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PROOF of Nature's God

You've become the creationists' evidence against a flat Earth. See, I told you that you would do better in R&E :auiqs.jpg:.
You are the example of why Flat Earth believing ID'iot creationers are a danger to themselves and others.
The whole of humankind in the OT was killed in the global flood lol. Only Noah and his family survived and we are their descendants. You are such a doofus. Your kind cannot even explain how we are here and our history lmao.

You and your kind are the ones who are looney. No one can see a millions or billions of years. The fossils just show where the animals died. It's the evos who believe in fake science. They just made up billions of years to explain it and wrote a lot of false science papers. The ultimate proof is when the non-believers die.
It the flood myth were true, that would suggest familial / incestuous relations. The results are medical nightmares. You qualify.

The planet is not flat. Deal with that fact.
There is no god and never has been. Not one of you jesus junkies has evidence to support your ridiculous claims and never will.
There's something mentally wrong with those who believe it.
You said jesus junkies. LOL! Atheists are hilarious!
The whole of humankind in the OT was killed in the global flood lol.
No they weren't because there was no global flood. We discussed this before and you were defeated.
Only Noah and his family survived and we are their descendants.
There is no evidence of that other than on your head. Noah never existed.
You are such a doofus. Your kind cannot even explain how we are here and our history lmao.
Our existence is due to evolution which is a fact. You keep believing some ghost snapped his fingers and you appeared.
You and your kind are the ones who are looney. No one can see a millions or billions of years.
why can't they? They do it every day in science. You're as ignorant as a stump.
The fossils just show where the animals died.
Yea. Where they died millions of years ago.
It's the evos who believe in fake science. They just made up billions of years to explain it and wrote a lot of false science papers.
made it up. And you call me a loopy. God have mercy on your stupidity.
The ultimate proof is when the non-believers die.
And what will happen when I die? Tell us what unique access to that information you have that I don't.
Why is all the punishment you dispense always only relies on dying first?
Have you ever been contacted by someone to report back to you? Of course not.

Youre just another delusional godbotherer.
No they weren't because there was no global flood. We discussed this before and you were defeated.

Lol, you are one of the most stubborn and closed-minded of the atheists besides being WRONG. Atheists are usually wrong. The global flood is the big difference between creation vs evolution or atheist science. Science backs up the Bible and the global flood. Tell me what backs up evolution?

The historical evidence of Noah is overwhelming. Now, you're showing your SAF-idity and being a POS. I am going to claim ULTIMATE VICTORY FOR ALL-TIME between you and I. You haven't provided any evidence whatsoever.

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- more like the loud mouth backs up the c bible, they've proven nothing through the book of forgeries and fallacies. other than being corrupt religious zealots.
Your thinking is hilarious and ridiculous :auiqs.jpg:. I doubt it's thinking.
There it is again. The obligatory threat because I'm an atheist. You don't have any knowledge of what your silly god will do. Youre arrogant to think you so. You can't even quote one person that has suffered his wrath. You're full of rubbish. Griw up.
Again, a warning is not a threat. It's not from me, but from God himself.

Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath or Judgement Day by Jesus, the Son of God.

"Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath." Romans 2:5-6
My evidence i am an atheist is the fact I dont believe in your silly gods.
The word atheism means basically anti religion amongst other meanings, so it should appear you are foolish to refer to it as a religion.
It must hurt you to think others can survive without some celestial dictatorship watching your every move. And you call that freedom?

I've had this out with before and you walked away. Keep going and you will do it again.

It's just your opinion and science and human history does not back it up. You could not even explain how evolution did anything. Yawn.
It the flood myth were true, that would suggest familial / incestuous relations. The results are medical nightmares. You qualify.

The planet is not flat. Deal with that fact.
What incest? We are a product of Noah's family.

The Bible told us that the Earth is spherical in ancient times. You can't get that through your FLAT HEAD. You're such a silly goose.
Why are you concerned? Why should it bother you, they aren't harming you?
It doesn't bother me that this world has atheists, that is their decision.

funny how you have not noticed ...


maybe after midnight service they are to tiered to burn more than their cross - could that be what you are referring to.
None of those prive anything.
Not a single person has ever evidenced a god in 2000 years and your word salad doesn't either.
You have bern conned.
Lots of people saw God. They called him Emanuel, God with us. They knew that because they followed Him around and watched Him do things that humans could not do.
That picture in our minds of Christ walking around with a few men, is misleading. So many people saw Him perform miracles, that hordes followed Him every where He went. One day He sent out seventy disciples to towns in the area. He was pushed into the sea by crowds trying to get close to Him.
One meeting counted 5 thousand men. Woman and children were not in the count, but we know they were there. Jesus fed them all with the lunch of a child.

But the reason they were willing to die because of their faith in who He said He was, was because He came back. They not only saw Him, they saw Him defeat death and come back and hang out for 40 days.

You choose not to believe that. That doesn't make your declaration that no one has seen God true.
The ones that were in the presence of the man they called Jesus would beg to differ with you. They are the ones that threw palms at his feet and declared Him, Emanuel.
Lots of people saw God. They called him Emanuel, God with us. They knew that because they followed Him around and watched Him do things that humans could not do.
Yeah and he was born of an immaculate conceptions also. Dont make me vomit.
That picture in our minds of Christ walking around with a few men, is misleading. So many people saw Him perform miracles, that hordes followed Him every where He went.
The miracles you suggest he did are now proven to be physically impossible.
Take parting the seas. Do you really think that someone saw him do that?
Healing sick people with his hands? Grow up.
One day He sent out seventy disciples to towns in the area. He was pushed into the sea by crowds trying to get close to Him.
So you won't have any problem supplying eye witness accounts then. I'll wait here.
One meeting counted 5 thousand men.
How coincidental they counted them? Who counted them and they were all disciplined and filed through the gate in a steady line???
dont insult ne please.
Woman and children were not in the count, but we know they were there. Jesus fed them all with the lunch of a child.
No he did not. Dont you find it strange he did something we know us impossible? How come all these magical things happened when he was there? Never happened anywhere else on earth.
But the reason they were willing to die because of their faith in who He said He was, was because He came back.
There's very little evidence he was ever crucified nor did he predict his resurrection. That was fabricated for the gullible few like yourself who thought he was a god. It didn't happen.
They not only saw Him, they saw Him defeat death and come back and hang out for 40 days.
40 days????? Are you mad? Where did he hang out?
He did this after he apparently ascended to heaven 3 days after in the timb riddled with maggots???
Do you expect me to believe that shit.
You choose not to believe that. That doesn't make your declaration that no one has seen God true.
Not one person on this earth nor those dopeheads at the time have never seen, heard or interacted with any silly god. Not one. Its a physically impossibility
The ones that were in the presence of the man they called Jesus would beg to differ with you.
Isn't strange the out of 5000 counted, not one can verify it in any way yet you speak if it as if happened???
They are the ones that threw palms at his feet and declared Him, Emanuel.
Not only that they were a bunch of brain dead hallucinating liars.
Again, a warning is not a threat. It's not from me, but from God himself.
Bullshit. It's you godbotherers who brazenly issue the threats because you have no defense of you silly beliefs.
Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath or Judgement Day by Jesus, the Son of God.
Bullshit. Thats another threat. Behave and repent or God will punish me. Not me son. There will be no judgement day. There is no god.
"Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath." Romans 2:5-6
Really? And who believe that lot of murderous thugs.
It's just your opinion and science and human history does not back it up.
Evolution is s proven fact but you never studied it be ause it doesn't suit the religion but its still a fact.
You could not even explain how evolution did anything. Yawn.
Thats an ignorant statement. If you'd had read anything you wouldn't say that while simultaneously you think the supernatural dictator snapped his fingers and all the complex things on earth suddenly appeared.
Try these but I know you don't have the answers supported with evidence.

What year approx. was the earth created?
From what did your god create it from?
Where and how did all the water come from and get here? He bought it in buckets???

After your silly flood, where did all the water go after it covered mt. Everest?
Did he throw it over the side of your flat earth?

How was the semen for the immaculate conception delivered? Fresh or by another ghost?
She had 6 children so how could she have been a virgin?

When jesus supposedly resurrected, bodies come from graves and walked after years of death. Can you explain how that happened and where are they now?

Take your time..
You need the rest of your life to answer one question your fraud.
You said jesus junkies. LOL! Atheists are hilarious!
He gave himself away. Old guy from the 70s lol.

Bullshit. It's you godbotherers who brazenly issue the threats because you have no defense of you silly beliefs.

Bullshit. Thats another threat. Behave and repent or God will punish me. Not me son. There will be no judgement day. There is no god.

Really? And who believe that lot of murderous thugs.
There you go going emo again and I even tried to calm you down with wrath of God as a warning. You're the one expressing YOUR WRATH already.

The Bible states, "wrath is defined as “the emotional response to perceived wrong and injustice,” often translated as “anger,” “indignation,” “vexation,” or “irritation.” Both humans and God express wrath. But there is vast difference between the wrath of God and the wrath of man. God’s wrath is holy and always justified; man’s is never holy and rarely justified.

"The story of the rich man and Lazarus speaks of the judgment of God and serious consequences for the unrepentant sinner (Luke 16:19–31). John 3:36 says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on Him.” The one who believes in the Son will not suffer God’s wrath for his sin, because the Son took God’s wrath upon Himself when He died in our place on the cross (Romans 5:6–11). Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath (Romans 2:5–6)."

Really? And who believe that lot of murderous thugs.
You got it backwards. It was the non-believers who were the "murderous thugs" against our Savior.

Evolution is s proven fact but you never studied it be ause it doesn't suit the religion but its still a fact.

You evos/atheists make me laugh. You can't even show any evidence of evolution happening with your fossils.

What year approx. was the earth created?
The best known date of Creation is the one calculated by Archbishop James Ussher in the 17th century - namely 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 23, 4004 BC.

As for the rest, why answer you when you can't answer my question about evolution? You're SAF and don't get it.

The smarter atheists can find the answers in the Bible and also ask the link I posted above.
What incest? We are a product of Noah's family.

The Bible told us that the Earth is spherical in ancient times. You can't get that through your FLAT HEAD. You're such a silly goose.

You never learned your bible'ology. Tell us about the four corners.

The planet is not flat in spite of what your bibles say.
He gave himself away. Old guy from the 70s lol.

There you go going emo again and I even tried to calm you down with wrath of God as a warning. You're the one expressing YOUR WRATH already.
Don't threaten me with some false premise you know what a ghost thinks. Wake up you fool.
The Bible states, "wrath is defined as “the emotional response to perceived wrong and injustice,” often translated as “anger,” “indignation,” “vexation,” or “irritation.”
doesn't apply to atheists.
Both humans and God express wrath. But there is vast difference between the wrath of God and the wrath of man.
no there isn't. There is no god and you cannot provide evidence otherwise.
God’s wrath is holy and always justified; man’s is never holy and rarely justified.
Holy alright. The whole bloody bible is full of holes.
Immaculate conceptions and virgin births, walking in water, parting seas. Dont make me vomit you old fool.
"The story of the rich man and Lazarus speaks of the judgment of God and serious consequences for the unrepentant sinner (Luke 16:19–31). John 3:36 says, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on Him.” The one who believes in the Son will not suffer God’s wrath for his sin, because the Son took God’s wrath upon Himself when He died in our place on the cross (Romans 5:6–11). Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath (Romans 2:5–6)."

I'm trembling at the knees. My life will never be the same. Pass the alter wine please and have a suck yourself

You got it backwards. It was the non-believers who were the "murderous thugs" against our Savior.
You god ordered the deaths of 3000 men and boys in the old testament and kept the girls for the killers pleasure. What a wonderful merciful god he is. Then there's how he drowned everybody on earth for no reason which is bullshit anyway. What a great man.
You evos/atheists make me laugh. You can't even show any evidence of evolution happening with your fossils.
You are a product of evolution but sadly when it got to jesus junkies, it failed to evolve a brain.
The best known date of Creation is the one calculated by Archbishop James Ussher in the 17th century - namely 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 23, 4004 BC.
What a load of crap. There are fossils dating back at least 65 million years and proven to be so. Ehrres your creationist now idiot.
By what means did he ascertain that date with any certainty? Ill tell you. None. Religion has always wanted to name a date to justify creation. There are several floating around and are all wrong just like yours. You gave nothing.
As for the rest, why answer you when you can't answer my question about evolution? You're SAF and don't get it.
The question about evolution has been well documented and proven fact. Its not my fault you won't read anything.
The smarter atheists can find the answers in the Bible and also ask the link I posted above.
Smarter atheists?????
Are you that stupid?

Ordinary atheists don't read your phantom book yet now your suggesting smart atheists are consulting it for answers. Do you ever read what you write?

You have no evidence of anything. You don't want to understand anything outside the bible.
I asked you to show a connection between religion and science but you can't as I predicted.
Clearly you inherited your ignorance like the 200 million other Americans who believe there's a god.
You cannot point to one person who went to heaven not one.
Youre delusional.
"I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials [245] and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt." - Sir Lionel Luckhoo, the most successful trial attorney in history, according to the Guinness Book of World Records
Lots of people saw God. They called him Emanuel, God with us. They knew that because they followed Him around and watched Him do things that humans could not do.
That picture in our minds of Christ walking around with a few men, is misleading. So many people saw Him perform miracles, that hordes followed Him every where He went. One day He sent out seventy disciples to towns in the area. He was pushed into the sea by crowds trying to get close to Him.
One meeting counted 5 thousand men. Woman and children were not in the count, but we know they were there. Jesus fed them all with the lunch of a child.

But the reason they were willing to die because of their faith in who He said He was, was because He came back. They not only saw Him, they saw Him defeat death and come back and hang out for 40 days.

You choose not to believe that. That doesn't make your declaration that no one has seen God true.
The ones that were in the presence of the man they called Jesus would beg to differ with you. They are the ones that threw palms at his feet and declared Him, Emanuel.

So many people saw Him perform miracles, that hordes followed Him every where He went.

if that were true ram, why are there no statues, reliefs in stone or pottery or a single mosaic relief in their likeness nor a single painting or any timely records of their existence than what is chronicled by others far past the time when the events were to have occurred ... or why they did not reside in rome if theirs was a world wide mission.

their notoriety was a disdaine for local, oppressive religious fanatics that in the end had an innocent man crucified for their true beliefs of self determination not servitude for spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
"I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials [245] and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt." - Sir Lionel Luckhoo, the most successful trial attorney in history, according to the Guinness Book of World Records

really -


here's a couple more to finish your cake ... you need a new oven, the one your using blew up long ago.

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