Proof... MSM hates Trump so much they are attacking Trump's supporters!!!

"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.
TDS has to be the strongest disease i have seen yet.
Lol what? Nobody's even called him a secret Muslim or said that he's part of a secret global conspiracy to destroy America.
Give me a break
Has anyone started saying that he's a foreign born usurper and possibly even the anti-Christ yet?
yes. And hitler reincarnated. He is going to eat your babies. etc etc etc
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!
TDS has to be the strongest disease i have seen yet.
Lol what? Nobody's even called him a secret Muslim or said that he's part of a secret global conspiracy to destroy America.
Give me a break
Has anyone started saying that he's a foreign born usurper and possibly even the anti-Christ yet?
Or born in Kenya or is a Muslim or is Khrushchev's secret love child?
how quaint. This ignorant dumbfuck wants to get it in on it. You are a good example. You call him comrade and a brown shirt in ther same sentence. Just like the RWNJs that call Obama a communist muslim.
You are all fucking idiots
TDS has to be the strongest disease i have seen yet.
Lol what? Nobody's even called him a secret Muslim or said that he's part of a secret global conspiracy to destroy America.
Give me a break
Has anyone started saying that he's a foreign born usurper and possibly even the anti-Christ yet?
yes. And hitler reincarnated. He is going to eat your babies. etc etc etc
Psh that's baby stuff. The ODS rubes got bored of Hitler comparisons years ago and got way more creative.

And I haven't heard anybody accuse Trump of eating babies, but Obama has certainly been accused of helping to murder babies by the millions. Hell, you probably agree.
TDS has to be the strongest disease i have seen yet.
Lol what? Nobody's even called him a secret Muslim or said that he's part of a secret global conspiracy to destroy America.
Give me a break
Has anyone started saying that he's a foreign born usurper and possibly even the anti-Christ yet?
yes. And hitler reincarnated. He is going to eat your babies. etc etc etc
Psh that's baby stuff. The ODS rubes got bored of Hitler comparisons years ago and got way more creative.

And I haven't heard anybody accuse Trump of eating babies, but Obama has certainly been accused of helping to murder babies by the millions. Hell, you probably agree.
helping murder Syrian and Iraqi babies, yes.
Isn't it funny that Trump got some money from his father and turned it into $5 the libs say he didn't do anything on his own.

John Kerry marries into wealth TWICE, and there is not a word about his opportunism.

Let's face it. There is a double standard by the media that they do not even lie about anymore.

The difference is that Trump is a producer and Kerry is a gigolo.

You can tell that by the looks of their wives.
Trump produces for Trump and will screw everybody else.

He will not bring jobs back.

He may build a wall but the American people will not permit any mass deportations.

Either Donnie Two Times or Hillary Horrendous will last only four years in office, if they are not impeached.

We have to get our country off the crazy train.

That will happen with the election of Donald Trump.
Lol what? Nobody's even called him a secret Muslim or said that he's part of a secret global conspiracy to destroy America.
Give me a break
Has anyone started saying that he's a foreign born usurper and possibly even the anti-Christ yet?
yes. And hitler reincarnated. He is going to eat your babies. etc etc etc
Psh that's baby stuff. The ODS rubes got bored of Hitler comparisons years ago and got way more creative.

And I haven't heard anybody accuse Trump of eating babies, but Obama has certainly been accused of helping to murder babies by the millions. Hell, you probably agree.
helping murder Syrian and Iraqi babies, yes.
With Trump, we may be purposely targeting babies and their mothers.
It is this simple equation.

The "MSM" loves ISRAEL.

Hillary is trusted by the Israelis to

1. not re-open the 911 investigatioin
2. not bust the next Mossad "terror" attack to be blamed on Muslims
3. start wars in the ME for the benefit of Israel

Trump is suspected of being a truther.

Hence, the media bias this election is off-the-scale for the monstrous witch.
"MSM hates Trump" lol A ridiculous lie. No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump. And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.
So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant? Please answer YES or NO!
Check YES or NO!

Once again adolescent response from supposedly an adult!

I just want to know if this simple black and white question can be answered as simply as the Google search results show 36,900 answers.
When a majority of people like you depend on the MSM for all your information to form opinions I am pretty sure I know your answer! Plus with your above response it confirms your lack of intelligent comprehension of reality.
"MSM hates Trump" lol A ridiculous lie. No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump. And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.
So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant? Please answer YES or NO!
Check YES or NO!

Once again adolescent response from supposedly an adult!

I just want to know if this simple black and white question can be answered as simply as the Google search results show 36,900 answers.
When a majority of people like you depend on the MSM for all your information to form opinions I am pretty sure I know your answer! Plus with your above response it confirms your lack of intelligent comprehension of reality.
I love that song.

Your reply is a typical Alt Right post, ascribing motives and knowledge to people you don't have the foggiest about. Your words clearly out you: you attack people with vitriol and claim the same is done to you when it is not.
You made such an assertion, yes, and it is false now as it was then.

How are they "attacking" supporters of donnie two times?

Disagreeing is not attacking.

Remember- to the right wing nut jobs- any disagreement- any criticism- is an attack.

Under a President Trump- the right wing Nut jobs know that no criticism will be allowed against Trump or his sycophants.
It is this simple equation.

The "MSM" loves ISRAEL.

Hillary is trusted by the Israelis to

1. not re-open the 911 investigatioin
2. not bust the next Mossad "terror" attack to be blamed on Muslims
3. start wars in the ME for the benefit of Israel

Trump is suspected of being a truther.

Hence, the media bias this election is off-the-scale for the monstrous witch.
You have monstrous headaches, do you not?
Isn't it funny that Trump got some money from his father and turned it into $5 the libs say he didn't do anything on his own.

John Kerry marries into wealth TWICE, and there is not a word about his opportunism.

Let's face it. There is a double standard by the media that they do not even lie about anymore.

The difference is that Trump is a producer and Kerry is a gigolo.

You can tell that by the looks of their wives.
Trump produces for Trump and will screw everybody else.

He will not bring jobs back.

He may build a wall but the American people will not permit any mass deportations.

Either Donnie Two Times or Hillary Horrendous will last only four years in office, if they are not impeached.

We have to get our country off the crazy train.

Trump's $5 billion does not count because his daddy gave him some money.

Kerry's money does not count because it all belongs to his wives.
You made such an assertion, yes, and it is false now as it was then.

How are they "attacking" supporters of donnie two times?

Disagreeing is not attacking.

it's an "attack" to point out that demographically they are largely uneducated white males and it's an attack to point out their racial slurs and bigotry

rightwingnuts always think truth is an attack
You made such an assertion, yes, and it is false now as it was then.

How are they "attacking" supporters of donnie two times?

Disagreeing is not attacking.

it's an "attack" to point out that demographically they are largely uneducated white males and it's an attack to point out their racial slurs and bigotry

rightwingnuts always think truth is an attack
Please... continue with that cliched totally MSM construct of "largely uneducated white males"!
It helps in several ways for example:
A) It continues to validate the MSM biased presentations to the shrinking number of people that pay attention to the MSM.
B) It continues to insult people that are many times obviously smarter then you to encourage others that uninformed people like you call "uneducated" to "pull for Trump" behind the curtain. It really helps people like millions of us that confirm our opinion of pompous faux intelligent educated people like you.
C) Finally if you consider how polls are biased which you won't I'm sure as you are a close-minded person you might see the best position that Trump is in!
When someone in a race has to look behind as Hillary is doing she's taking her eye off the goal.
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!

So Jones you can't answer a simple yes or no.
Here is what I know about you... you don't do any deep investigation and you take EVERYTHING the MSM feeds you as true.
So you answer YES Trump is anti-immigrant and I'm sure it is based on on the 36,900 sources as Google shows that you and others all take the position:
"Trump is anti-immigrant".
A) Trump is married to a "LEGAL Immigrant"... please note the adjective "Legal"!
B) Millions of people like me with relatives that are "legal immigrants" agree with Trump's stance about "illegal immigrants"!
C) Then there are millions of people that don't think it is right that "illegals" get welfare,healthcare,etc. that millions of people pay for!
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!
I dont think Trump is anti immigrant or pro immigrant. He wants much stricter enforcment of immigration law, which in some cases is good, and he wants much stricter vetting and reductions in refuges. He is promoting nationalist ideas and the way he communicates with his supporters rally's many who are anti immigrant xenophobs.

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