Proof Obama is working for the enemy: Gitmo detainee released now leader of AQ in Yemen

Dubya did. But it's okay he's in exile, so we don't have to talk about him.

Where do you see Bush's name, and how do you explain this, from the article?

"In July 2010, Qosi plead guilty to charges of conspiracy and material support for terrorism before a military commission. His plea was part of a deal in which he agreed to cooperate with prosecutors during his remaining time in US custody. Qosi was transferred to his home country of Sudan two years later, in July 2012."

Bush had been out of office for a year and a half when the deal was made.
Qosi is not the leader of ISIS.

Who said that he was?
You brought him up. I wasn't talking about him.
You're stuck until the election....if there is one...or something much more dramatic happens. BTW with his state job CA killer could have just as easily chosen a school......

why wouldn't there be an election, idiot?

whatever you're smoking... stop it's rotting your brain.
One would think this would be a huge story, particularly after San Bernardino, Obama's demands for more Muslims, and Trumps comments but you would be wrong.

This story hurts Big Ears and the D party, so it is reported for one day and forgotten.

The incompetence of government knows no bounds, but we are to believe they can vet Muslims brought here.

yes. it was incompetent to destabilize the middle east by invading Baghdad and deposing saddam Hussein and throwing people in jail without charge or trial. kind of took away the moral high ground from the US on top of everything else.
There in lays the difference between us. I agree with you post above, but you being the D partisan, can't see or won't admit that my earlier post is correct.

If W were a D, would you be condemning his actions in the ME or commending them?
All Gitmo detainees should be tried or released

That is what America stands for
You're stuck until the election....if there is one...or something much more dramatic happens. BTW with his state job CA killer could have just as easily chosen a school......

why wouldn't there be an election, idiot?

whatever you're smoking... stop it's rotting your brain.

How often have we been warned our electric grid is crap.....wouldn't take much to disrupt it with either a cyber attack or, as libs like to say, direct action. We alrdy know govt is supporting blm terrorists behind the Isis overseas, Mexican cartels.....why wouldn't they be doing same with Isis in the states. They alrdy are holding the door open for em
You're stuck until the election....if there is one...or something much more dramatic happens. BTW with his state job CA killer could have just as easily chosen a school......

why wouldn't there be an election, idiot?

whatever you're smoking... stop it's rotting your brain.

How often have we been warned our electric grid is crap.....wouldn't take much to disrupt it with either a cyber attack or, as libs like to say, direct action. We alrdy know govt is supporting blm terrorists behind the Isis overseas, Mexican cartels.....why wouldn't they be doing same with Isis in the states. They alrdy are holding the door open for em

I love when rightwingnuts make up fantasies in their heads and then decide that *we're* ignoring reality.

I reiterate what I said before.
All Gitmo detainees should be tried or released

That is what America stands for

No. That's what YOU stand for.

My Constitution allows you to the right of a speedy trial, right to face your accuser, right to habeous corpus

Gitmo is NOT American

War is war. Crime is crime.

This is war.

Humans have human rights

If you claim they are criminals, the burden of proof is on you to prove it
All Gitmo detainees should be tried or released

That is what America stands for

No. That's what YOU stand for.

My Constitution allows you to the right of a speedy trial, right to face your accuser, right to habeous corpus

Gitmo is NOT American

War is war. Crime is crime.

This is war.

Humans have human rights

If you claim they are criminals, the burden of proof is on you to prove it

I claim they are not criminals. Why are you so slow? Have you always been so?
This is unbelievable. Bush locks them up, Obama releases them and then they take up arms again. God please get this man out of office asap.

Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen | The Long War Journal
The JimBowies, Steve_McGarretts, and the Vigilantes are not on the side of America.

Once you realize that, everything they do makes perfect sense.

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