Proof of Everything We Warned You About....

We have to be especially careful about believing stuff we want to believe just because it confirms our bias.

I would be just as cautious about accepting one partisan book writer's word as another. The author of this anti-Obama book may be a bigger liar than Obama. ;)

The grandfather detention story was told to Obama by his step-grandmother, and she repeated it herself to the media. So that is not a Barack Obama lie. You can't blame a man for believing what his grandma told him.

The other stuff, I will not just take the word of someone I have never heard of. Whether his name is Obama or Maraniss.

It was from Obama's MEMOIRS....that means it's what HE told about.

We know what Obama said. I am not going to take some unknown's word that what Obama said is a lie.
We have to be especially careful about believing stuff we want to believe just because it confirms our bias.

I would be just as cautious about accepting one partisan book writer's word as another. The author of this anti-Obama book may be a bigger liar than Obama. ;)

The grandfather detention story was told to Obama by his step-grandmother, and she repeated it herself to the media. So that is not a Barack Obama lie. You can't blame a man for believing what his grandma told him.

The other stuff, I will not just take the word of someone I have never heard of. Whether his name is Obama or Maraniss.

"We have to be especially careful about believing stuff..."

Haven't you been paying attention these last three years???

Connect the dots, bro. Don't be afraid. Even the Left is admitting the truth.....

I don't need to focus on stupid stuff like family stories. Obama has enough policy issues that actually matter to our country to keep me occupied. That's the stuff that needs ripping apart.

That takes too much effort for some people, though. If only they devoted as much time to reading the ACA and other legislation as they do harping on and on and on and on about his imaginary Kenyan birth. What a great conservative movement THAT would be!
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We have to be especially careful about believing stuff we want to believe just because it confirms our bias.

I would be just as cautious about accepting one partisan book writer's word as another. The author of this anti-Obama book may be a bigger liar than Obama. ;)

The grandfather detention story was told to Obama by his step-grandmother, and she repeated it herself to the media. So that is not a Barack Obama lie. You can't blame a man for believing what his grandma told him.

The other stuff, I will not just take the word of someone I have never heard of. Whether his name is Obama or Maraniss.

Political Chic is just spreading rumors.

See that!

Again, it falls to little ol' me to provide an education to the least (educated) among us.

Now, write this down:

A currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth: "they were investigating rumors of a massacre".

Since none on your side of the argument has even attempted to disprove the items in the OP, ....your post has, shall we say, limited credibility.

OK, now "rumor..."
Fold your paper, no erasing or crossing out....
We have to be especially careful about believing stuff we want to believe just because it confirms our bias.

I would be just as cautious about accepting one partisan book writer's word as another. The author of this anti-Obama book may be a bigger liar than Obama. ;)

The grandfather detention story was told to Obama by his step-grandmother, and she repeated it herself to the media. So that is not a Barack Obama lie. You can't blame a man for believing what his grandma told him.

The other stuff, I will not just take the word of someone I have never heard of. Whether his name is Obama or Maraniss.

"We have to be especially careful about believing stuff..."

Haven't you been paying attention these last three years???

Connect the dots, bro. Don't be afraid. Even the Left is admitting the truth.....

I don't need to focus on stupid stuff like family stories. Obama has enough policy issues that actually matter to our country to keep me occupied. That's the stuff that needs ripping apart.

That takes too much effort for some people, though. If only they devoted as much time to reading the ACA and other legislation as they do harping on and on and on and on about his imaginary Kenyan birth. What a great conservative movement THAT would be!

"...on and on about his imaginary Kenyan birth."

Did I miss that? In which post?

BTW....Obama is so unpopular, Kenyans are claiming he was born in America...
To some extent -- I would forgive lies that are not pertinent to governing.. Just like I can look over religious beliefs within reason when I'm voting..

For instance -- Does anyone really care if George Washington really chopped down the freakin' cherry tree?

Or if Barack really DID eat dog?

Of course, the difference between tales of one's father fighting colonialism and tribalism and having his father fired for advocating Communism -- that WOULD be closer to becoming a factor in governance style and honesty.

Could be -- it's also news to him.. After all family didn't seem to be stable or primary in his upbringing.. Plenty of stuff I don't know about my Grandpa.. Could have been a Communist in the early century instead of the patriot that family story related to me describes.. I might not KNOW anything other than family legends...
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I missed "Kenyan Mau Mau". You forgot that part.

deanie, post #97 applies to you, as well....

....except that I have grave doubts as to your ability to vet a candidate beyond the letter "D" or "R" before their name.

Have a meditative day, deanie.

When someone states, "Obama didn't write "Dreams," Bill Ayers wrote it." The ONLY meditation they indulge in is why their finger is stinky when they wake up in the morning. That's the "depth" of their "thought".
obama is a horrible failure of a president, and we can't be rid of him quick enough, but there's nothing wrong with eating dog meat, provided the animal wasn't tortured first (as often is the case).
I missed "Kenyan Mau Mau". You forgot that part.

deanie, post #97 applies to you, as well....

....except that I have grave doubts as to your ability to vet a candidate beyond the letter "D" or "R" before their name.

Have a meditative day, deanie.

When someone states, "Obama didn't write "Dreams," Bill Ayers wrote it." The ONLY meditation they indulge in is why their finger is stinky when they wake up in the morning. That's the "depth" of their "thought".

So glad you posted this....your fear of he truth is palpable.
It can be seen by the drop in your civility.
No doubt you speak to your family that way.....

1. Let's start with Christopher Anderson, no conservative, who spent time with the Obamas and wrote the following:

b. [Christopher] “Andersen, in "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage," writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Times Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of "his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers."
Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write ‘Dreams’

c. “Andersen quotes a neighbor in the Hyde Park area of Chicago where Obama and Ayers lived, who says of the two, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."
"It was no secret. Why would it be? People liked them both," the neighbor said, according to Andersen. '2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams' ’2 sources’ affirmed Ayers wrote ‘Dreams’

2. In Ayer’s 1993 book, “To Teach,” he gives this example: 2 kids observing the Hudson River, NYC, and one says the tide is flowing North, and the other, the tide is flowing South. The teacher explains that the Hudson is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting.

Now, in “Dreams,” Barack Obama is at the parallel river to the Hudson, the East River, which is also a tidal river. A black youngster comes up to him and comments in a similar way about the two opposing tides or currents. And, guess what? Barack explains that the East River is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting! Coincidence? Or a Merchant Marine explaining about the mysteries of the sea???

3. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” Cashill found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb.
[Article here:]

a. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’

b. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!

c. “…distinguished intellectual historian James Kloppenberg, chair of the Harvard history department. Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition… “the most substantial books written by anyone elected President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson.” Barack Obama, Intellectual - PageView - The Chronicle of Higher Education

d. Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president." The New York Times.

Kloppenberg and Kakutani can only be speaking of an experienced author...Ayers. Certainly not Obama.
It is the reason all of his records are sealed.

There is more that is definitive, and I can provide it, but it requires a knowledge of statistics that, I am certain, would be beyond you.

Ayers wrote Obama's book.
Obama is a wonder you identify with him.

Though you'll never admit know it's true.
Yes yes, we get it. Obama is a liar and never did anything good and he's an evil black man and he wants to destroy the country. But for some strange reason he wasn't able to strong-arm us all into Sharia-Communist-Fascist-Socialist-Marshall Law in his FIRST TERM. But by Yoda, he'll do it THE SECOND TERM, MARK MY WORDS.

Yes yes, we get it. Obama is a liar and never did anything good and he's an evil black man and he wants to destroy the country. But for some strange reason he wasn't able to strong-arm us all into Sharia-Communist-Fascist-Socialist-Marshall Law in his FIRST TERM. But by Yoda, he'll do it THE SECOND TERM, MARK MY WORDS.


Yes yes, we get it. Obama is a liar and never did anything good and he's an evil black man and he wants to destroy the country. But for some strange reason he wasn't able to strong-arm us all into Sharia-Communist-Fascist-Socialist-Marshall Law in his FIRST TERM. But by Yoda, he'll do it THE SECOND TERM, MARK MY WORDS.



Your basic problem as I see it is that someone you looked up to early on in life told you that you were smart and you believed them.

They did you a disservice. They should have told you that you are stupid and that would have made you look harder at your choices. You don't seem to be the typical "evil" newrepublican but you have allowed your brain to be poluted with thier propaganda.

I suggest you challenge yourself more. Obama is not evil. He is just a good man trying to do what he believes is good for our country. It is really as simple as that.

The people you have chosen to align yourself with ARE evil. They are liars and thieves. They hide behind coalitions of people that want to do good but are constantly fed lies that sidetrack thier good intentions and make them pawns working against the good they aspire to be a part of.

May I offer you a clue when you are trying to decide who is evil or good in politics? Look at where the money comes from that promotes the policy. Ask yourself who benifits from that policy. If it is not YOU that benifits stop promoting it.

Ruprt Murdoch, Dick Ales, and Karl Rove are not good people. They are horrible people that would be in prison if they had not convinced well meaning people such as yourself to support them.
Ruprt Murdoch, Dick Ales, and Karl Rove are not good people. They are horrible people that would be in prison if they had not convinced well meaning people such as yourself to support them.

Surprisingly, I agree with you. But then again, so are George Soros, Bill Ayers and Al Sharpton.
How is following our Constitution, as opposed to legislation through executive fiat, pathetic? It is fine to have opposing views on immigration- even within your own party. What Rubio was trying to do and what Obama did are two very different animals since one was going through the proper channels and the other was abusing his power.

When what the president did gets declared unconstitutional in the courts then you'll have a point.

btw the Republican minority killed the Dream Act in 2010, despite it having passed the House and despite it having 55 votes in the Senate.

Yeah- that's the ticket lets wait and see if the president has legal authority to rule by executive fiat.

When democrats present a clean bill then you can point fingers... The FACTS are that democrats had a super majority for two years- but this issue makes a better political football for them then it actually does any real pulling at their heart strings- you lemming.

You're one stupid cow. The Dream Act had majority support and the GOP minority blocked it.

Americans 2 to 1 support Obama's position on this issue and now the GOP is fucked, period.

ha ha
Yes yes, we get it. Obama is a liar and never did anything good and he's an evil black man and he wants to destroy the country. But for some strange reason he wasn't able to strong-arm us all into Sharia-Communist-Fascist-Socialist-Marshall Law in his FIRST TERM. But by Yoda, he'll do it THE SECOND TERM, MARK MY WORDS.



Your basic problem as I see it is that someone you looked up to early on in life told you that you were smart and you believed them.

They did you a disservice. They should have told you that you are stupid and that would have made you look harder at your choices. You don't seem to be the typical "evil" newrepublican but you have allowed your brain to be poluted with thier propaganda.

I suggest you challenge yourself more. Obama is not evil. He is just a good man trying to do what he believes is good for our country. It is really as simple as that.

The people you have chosen to align yourself with ARE evil. They are liars and thieves. They hide behind coalitions of people that want to do good but are constantly fed lies that sidetrack thier good intentions and make them pawns working against the good they aspire to be a part of.

May I offer you a clue when you are trying to decide who is evil or good in politics? Look at where the money comes from that promotes the policy. Ask yourself who benifits from that policy. If it is not YOU that benifits stop promoting it.

Ruprt Murdoch, Dick Ales, and Karl Rove are not good people. They are horrible people that would be in prison if they had not convinced well meaning people such as yourself to support them.

"....convinced well meaning people such as yourself to support them."

Who the heck do you think you're calling 'well meaning'?????

Just watch your mouth.....
So isn't anyone going to actually name a radical position that Obama holds, or has acted on?

Assassination lists
Dumping the body of the world's most wanted man in the ocean
Promising to bankrupt the coal industry
Breaking up a private business and handing control of it to the unions
Using his office as a party place for radical gays
Telling police they acted stupidly when he had 0 facts in the case
Constantly trying to divide the nation along race, political and financial lines
Saying the private sector is doing just fine
Blaming everything on someone or something else
Buying political votes on obamacare behind closed doors

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