Proof Terrorists are Slipping Acorss Our Porous Southern Border.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[Watch] Kenyan Mall Terrorist Group Hiding Inside U.S. Crossed Mexican Border |

Individuals from terrorist nations are called SIAs, Special Interest Aliens and many are known to be in the United States. The Terrorist nations represented by those apprehended crossing our southern border include Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Pakistan.

The terrorist border threat is coming into greater light as a result of documents being obtained by WSB News 2 of Atlanta. They report that among the terrorist known to be inside the United States are three hundred members of the Somali terror organization al-Shabab. That group was the perpetrator of the Kenyan mall massacre. While the 300 SIAs are known for a fact to be somewhere in the U.S., their specific location is not known.

This is a serious threat which seems to be being allowed to grow and become worse in order to gain political favor with the population of border crashers within the United States. Maybe the Communist subversives within the Obama administration are working to foment terror. Whatever the reason, it seems the Obama administration is willing to abandon our border security and to accept terror attacks upon Americans upon their own soil in exchange for achieving their political objectives.

Libtards to chime in saying that this is not a problem and is just a kook criminal conspiracy in 3...2....1.....
It is clear that the southern border is an easy penetration point by the numbers who are here already. It is not difficult to understand that potential terrorist could enter there as well. Hell the drug lords in Mexico have a regular transit system in place.

We need secure borders and that is the 1st step to any immigration reform. Which would include making it more difficult for the inbred terrorists as well.
[Watch] Kenyan Mall Terrorist Group Hiding Inside U.S. Crossed Mexican Border |

Individuals from terrorist nations are called SIAs, Special Interest Aliens and many are known to be in the United States. The Terrorist nations represented by those apprehended crossing our southern border include Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Pakistan.

The terrorist border threat is coming into greater light as a result of documents being obtained by WSB News 2 of Atlanta. They report that among the terrorist known to be inside the United States are three hundred members of the Somali terror organization al-Shabab. That group was the perpetrator of the Kenyan mall massacre. While the 300 SIAs are known for a fact to be somewhere in the U.S., their specific location is not known.

This is a serious threat which seems to be being allowed to grow and become worse in order to gain political favor with the population of border crashers within the United States. Maybe the Communist subversives within the Obama administration are working to foment terror. Whatever the reason, it seems the Obama administration is willing to abandon our border security and to accept terror attacks upon Americans upon their own soil in exchange for achieving their political objectives.

Libtards to chime in saying that this is not a problem and is just a kook criminal conspiracy in 3...2....1.....

Anytime you quote someone stupid enough to write any presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorists bomb the US you are not playing with a full deck. Just thought you might understand that before posting next time.
[Watch] Kenyan Mall Terrorist Group Hiding Inside U.S. Crossed Mexican Border |

Individuals from terrorist nations are called SIAs, Special Interest Aliens and many are known to be in the United States. The Terrorist nations represented by those apprehended crossing our southern border include Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Pakistan.

The terrorist border threat is coming into greater light as a result of documents being obtained by WSB News 2 of Atlanta. They report that among the terrorist known to be inside the United States are three hundred members of the Somali terror organization al-Shabab. That group was the perpetrator of the Kenyan mall massacre. While the 300 SIAs are known for a fact to be somewhere in the U.S., their specific location is not known.

This is a serious threat which seems to be being allowed to grow and become worse in order to gain political favor with the population of border crashers within the United States. Maybe the Communist subversives within the Obama administration are working to foment terror. Whatever the reason, it seems the Obama administration is willing to abandon our border security and to accept terror attacks upon Americans upon their own soil in exchange for achieving their political objectives.

Libtards to chime in saying that this is not a problem and is just a kook criminal conspiracy in 3...2....1.....

Anytime you quote someone stupid enough to write any presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorists bomb the US you are not playing with a full deck. Just thought you might understand that before posting next time.

Ok dumb ass, millions freely cross our borders yearly. Why do you believe terrorists are not among them? be specific.

Further once here why would they not be able to avoid detection and obtain any weapon system they need?
[Watch] Kenyan Mall Terrorist Group Hiding Inside U.S. Crossed Mexican Border |

Libtards to chime in saying that this is not a problem and is just a kook criminal conspiracy in 3...2....1.....

Anytime you quote someone stupid enough to write any presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorists bomb the US you are not playing with a full deck. Just thought you might understand that before posting next time.

Ok dumb ass, millions freely cross our borders yearly. Why do you believe terrorists are not among them? be specific.

Further once here why would they not be able to avoid detection and obtain any weapon system they need?

OK dumb ass explain how that means a presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorist bomb the US? Are you thinking straight about this issue? What if said terrorist had a biological weapon or something with nuclear capability? They could set it off outside the white house. Are you really that dumb to think they would risk that? You sound like a retard actually believing that.
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Anytime you quote someone stupid enough to write any presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorists bomb the US you are not playing with a full deck. Just thought you might understand that before posting next time.

Ok dumb ass, millions freely cross our borders yearly. Why do you believe terrorists are not among them? be specific.

Further once here why would they not be able to avoid detection and obtain any weapon system they need?

OK dumb ass explain how that means a presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorist bomb the US? Are you thinking straight about this issue? What if said terrorist had a biological weapon or something with nuclear capability? They could set it off outside the white house. Are you really that dumb to think they would risk that? You sound like a retard actually believing that.


Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.
Ok dumb ass, millions freely cross our borders yearly. Why do you believe terrorists are not among them? be specific.

Further once here why would they not be able to avoid detection and obtain any weapon system they need?

OK dumb ass explain how that means a presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorist bomb the US? Are you thinking straight about this issue? What if said terrorist had a biological weapon or something with nuclear capability? They could set it off outside the white house. Are you really that dumb to think they would risk that? You sound like a retard actually believing that.


Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.

The part where you believe the administration is willing to allow terrorists to bomb the US. Think about what you are saying and what it entails. You cant possibly be that stupid. Anyone could walk in here and turn the US into a wasteland. You may not be aware of what capabilities the government has but its really weird that if it was so open, why has nothing happened yet like I described in my last post?
OK dumb ass explain how that means a presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorist bomb the US? Are you thinking straight about this issue? What if said terrorist had a biological weapon or something with nuclear capability? They could set it off outside the white house. Are you really that dumb to think they would risk that? You sound like a retard actually believing that.


Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.

The part where you believe the administration is willing to allow terrorists to bomb the US. Think about what you are saying and what it entails. You cant possibly be that stupid. Anyone could walk in here and turn the US into a wasteland. You may not be aware of what capabilities the government has but its really weird that if it was so open, why has nothing happened yet like I described in my last post?

1st off, I don't believe the Gov't wants this to happen and agencies are always trying to find ways to catch those who wish us harm........................

In part, I believe the OP is showing how potential terrorists are getting through the Southern border. Which with a little common sense is easy to understand.

Which is why I want the borders secure.

BTW.....Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it can't happen. We should continue to look at this threat and make it harder for them to get here.

Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.

The part where you believe the administration is willing to allow terrorists to bomb the US. Think about what you are saying and what it entails. You cant possibly be that stupid. Anyone could walk in here and turn the US into a wasteland. You may not be aware of what capabilities the government has but its really weird that if it was so open, why has nothing happened yet like I described in my last post?

1st off, I don't believe the Gov't wants this to happen and agencies are always trying to find ways to catch those who wish us harm........................

In part, I believe the OP is showing how potential terrorists are getting through the Southern border. Which with a little common sense is easy to understand.

Which is why I want the borders secure.

BTW.....Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it can't happen. We should continue to look at this threat and make it harder for them to get here.

Now you are starting to make sense. The OP itself belongs in the conspiracy theory section. Our borders to south are actually harder to cross than the one we share with Canada. The intelligence community tracks known and or probable terrorists before they even get close to the US. I believe if something is going to happen its going to be a home grown terrorist that makes it happen.
The part where you believe the administration is willing to allow terrorists to bomb the US. Think about what you are saying and what it entails. You cant possibly be that stupid. Anyone could walk in here and turn the US into a wasteland. You may not be aware of what capabilities the government has but its really weird that if it was so open, why has nothing happened yet like I described in my last post?

1st off, I don't believe the Gov't wants this to happen and agencies are always trying to find ways to catch those who wish us harm........................

In part, I believe the OP is showing how potential terrorists are getting through the Southern border. Which with a little common sense is easy to understand.

Which is why I want the borders secure.

BTW.....Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it can't happen. We should continue to look at this threat and make it harder for them to get here.

Now you are starting to make sense. The OP itself belongs in the conspiracy theory section. Our borders to south are actually harder to cross than the one we share with Canada. The intelligence community tracks known and or probable terrorists before they even get close to the US. I believe if something is going to happen its going to be a home grown terrorist that makes it happen.

If these borders are so hard to cross then how is it that the drug cartels get across on a regular basis. It wasn't long ago they actually found tunnels across the border that were being used to transport drugs................

The Southern Border is not that hard, as the millions still get here. They are well versed on how to breach the border.
Ok dumb ass, millions freely cross our borders yearly. Why do you believe terrorists are not among them? be specific.

Further once here why would they not be able to avoid detection and obtain any weapon system they need?

OK dumb ass explain how that means a presidential administration is willing to abandon border security and let terrorist bomb the US? Are you thinking straight about this issue? What if said terrorist had a biological weapon or something with nuclear capability? They could set it off outside the white house. Are you really that dumb to think they would risk that? You sound like a retard actually believing that.


Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.

No, not *may* be tied but are KNOWN to be tied to terrorist groups.

Asscleptobias is an idiot and a waste of oxygen.

Which part of millions a year crossing the border don't you understand...................

Which part of some may very well be tied to terrorist orgs coming across...............

Which part of needing our southern border don't you understand...........................

As far as tracking these grains of sands in the millions violating our borders, the intel community has a large function in this regard...........whether they catch the few before they do harm is at question, not to mention the drug cartels crossing the border basically at will.

Which is why we need a secure border before any IMMIGRATION policy is passed.

The part where you believe the administration is willing to allow terrorists to bomb the US. Think about what you are saying and what it entails. You cant possibly be that stupid. Anyone could walk in here and turn the US into a wasteland. You may not be aware of what capabilities the government has but its really weird that if it was so open, why has nothing happened yet like I described in my last post?

1st off, I don't believe the Gov't wants this to happen and agencies are always trying to find ways to catch those who wish us harm........................

In part, I believe the OP is showing how potential terrorists are getting through the Southern border. Which with a little common sense is easy to understand.

Which is why I want the borders secure.

BTW.....Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it can't happen. We should continue to look at this threat and make it harder for them to get here.

No, it has happened and the Obama regime is suppressing the evidence about it.

Watch the video in the link.
1st off, I don't believe the Gov't wants this to happen and agencies are always trying to find ways to catch those who wish us harm........................

In part, I believe the OP is showing how potential terrorists are getting through the Southern border. Which with a little common sense is easy to understand.

Which is why I want the borders secure.

BTW.....Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it can't happen. We should continue to look at this threat and make it harder for them to get here.

Now you are starting to make sense. The OP itself belongs in the conspiracy theory section. Our borders to south are actually harder to cross than the one we share with Canada. The intelligence community tracks known and or probable terrorists before they even get close to the US. I believe if something is going to happen its going to be a home grown terrorist that makes it happen.

If these borders are so hard to cross then how is it that the drug cartels get across on a regular basis. It wasn't long ago they actually found tunnels across the border that were being used to transport drugs................

The Southern Border is not that hard, as the millions still get here. They are well versed on how to breach the border.

It has been proven that more than 300 Somali terrorists have gotten into the US via the Southern border and not apprehended.

Asscleptobias is just being a troll.

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