Proof Obama is working for the enemy: Gitmo detainee released now leader of AQ in Yemen

All Gitmo detainees should be tried or released

That is what America stands for

No. That's what YOU stand for.

My Constitution allows you to the right of a speedy trial, right to face your accuser, right to habeous corpus

Gitmo is NOT American

War is war. Crime is crime.

This is war.

Humans have human rights

If you claim they are criminals, the burden of proof is on you to prove it

I claim they are not criminals. Why are you so slow? Have you always been so?

More than likely TRUE!
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Dubya did. But it's okay he's in exile, so we don't have to talk about him.

Proof or you're lying like a bitch.

You know you have no proof because you ARE LYING LIKE A BITCH. The deal was made in 2010, a year after Bush was out of office. Nope, this all Obozo the clowns doing.

Can you do me a favor and withdraw from my thread? You are bringing it down to a level of stupid that not many here can meet you on. I don't want you to feel alone down there in the cesspool of stupidity.
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Dubya did. But it's okay he's in exile, so we don't have to talk about him.

Proof or you're lying like a bitch.

You know you have no proof because you ARE LYING LIKE A BITCH. The deal was made in 2010, a year after Bush was out of office. Nope, this all Obozo the clowns doing.

Can you do me a favor and withdraw from my thread? You are bringing it down to a level of stupid that not many here can meet you on. I don't want you to feel alone down there in the cesspool of stupidity.
^ fail
Hehe I knew you had nothing.

Get the fuck out of here. This is for adults. Don't make claims you can't back up. You damn Obamafucker.
What is your proof that Bush was responsible for the detainee in the OP of my thread?

Links, proof or GTFO and STFU.
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This is unbelievable. Bush locks them up, Obama releases them and then they take up arms again. God please get this man out of office asap.

Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen | The Long War Journal

you probably shouldn't rely on that as a source.

and if he is, don't you think being imprisioned without charges or trial for a decade would make someone hate our guts?
They already hated our guts. Maybe we should just lop their heads off like their fellow terrorists do.
I agree

Lets prove in a court of law that they are terrorists and treat them accordingly

America does not operate on the presumption of guilt

Its not America, its Cuba. So no need. Courts ruled that the constitution doesn't apply at Gitmo. See my above post. No property or presence in the United States, no right to due process.

How about this? We treat them like they treat us. They don't like 3 hots and a cot paid for by American taxpayers? We'll just take them out back, have them all kneel and lop off their heads. Same thing they do to Christians over there. If its good for the goose its good for the gander, correct?

Do you not realize that we didn't capture these people for singing too loudly in a mosque? They just so happened to be captured alive on a battlefield. They could have been shot on the spot but the American soldier is too good to just do that. They knew if they surrendered they would sleep in a warm bed, have good food to eat, etc. All free. I think if my options were to run around starving in a desert shooting at Americans or surrender and have a warm bed and a nice full tummy every day, I'd throw my hands up to. Knowing I would be treated with respect? Hell yea.
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You just make shit up, Jake.

American law is not supreme in Cuba you moron.

Less than one year later, however, the D.C. Circuit stated in Kiyemba v. Obama that “the due process clause does not apply to aliens without property or presence in the sovereign territory of the United States.”

Courts say you're wrong bubba.

Due Process and Detention at Guantanamo: Closing the Constitutional Loopholes
Guantanamo is American territory, and thus it is subject to American law, thus it is subject to the Constitution.

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