Proof... MSM hates Trump so much they are attacking Trump's supporters!!!

Jones and Jillian handed hm his butt on this OP. hm is not being attacked, just told the truth that he and many like him are simply inadequate in understanding our political process.
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!
I dont think Trump is anti immigrant or pro immigrant. He wants much stricter enforcment of immigration law, which in some cases is good, and he wants much stricter vetting and reductions in refuges. He is promoting nationalist ideas and the way he communicates with his supporters rally's many who are anti immigrant xenophobs.

My point though is the vast majority of MSM portrays Trump as "anti-immigrant". 36,900 search results on Google for "Trump is Anti-immigrant" makes most
ignorant people to think he doesn't like ANY immigrants...when they don't seem to realize he is MARRIED to a "legal immigrant"!
That is my point. You may know the distinction but the MSM doesn't to the vast majority of people who don't go any further then the 36,900 types of
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!
I dont think Trump is anti immigrant or pro immigrant. He wants much stricter enforcment of immigration law, which in some cases is good, and he wants much stricter vetting and reductions in refuges. He is promoting nationalist ideas and the way he communicates with his supporters rally's many who are anti immigrant xenophobs.

My point though is the vast majority of MSM portrays Trump as "anti-immigrant". 36,900 search results on Google for "Trump is Anti-immigrant" makes most
ignorant people to think he doesn't like ANY immigrants...when they don't seem to realize he is MARRIED to a "legal immigrant"!
That is my point. You may know the distinction but the MSM doesn't to the vast majority of people who don't go any further then the 36,900 types of
And Trump is being accurately portrayed – he is in fact anti-immigrant.

Trump’s hostility toward Mexico and Mexicans, his lies about a ‘wall’ and Mexico ‘paying’ for a ‘wall’ are all designed to discourage immigrants from coming to the United States.

Trump’s anti-immigration policy also plays to the long-standing nativism that’s always existed in the Republican Party, and the unwarranted fear of change and diversity common to most on the right.

That one is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal’ – there are a significant number of those undocumented who are eligible for refugee or asylee status in accordance with immigration law.

Those seeking asylum are entitled to due process, to have their applications for refugee status reviewed and adjudicated in a court of law, and only after having been afforded due process and found guilty of entering the country absent authorization is one considered ‘illegal’ and subject to deportation.

Of course Trump and his hateful supporters have nothing but contempt for the rule of law, and seek to deny immigrants their right to due process as a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate.
"MSM hates Trump"


A ridiculous lie.

No one has benefited more from media coverage than Trump.

And Trump has only himself to blame, all ‘the media’ do is play back the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says.

So simple question for you Jones.... Do you think Trump is anti-immigrant?
Please answer YES or NO!
I dont think Trump is anti immigrant or pro immigrant. He wants much stricter enforcment of immigration law, which in some cases is good, and he wants much stricter vetting and reductions in refuges. He is promoting nationalist ideas and the way he communicates with his supporters rally's many who are anti immigrant xenophobs.

My point though is the vast majority of MSM portrays Trump as "anti-immigrant". 36,900 search results on Google for "Trump is Anti-immigrant" makes most
ignorant people to think he doesn't like ANY immigrants...when they don't seem to realize he is MARRIED to a "legal immigrant"!
That is my point. You may know the distinction but the MSM doesn't to the vast majority of people who don't go any further then the 36,900 types of
Yes, it is an exaggeration of the truth for sure... Just like they've been pounding in the point that Hillary can't be trusted and is a criminal. It goes both ways. Overbloated exaggerated rhetoric with no class or respect. It's pretty sad if you think about it
This hero who saved a baby locked in a hot car...CNN blurred out his Trump 2016 shirt.

You made such an assertion, yes, and it is false now as it was then.

How are they "attacking" supporters of donnie two times?

Disagreeing is not attacking.

Did you even read the OP?

Their behavior is absolutely reprehensible. Thankfully their careers will be over when Trump becomes the president. Having them drink their own medicine will be a sweet end to the evil of it all.

It's now attacking to say

Donnie Two Tone's Doc tv appearing doc who wrote Donnie's physical in 5 mins is a quack

Ivanka's speech in support of maternity leave is hypocritical

Peter Theil's support of Trump has silcon valley squirming is .... TRUE.


Now if they get around to calling the regular Joes who support Donnie Two Tone ... let me know.
You made such an assertion, yes, and it is false now as it was then.

How are they "attacking" supporters of donnie two times?

Disagreeing is not attacking.

Did you even read the OP?

Their behavior is absolutely reprehensible. Thankfully their careers will be over when Trump becomes the president. Having them drink their own medicine will be a sweet end to the evil of it all.

It's now attacking to say

Donnie Two Tone's Doc tv appearing doc who wrote Donnie's physical in 5 mins is a quack

Ivanka's speech in support of maternity leave is hypocritical

Peter Theil's support of Trump has silcon valley squirming is .... TRUE.


Now if they get around to calling the regular Joes who support Donnie Two Tone ... let me know.
You didn't read the articles and again that's the problem with most people that believe the MSM.... they take the headlines and forget about the articles.
For example "Donnie's physician is a quack"... attack the supporter! That's
Ivanka's "hypocritical" again why put that in the headline... that's an OPINON... not news!

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