Promoting Islamophobia

I was going to indignantly announce you unfit to carry Mr. Limbaugh's likely seldom used jock!

Then I reconsidered.

Now I think you are fit for the task.
Mr Limbaugh?....eeeeyuuuuuwah!

I too have to reconsider something...

Is frequent use of a "jock" good or bad.

Hmmm...I can't really tell if you admire that filthy impotent flabby armed waste of space, or you're sane

Rush s the perfect mascot for typical righties these days.

He's too old to get it up.

Women can't live with him for long, no matter how much money he has, so that's why he hates them.

He's angry all the time.

Check, check, and check.

I think therefore I like Rush.

He predicted Obama would fail and hoped he would.

Now, show us how ignorantly you can misinterpret that.
He predicted Romney by a landslide too.

You've been indoctrinated.

Harry Truman had lower approval numbers when he left office, and so did George Bush 2.

Gee, I've been indoctrinated and I didn't even have to show you that I can get it up?

Why, who informed you?

The only people I've met who like Rush are fat, short, ugly, or old men.

The only people I've met who like Rush are fat, short, ugly, or old men.

Every one was smarter than you.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?

First off, Roudy, do you know any one of Mr. Cuckoo's helpers who you can inform to have the correct number of stones ready for the convert since he is always sitting on his Porta-potty. I keep on getting alerts from this crackpot, as I am sure the viewers notice.

Secondly, so true, and not only that, they want to break the backs of all other religions so that only Islam will rule. We wee what is happening to those who are members of other religions in the Muslim world.

Syrian Islamist Scholar Muaz Al-Safouk: Only the Jihadi Movements Can Break the Backs of the Jews

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence, Requires Jihad

Kuwaiti Cleric Tareq Al-Suwaidan Our Struggle with the Sons of Zion Pertains to Our Very Existence Requires Jihad

I just heard the news on TV-----I think it was-----the from England thing----they were
interviewing an ISIS schmuck. The nice british lady asked "do you think you are right to kill british and American hostages?-----the schmuck answered "we do
not talk to unbelievers----we are muslims ---we are here to spread islam---we
do not talk to the UN ---it is not muslim ----the unbelievers must pay for
making war against islam....etc etc......"

They really do think they are superior to the rest of us, don't they?
Your posts aren't superior to anything.

And they're completely unoriginal

Want entertainment?

Try this.

Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

How about a link to one of the esteemed medical journals that has details of the first case of islamophobia. This is a made up term by the neo Marxist left wing politically correct because they wore out Nazi, Fascist and Racist. What is really meant is they are describing those who have studied the religion of islam and know more than they should about the tenents and commands written in Islam's holy books. There have been no recorded cases of anyone showing abject fear to the point of death in the presence of any item connected with islam.

I had a very HIGH opinion of islam-----until I learned all about it----mostly from muslims who told me about its "BEAUTY". The first version of the Koran which I read was the PICTHALL version. It had a forward written by the translator----I was not quite
20 and it was LONG LONG ago. No computers back then. The forward was fascinating in its claims------apparently this person , Muhummad invented everything
from the wheel to sliced bread. I had been an avid reader since I was a small child----
and really liked OLD stuff-------so I knew things about ----OLD TIMES. The forward to the Koran translation confused me It stated that MUHUMMAD invented the idea
of freeing slaves----and "charity" and ----"democracy" and even "women's rights".
such as "ownership of land"--------???? Based on what Picthall claimed for
muhummad------muhummad would have had to have lived 7000 years ago. I was
shocked when I checked the encyclopedia Britannica and discovered that this person
"muhummad" lived less than 1400 years ago-----then I read the book-----<YUCK> what a bastard!!!!!

My experience is that many Muslims are decent, tolerant, honorable people IN SPITE OF ISLAM, not because of. In other words, although their countries got invaded and looted by Arabs / Muslims, and this new faith and culture was forced upon them, many of them still held on to their original culture and traditions. Persia for example, is the worlds first democracy that established human rights and equality as law by Cyrus The Great over 2500 years ago. You can see this as a historical artificial in the Cuneiform in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Which is why Iranians in general (those who aren't very religious) have kept this tradition of coexistence, and do not exhibit the intolerance that Islam forced upon them.

I see this when I go into a small Iranian market in my neighborhood. The Muslim and Jewish Iranian shoppers happily get along with each other. In fact, outside there are several newspaper racks. They papers are all in Farsi, except one which is in Hebrew, and the Muslims shoppers certainly have not told the owner to stop displaying the one in Hebrew. I was in there the other day and happened to be speaking to a Muslim woman in front of me while we waited for the cashier. For some reason she asked if I was an Armenian. I told her no, that I was a New Yorker (once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker). Anyhow, I was unaware that Armenians have blue eyes, but you never know. One is always being made aware of how proud the Iranians are of their Persian heritage. If you happen to ask them where they come from, they invariably say Persia, not Iran. In fact, in the 70's I happened to be in the Base Exchange of the Los Angeles Air Force Base where I noticed some foreign military airmen also shopping. They were from the Iranian Air Force, but when I first asked where they were from, they said Persia.

Armenians have very Semitic / Jewish looks, so than Muslims in my opinion. Many Iranians now call themselves Persians because of the shame that the Islamic republic has brought them. Exactly the opposite of how things were during the Shah's days.
And...that's where you're fucking wrong. In fact I was born and raised in the Middle East, and by background is from several other ethnicities in the region..

The fact that you shacked up with a Muslim for a short period doesn't give you any real perspective on treatment of minorities by Muslims.

But I'm not going around throwing my credentials in people's faces just because of my background.

You sir, have a bias towards putting a good face on Islamic intolerance. Ever heard of going up shit creek without paddles?

I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I don't believe you.

toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.
toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

your post does not make sense. How were your questions "deprived"? With whom were you in love? did your wife know? to what did you want your wife
to convert--------and why?
toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.
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I would like to know exactly what the Prophet of islam prophesised 1400 years ago that was not already known to man. What is he famous for saying that proved he was the last Prophet of God and not just another imposter, what has he said that came true that was not said before by other people. maybe sunni man or one of the other muslims can fill in the missing pieces for me. Reading the Koran leaves even more holes in his prophesies than it fills in, with such glaring false truths as semen coming from the spine and there being no lands outside of Asia.

you are assuming that "prophet" means a guy who predicts the future------I think
a "nabi" is more like a person who is in someway "in contact with "god" "

Muhummad was a WAR LORD------who worked to establish his very own
UTOPIAN SOCIETY with himself as THE LAST EMPEROR------kinda
Utopian like Japanese society STRICT BRUTAL CONTROL

So he was not the last in a long line of real prophets who made statements of what was to come. He was in other words a charlatan and a flim-flam artist with a glib tongue, and never a real man of god.
I treat Islam as I do any other religion - both good and bad.
Feel free to continue your hate mongering.

You accusing another poster of dishonesty is like Jeffrey Dahmer commenting on somebody else's food choices.

If you treat Islam like any other religion, why have you devoted so many tends of thousands of posts defending it in different forums, eh? You do not defend Christianity with such manic intensity. You certainly do not defend Judaism with such single-minded determination. I have never witnessed you going on and on about Buddhism with such an obsession, nor have you ever defended Hinduism as if your very life depended on it. Only Islam receives your extreme zealousness by way of support. None of the other religions. NONE.

gee----dog-----you noticed too.

I guess everyone has noticed, and just made allowances for it
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.

What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

your post does not make sense. How were your questions "deprived"? With whom were you in love? did your wife know? to what did you want your wife
to convert--------and why?
The question...was "what are the goals of all this awareness raising", and you didn't answer either. So you've all danced completely around answering those questions the many times I've asked. Therefore I'm deprived of an answer.

My wife, and the person I was in love with, were the same person. And yeah, I can see how that might be confusing. My ex wife used to wear Metallica t-shirts and short skirts, and completely piss off everybody. Plus she married an American.
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.
I don't know who you're hearing what you're hearing about Turkey from...but my experience was different, because I was there.

Neither Islam nor Christianity is banned in Turkey, and nobody is proposing either.

Marrying a Muslim woman without being a Muslim, in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, is not punishable at all. We did raise some eyebrows but we carried around our marriage license, and when we would check into hotels all around the region (NOT JUST TURKEY) that license would put the managers at ease. They were mostly concerned that she was a hooker.

We were married in a civil ceremony because the Mosque wouldn't do it. Kind of like how rednecks won't marry gays in churches over here.

There are tons of cool heads all over the middle east, and most people have them.

My take.....the people in the middle east who are ass holes, would probably have been ass holes if they were Christians or whatever else.
toxid---is that you saying you don't believe ?? roudy?----what
do you not believe that roudy wrote?----here is a clue----he can
say it in Arabic and Farsi---------I cannot----but he can
What is your goal?

Why do you promote anti Muslims information?

Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

I am confused-----have we been told that toxoid is a Christian
usa man and he went to Turkey and married a muslim turkey
lady there?--------and she managed to survive?
Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.
I don't know who you're hearing what you're hearing about Turkey from...but my experience was different, because I was there.

Neither Islam nor Christianity is banned in Turkey, and nobody is proposing either.

Marrying a Muslim woman without being a Muslim, in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, is not punishable at all. We did raise some eyebrows but we carried around our marriage license, and when we would check into hotels all around the region (NOT JUST TURKEY) that license would put the managers at ease. They were mostly concerned that she was a hooker.

We were married in a civil ceremony because the Mosque wouldn't do it. Kind of like how rednecks won't marry gays in churches over here.

There are tons of cool heads all over the middle east, and most people have them.

My take.....the people in the middle east who are ass holes, would probably have been ass holes if they were Christians or whatever else.

oh now I got it. Well toxoid----I can help you to understand-----TURKEY WENT SECULAR----a long time
ago---well----not that long ago------early 20th century.
Logs of turks are not happy with "secular" just as in the 1970s lots of people in Iran were not happy with secular----.
Iran went "shariah cesspit"-------and Erdogan is now playing
the "lets go cesspit" card and will probably win just as
ayatoilet Khomeini won in the 1970's (cheered on by peanut carter)

the history over the past 1400 years of lands controlled by
"the umma" is like a sin wave-----periodic ---CESSPIT
REVIVALS-----always bloody
Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.
I don't know who you're hearing what you're hearing about Turkey from...but my experience was different, because I was there.

Neither Islam nor Christianity is banned in Turkey, and nobody is proposing either.

Marrying a Muslim woman without being a Muslim, in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, is not punishable at all. We did raise some eyebrows but we carried around our marriage license, and when we would check into hotels all around the region (NOT JUST TURKEY) that license would put the managers at ease. They were mostly concerned that she was a hooker.

We were married in a civil ceremony because the Mosque wouldn't do it. Kind of like how rednecks won't marry gays in churches over here.

There are tons of cool heads all over the middle east, and most people have them.

My take.....the people in the middle east who are ass holes, would probably have been ass holes if they were Christians or whatever else.
Has it ever occurred to you that the evil of Islam which we should resist are the efforts to make America like the Middle East?

Once the entire country is 50% or greater Islamic things here will be more like what you experienced.

But the spear point of the Islamic Jihad, where they are confronting non-Muslim cultures and societies and forcing their will on others, that is where your focus should be.
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.
I don't know who you're hearing what you're hearing about Turkey from...but my experience was different, because I was there.

Neither Islam nor Christianity is banned in Turkey, and nobody is proposing either.

Marrying a Muslim woman without being a Muslim, in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, is not punishable at all. We did raise some eyebrows but we carried around our marriage license, and when we would check into hotels all around the region (NOT JUST TURKEY) that license would put the managers at ease. They were mostly concerned that she was a hooker.

We were married in a civil ceremony because the Mosque wouldn't do it. Kind of like how rednecks won't marry gays in churches over here.

There are tons of cool heads all over the middle east, and most people have them.

My take.....the people in the middle east who are ass holes, would probably have been ass holes if they were Christians or whatever else.
Has it ever occurred to you that the evil of Islam which we should resist are the efforts to make America like the Middle East?

Once the entire country is 50% or greater Islamic things here will be more like what you experienced.

But the spear point of the Islamic Jihad, where they are confronting non-Muslim cultures and societies and forcing their will on others, that is where your focus should be.

My impression is that toxoid ----seems to believe that rumors
that muslims impose their beliefs -------are ALL SILLY LIES----
possibly invented by DA JOOOOOS (to be fair-----I do not
recall DA JOOOOS as an issue for toxoid-----but the idea
had come up on the messageboard and is certainly a concept
promulgated for many decades in the islamo Nazi literature
Those close to her have suffered persecution by Muslims, and today's Muslims are trying to perpetuate a second Holocaust on the Jews?
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.

And team Palestine ignore the facts because they don't agree with their reality of the situation.
The Right Wing Playbook on Anti-Muslim Extremism People For the American Way[/url]

Stage 2. Establish Outposts

Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark).

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

Proselytizing is as much a part of Islam as it is Christianity. Percentages make no difference in that regard. Both Christians and Muslims heavily proselytize in prisons. As far as recruiting – you have a variety of criminal gangs engaged in recruiting within the prison population so it should come as no surprise that Jihadist gangs do the same and has less to do with Islam as a religion than it does with extremists and criminal gangs within it. Criminal gangs are attracted to criminals and profit.

Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.

Population density 5% - 10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness.

In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos.

There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.

“Demand” Halal food? In cities with large Jewish populations, do you get upset when they “demand” supermarkets carry kosher food? Supermarkets – and other business – are privately owned entities that base their decisions on what is profitable and market demand. If they see that a lot of people in their region want a certain product or if they think those people want a certain product – they will provide because they are market-driven.

Blocking of the streets for prayers. That’s a great example of taking a rare incident, because the Mosques are too small – and turning it into a wide spread occurrence. It isn’t.

“When 10%.....demands turn to lawlessness”. Not really. Lawlessness is a product of many things – political frustration, poverty, anger, disenfranchisment mob incitement etc.

My town has frequent events of lawlessness when we lose (or win) a football game. Students take to the streets, burn couches, over turn cars. Other examples of lawlessness are the violent protests in Ferguson. None of which are Muslim-driven.

In addition, this fallacy (which is a nice way of stating it’s a “lie”) ignores the many ways in which Muslims use the courts and political system to air their concerns or peacefully protest in the same manner as any other religious group.

“When Muslim’s approach 10%...demands turn to self rule” – correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. This claim is largely driven by the idea of “no go zones”. It’s difficult to get accurate information here because most of the sources tend to be dubous such as WND, or anti-Islam sites. But it’s worth exploring for accuracy.

Swedish Police Lose Control Of 55 No-Go Zones To Muslim Gangs The Daily Caller

Swedish police have ceded control over 55 “no-go zones” to predominately Muslim criminal gangs.

An extensive report mapping out 55 no-go zones was released Oct. 24, showing where law enforcement has all but handed control to criminal gangs.

Officers frequently face outright attacks when trying to enter the areas, which is a step up from the previous problem with attacks on mailmen, fire trucks, ambulances and similar services. Fire trucks and ambulances had to wait for police escort to enter the areas, but now the police themselves need protection.

The no-go areas heavily coincide with the map of the 186 “exclusion areas” aka. crowded, predominantly Muslim immigrant ghettos, where education is low, employment is lower and the only local business thriving is drug dealing.

As the real law backs away, organized crime emerges to take its place. The police report notes “a wider clientel [in the areas] are increasingly turning to the criminal authorities for justice” in a Godfather-like fashion. Unofficial courts and punishments are often meted out according to the codes of the home cultures of the dominant gangs. The report also points out that there are vehicle checkpoints at the borders of some of these areas. The bad news is it’s not the police doing them; it’s the gangs securing home turf against law enforcement and rival gangs.

The issue here is not Muslims – it’s ghetto criminal gangs who in this particular area are predominantly Muslim. In other areas – the gangs are made up of other ethnic groups – East Europeans for example. London’s East End has a long history of poverty, immigrants, lawlessness and crime. Forty years ago – the largest immigrant group was Jewish – the gangs were Cockney and Jewish. As they gradually were able to move out to better areas they were replaced by new ethnic groups – Bangladeshi’s are the dominant group now I believe. Each comes with it’s customs, enterprises, gangs, and crime. It’s no different with Muslims than it is with other groups who consolidate in ghetto areas.

In this claim:

There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.

Do you have evidence to show there are no schools? National courts? There may well be no non-Muslim religious facilities if the population is majority Muslim – that too is driven by the population. Do you have evidence to show that in these areas they learn only the Koran?

On assimilation – do Muslim immigrants assimilate? Well, that too varies and depends on many factors including where they are residing and their countries of origin. It’s interesting to note that in the US and Canada rates of assimilation are very high, in fact – higher than other immigrant groups. Immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh tend to assimilate less than immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East. Source: Civic Report 64 COMPARING IMMIGRANT ASSIMILATION IN NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE
What do you want done about it?

Two different questions, dipstick. No one's going to change the world here. This is an OPINION board.

Perhaps you should consider that putting Western values and tolerance to Muslim societies on the same level is a total fraud. You seem to have a problem with free speech, are you sure you didn't convert to Islam? LOL
I'm tempted to deny you the answers to your questions, because of the deprivation you bestow on mine.

But I'm reassured about your sanity if your goals are simply "awareness"

And honestly...that region could use more cool heads.

As for free speech. It's actually alive and well within our exchange. You've expressed your opinions, and backed them up with why you have them. I have rejected them, and your sources, and expressed my opinions. Then you rejected my opinions, and so on.

As for converting to Islam, once when I was in love...I asked the local Sunni preacher, as I called him, if it would benefit my wife to covert. He said my reasons were wrong, and advised against it. He was probably right, because we got divorced in the US 5 years later. She now lives with a conservative redneck in Texas...go figure.

But such a thing as free speech does not exist in Muslim countries. Never did, and never will.

And again, you are talking about Turkey, a secular country which at some point in recent history banned Islamism to the point that even it's official language was changed to Latin / Greek. Now of course, it's taken a turn for the much worse with this new leadership. What I'm saying is the act of a Christian man marrying a Muslim woman without first converting to Islam, is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. I'm wondering how even in Turkey, you guys were issued a marriage certificate. Perhaps you married in US.

There is no such thing as a cool head when it comes to Muslims (generally speaking). There is a certain capacity for rational thought and reason, which for some reason or another Islam seems to wipe out of the human brain. Having been around Muslims I know this to be a fact. Why do you think there seems to be an endless amount of people in the Muslim world willing to put on a suicide vest and go blow themselves up? Picture the act and then ask yourself, is it poverty, education, or is it the degree of the grievance? You have people under worse conditions that never did the kinds of horrific things Muslims do. The answer can be one thing and one thing alone: it's the ideology. Let's be honest and call a spade a spade.

And team Palestine ignore the facts because they don't agree with their reality of the situation.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Coyote-----I have a sense that you do not like
"ANTHROPOLOGY" -------time to tell Margaret
Meade that "COMING OF AGE IN SAMOA"---is
all BS----because EVERYONE IS THE SAME

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