to unbelievers----we are muslims ---we are here to spread islam---we
do not talk to the UN ---it is not muslim ----the unbelievers must pay for
making war against islam....etc etc......"
No, I'm pro-gay marriage, as long as they register, I'm terrible at buying gifts.

And no, I don't care much one way or the other about Fluke.

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
He predicted Romney by a landslide too.

You've been indoctrinated.

Harry Truman had lower approval numbers when he left office, and so did George Bush 2.

Rush was right about Obama. Here is an excerpt from a Commentary magazine article by Peter Wehner.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

"...It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. FAILURE.*

Economic growth. FAILURE.

Improving our health-care system. FAILURE.

Reducing the debt. FAILURE.

Reducing poverty. FAILURE.

Reducing income inequality. FAILURE.

Slowing the rise of the oceans. FAILURE.

Healing the planet. FAILURE.

Repairing the world. FAILURE.

The Russian “reset.” FAILURE.

Peace in the Middle East. FAILURE.

Red lines in Syria. FAILURE.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan. FAILURE.

A new beginning with the Arab world. FAILURE.

Better relations with our allies. FAILURE.

Depolarizing our politics. FAILURE.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” FAILURE.

Working with the other party. FAILURE.

Transparency. FAILURE.

No lobbyists working in his administration. FAILURE.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. FAILURE.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."​

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

And to think we could have hired Mitt (Mr. Fixit) Romney for the same salary!

* I added the word, "FAILURE" after each item on the list.
I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?

First off, Roudy, do you know any one of Mr. Cuckoo's helpers who you can inform to have the correct number of stones ready for the convert since he is always sitting on his Porta-potty. I keep on getting alerts from this crackpot, as I am sure the viewers notice.

Secondly, so true, and not only that, they want to break the backs of all other religions so that only Islam will rule. We wee what is happening to those who are members of other religions in the Muslim world.

Syrian Islamist Scholar Muaz Al-Safouk: Only the Jihadi Movements Can Break the Backs of the Jews

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence Requires Jihad

I just heard the news on TV-----I think it was-----the from England thing----they were
interviewing an ISIS schmuck. The nice british lady asked "do you think you are right to kill british and American hostages?-----the schmuck answered "we do
not talk to unbelievers----we are muslims ---we are here to spread islam---we
do not talk to the UN ---it is not muslim ----the unbelievers must pay for
making war against islam....etc etc......"

They really do think they are superior to the rest of us, don't they?
No, I'm pro-gay marriage, as long as they register, I'm terrible at buying gifts.

And no, I don't care much one way or the other about Fluke.

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
He predicted Romney by a landslide too.

You've been indoctrinated.

Harry Truman had lower approval numbers when he left office, and so did George Bush 2.

Gee, I've been indoctrinated and I didn't even have to show you that I can get it up?

Why, who informed you?

I treat Islam as I do any other religion - both good and bad.
Feel free to continue your hate mongering.

You accusing another poster of dishonesty is like Jeffrey Dahmer commenting on somebody else's food choices.

If you treat Islam like any other religion, why have you devoted so many tends of thousands of posts defending it in different forums, eh? You do not defend Christianity with such manic intensity. You certainly do not defend Judaism with such single-minded determination. I have never witnessed you going on and on about Buddhism with such an obsession, nor have you ever defended Hinduism as if your very life depended on it. Only Islam receives your extreme zealousness by way of support. None of the other religions. NONE.
How did I survive 4 years there, as a Christian?

That's why none of this resembles reality.

I think the hatefullness and lack of civility you, and the other Muslim haters on this thread, have shown probably behind the ease with which anti Muslim interests in the US have cultivated hatred in you.

If you DON"T want to kill Muslims...what is the point?

Do you think you're going to eradicate Islam?...or just the people who misuse it to recruit marginalized people as soldiers.

You're never going to convert them all to Christians.

So again...what is your goal?

2% and no more.

Stage 2. Establish Outposts

Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark).

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.

Population density 5% - 10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness.

In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos.

There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.
QUOTE]How did I survive 4 years there, as a Christian?

That's why none of this resembles reality.

I think the hatefullness and lack of civility you, and the other Muslim haters on this thread, have shown probably behind the ease with which anti Muslim interests in the US have cultivated hatred in you.

If you DON"T want to kill Muslims...what is the point?

Do you think you're going to eradicate Islam?...or just the people who misuse it to recruit marginalized people as soldiers.

You're never going to convert them all to Christians.

So again...what is your goal?

Poor little fella.

You accuse others of wanting to kill Muslims, you make a very public farce out of offers for prayer, you lie continually and now you whine about people's incivility.

You poor, poor boy, you.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

what is "anti-muslim information"???
Everything you say about Muslims.

What do you want done about them?

Knowledge is power. I TRULY believe that the white house should have asked me-----"should we support the Taliban since they are opposing the USSR"? ----I would have said-----"they are dangerous--they are ISLAMICISTS"

I truly believe that Carter should have asked me ---"who is better ----shah reza what'shisname" or Komeini (spelling?) I would have said "that jerk on the
peacock throne------by a MILE" you just want to raise awareness huh?

Very altruistic.

What changes do you want, or expect, from them?
What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
He predicted Romney by a landslide too.

You've been indoctrinated.

Harry Truman had lower approval numbers when he left office, and so did George Bush 2.

Rush was right about Obama. Here is an excerpt from a Commentary magazine article by Peter Wehner.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

"...It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. FAILURE.*

Economic growth. FAILURE.

Improving our health-care system. FAILURE.

Reducing the debt. FAILURE.

Reducing poverty. FAILURE.

Reducing income inequality. FAILURE.

Slowing the rise of the oceans. FAILURE.

Healing the planet. FAILURE.

Repairing the world. FAILURE.

The Russian “reset.” FAILURE.

Peace in the Middle East. FAILURE.

Red lines in Syria. FAILURE.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan. FAILURE.

A new beginning with the Arab world. FAILURE.

Better relations with our allies. FAILURE.

Depolarizing our politics. FAILURE.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” FAILURE.

Working with the other party. FAILURE.

Transparency. FAILURE.

No lobbyists working in his administration. FAILURE.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. FAILURE.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."​

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

And to think we could have hired Mitt (Mr. Fixit) Romney for the same salary!

* I added the word, "FAILURE" after each item on the list.
Obama doesn't have the worst approval numbers ever.

Why would he go down as the worst President ever?

That doesn't make sense
toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?

First off, Roudy, do you know any one of Mr. Cuckoo's helpers who you can inform to have the correct number of stones ready for the convert since he is always sitting on his Porta-potty. I keep on getting alerts from this crackpot, as I am sure the viewers notice.

Secondly, so true, and not only that, they want to break the backs of all other religions so that only Islam will rule. We wee what is happening to those who are members of other religions in the Muslim world.

Syrian Islamist Scholar Muaz Al-Safouk: Only the Jihadi Movements Can Break the Backs of the Jews

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence Requires Jihad

I just heard the news on TV-----I think it was-----the from England thing----they were
interviewing an ISIS schmuck. The nice british lady asked "do you think you are right to kill british and American hostages?-----the schmuck answered "we do
not talk to unbelievers----we are muslims ---we are here to spread islam---we
do not talk to the UN ---it is not muslim ----the unbelievers must pay for
making war against islam....etc etc......"

They really do think they are superior to the rest of us, don't they?
Your posts aren't superior to anything.

And they're completely unoriginal
What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
He predicted Romney by a landslide too.

You've been indoctrinated.

Harry Truman had lower approval numbers when he left office, and so did George Bush 2.

Gee, I've been indoctrinated and I didn't even have to show you that I can get it up?

Why, who informed you?

The only people I've met who like Rush are fat, short, ugly, or old men.

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