Proof Obama is working for the enemy: Gitmo detainee released now leader of AQ in Yemen

You just make shit up, Jake.

American law is not supreme in Cuba you moron.

Less than one year later, however, the D.C. Circuit stated in Kiyemba v. Obama that “the due process clause does not apply to aliens without property or presence in the sovereign territory of the United States.”

Courts say you're wrong bubba.

Due Process and Detention at Guantanamo: Closing the Constitutional Loopholes
Guantanamo is American territory, and thus it is subject to American law, thus it is subject to the Constitution.

They are also being held by American guards at a US facility

The Constitution refers to people...not just citizens
No it doesn't. Quit making shit up. The constitution applies to US citizens or people who come to US soil and break US laws.

Are they being held in a US Jail for breaking a US law on US soil? Nope. Then no constitution, sorry.

I agree, lets just cut their heads off and be done with it. Got a knife?
We therefore have a public prepared to face up to our threats and a commander in chief who is not. There is, in effect, a consensus of no confidence in the president. A vote of no confidence in Obama

I remember the process we went through on Nixon....that wasn't treason. Are you saying that Obama's actions and inactions constitute treason? If yes, then is a speedier process possible?[/QUOTE]
At the very least, criminal negligence.
No it doesn't. Quit making shit up. The constitution applies to US citizens or people who come to US soil and break US laws.

Are they being held in a US Jail for breaking a US law on US soil? Nope. Then no constitution, sorry.

I agree, lets just cut their heads off and be done with it. Got a knife?
You are making stuff up. The Constitution applies to our prisoners just as it does to you. Where American law is Supreme, the Constitution rules.
I agree

Lets prove in a court of law that they are terrorists and treat them accordingly

America does not operate on the presumption of guilt

Its not America, its Cuba. So no need. Courts ruled that the constitution doesn't apply at Gitmo. See my above post. No property or presence in the United States, no right to due process.

How about this? We treat them like they treat us. They don't like 3 hots and a cot paid for by American taxpayers? We'll just take them out back, have them all kneel and lop off their heads. Same thing they do to Christians over there. If its good for the goose its good for the gander, correct?

Do you not realize that we didn't capture these people for singing too loudly in a mosque? They just so happened to be captured alive on a battlefield. They could have been shot on the spot but the American soldier is too good to just do that. They knew if they surrendered they would sleep in a warm bed, have good food to eat, etc. All free. I think if my options were to run around starving in a desert shooting at Americans or surrender and have a warm bed and a nice full tummy every day, I'd throw my hands up to. Knowing I would be treated with respect? Hell yea.

How about this? We treat them like they treat us. They don't like 3 hots and a cot paid for by American taxpayers? We'll just take them out back, have them all kneel and lop off their heads. Same thing they do to Christians over there. If its good for the goose its good for the gander, correct?

Sad really

There was a time when Conservatives used to brag about American Exceptionalism. How we set the standard to be followed by the rest of the world in terms of liberty, freedom, human rights and the rule of law

Now conservatives set the bar at the level of terrorists. Anything outside of lopping off heads is acceptable. Torture, denial of human rights, unlimited imprisonment without charges

But we always knew Conservative claims to American exceptionalism is bullshit didn't we?
My opinion? You mean where I quoted what the court said? LOL

So let me get this right. You're right because you say it. You have no proof, nothing to back it up. I can quote court cases that back me up. Yet I'm wrong.

Don't argue with a liberal. They'll drag you down with stupidity and beat you with experience.
My opinion? You mean where I quoted what the court said? LOL

So let me get this right. You're right because you say it. You have no proof, nothing to back it up. I can quote court cases that back me up. Yet I'm wrong.

Don't argue with a liberal. They'll drag you down with stupidity and beat you with experience.
It's your opinion of what the court said. You cannot prove your opinion is correct. I am not a lib, and you are not a mainstream conservative, just a wack.
The courts said it you moron! Go read!!

If I'm wrong, prove me wrong. You can't. You simply say I misinterpret the ruling. Well prove me wrong. Links, or STFU.
The courts said it you moron! Go read!! If I'm wrong, prove me wrong. You can't. You simply say I misinterpret the ruling. Well prove me wrong. Links, or STFU.
I said your opinion of what the court said is wrong, and you can't prove otherwise.
Less than one year later, however, the D.C. Circuit stated in Kiyemba v. Obama that “the due process clause does not apply to aliens without property or presence in the sovereign territory of the United States.”

Quote from the ruling.

God you're an idiot.

The same quote in a book:

Closing the Guantanamo Detention Center

The same quote in an article:

Sanity Prevails, for Now

How can you misinterpret "The due process clause does not apply to aliens without property or presence in the soverign territory of the United States."

How is that unclear? Are you that stupid? Or that stubborn?
Kiyemba v. Obama merely rules that the SCOTUS said it did not have the authority to tell the government to use the due process clause on behalf of the defendants during war time. But the fact that court ruled clearly underlines that all persons in territory subject to American law are governed by the Constitution. You don't understand that?
This is unbelievable. Bush locks them up, Obama releases them and then they take up arms again. God please get this man out of office asap.

Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen | The Long War Journal

you probably shouldn't rely on that as a source.

and if he is, don't you think being imprisioned without charges or trial for a decade would make someone hate our guts?
They already hated our guts. Maybe we should just lop their heads off like their fellow terrorists do.

the right loves the constitution until they disagree with it.... which is pretty much always.

and, no, you don't get to run another crusade.

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