Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

No sea level rise in the raw data produces FUDGE by the warmers to show retarded parrots like the above rockhead "evidence of warming."

The Solomon and Marshall Islands are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire. THAT, for the 500th time, is why they are sinking while nothing else is.

Why is the sea level not rising, in fact sinking in the raw data from the satellites??

A: because there is no net ice melt ongoing on Earth, because 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying about CO2...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
And yet another retard doesn't understand the difference between DATA and FUDGE.

Our sub human rockhead really is a living, breathing validation of a sociological theory by the late Joseph Goebbels.
Now dumb fuck, here is what a real scientist says on the subject of CO2. From the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

"here is what a real scientist says on the subject of CO2"

... nevermind the highly correlated raw data from satellites and balloons showing precisely no warming in the atmosphere despite CO2 going from 270 ppm to 380 ppm....
"That is the satellite data"

No it isn't. It is a fudge chart that your birdbrain just parroted without a clue how that chart was constructed.

Main argument against climate models proven incorrect | Weather Underground

" data from weather satellites and balloon instruments show no warming whatsoever"

This is a good lesson for you. When confronted with highly correlated data from the two and only two sources of measuring atmospheric temperature showing absolutely no warming in the atmosphere despite rising Co2, how did the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" respond? Did they do the honest thing - admit there is NO CORRELATION between CO2 and Earth temperatures, something the British Court validated in 2007, or did they FUDGE that data with two uncorrelated "corrections," the excuse for the balloons being "their thermometers were wrong."

When confronted with data showing no warming no sea level rise no ice melt... the tippy toppiests just fudge it, because sub human retards like you will parrot that fudge without a clue...
Dear Poster LaDexter,

There are some ignorant people on this board. Several are very good illustrations of the Dunning-Kruger effect. But you have absolutely taken the cake in all such regards. Congratulations.
"That is the satellite data"

No it isn't. It is a fudge chart that your birdbrain just parroted without a clue how that chart was constructed.

Main argument against climate models proven incorrect | Weather Underground

" data from weather satellites and balloon instruments show no warming whatsoever"

This is a good lesson for you. When confronted with highly correlated data from the two and only two sources of measuring atmospheric temperature showing absolutely no warming in the atmosphere despite rising Co2, how did the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" respond? Did they do the honest thing - admit there is NO CORRELATION between CO2 and Earth temperatures, something the British Court validated in 2007, or did they FUDGE that data with two uncorrelated "corrections," the excuse for the balloons being "their thermometers were wrong."

When confronted with data showing no warming no sea level rise no ice melt... the tippy toppiests just fudge it, because sub human retards like you will parrot that fudge without a clue...

Your trying to convince far left enviro-marxists that what they parrot is a lie. People like Crick and Old Crock will post up charts and graphs that show absolutely nothing (model outputs are fantasy) and they will parrot them as truth and treat them as empirical evidence.

When they are confronted with empirical evidence they will ignore and impute it. Most of the time they cant even tell you what it is they are posting or how it was derived. For instance, in cricks post above he uses the spectral output of gases and claims it is proof of global warming. He cant tell you the mass of the gases or how a 400ppm will warm the other 1,000,000,000 parts. The shear mass differential and power needed to create such a warm up are not present. but that doesn't matter to them as their masters have told them what to say...

Good Luck trying to convince the libtards... Your going to need it

ETA: The more correct term is "Useful idiots". Do they really think when they cull the worlds population they will not be directly affected. History tells us the those who help the dictators get into power are quickly remove from the earth as those are the same people who could remove them from power.. Hitler was an excellent example of this..
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America would be a lot better off it more of us asked questions and, at the same time, smack the shit out of the whiny parrots trying to censor debate. We live in a time of unprecedented fraud hoisted over the American people by government and media and clergy.

For this particular fraud, the charge of treason ultimately sticks because of the "giving aid and comfort to our enemies" definition. This FRAUD has gone on long enough, and the list of traitors in DC hiding the truth is shocking...

Paul Ryan
Ted Cruz
Mitch McConnell

and many other GOP leaders are deliberately not publicly releasing the FBI's case, because they are 100% for Hillary, because that is what their master Netanyahu has told them to do....
America would be a lot better off it more of us asked questions

That's quite true.

and, at the same time, smack the shit out of the whiny parrots trying to censor debate. We live in a time of unprecedented fraud hoisted over the American people by government and media and clergy.

A conclusion you've reached without asking a lot of questions. And I cannot tell you how a reference to violence hoists the level of converse. Very impressive.

For this particular fraud, the charge of treason ultimately sticks because of the "giving aid and comfort to our enemies" definition. This FRAUD has gone on long enough, and the list of traitors in DC hiding the truth is shocking...

Oh dear. Our new poster seems to have lost it completely.

Paul Ryan
Ted Cruz
Mitch McConnell

and many other GOP leaders are deliberately not publicly releasing the FBI's case, because they are 100% for Hillary, because that is what their master Netanyahu has told them to do....

My goodness but you have some novel ideas. Are these your ideas or did you read them somewhere? And if you read them somewhere, I'd be very interested to hear who and where they came from.
Dude, were still waiting for the marvels of your beliefs. When we going to see those?
Crick is addicted to parroting fudge, as long as it is from a certified left wing source.

Truth be told, his birdbrain cannot find anything to parrot as to why NA thawed while Greenland froze at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Rather, Crick insists that we must have something to parrot from those saying CO2 caused NA to melt and Greenland to freeze at the same time...
Crick is addicted to parroting fudge, as long as it is from a certified left wing source.

Truth be told, his birdbrain cannot find anything to parrot as to why NA thawed while Greenland froze at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Rather, Crick insists that we must have something to parrot from those saying CO2 caused NA to melt and Greenland to freeze at the same time...
it seems that deserts give the warmers trouble as well.
Crick is addicted to parroting fudge, as long as it is from a certified left wing source.

LaDexter has put forth NOTHING here but his own, uneducated, unsupportable, unevidenced, illogical, irrational and certifiably worthless OPINIONS.

Truth be told, his birdbrain cannot find anything to parrot as to why NA thawed while Greenland froze at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Truth be told, LaDexter cannnot identify what he is actually speaking about. Truth be told, LaDexter has repeatedly spoken about a single ice age during a span of time in which four took place. Truth be told, LaDexter has exhibited zero familiarity with the basics of contemporary glaciology or paleoclimatology. Truth be told, LaDexter's claim of an ice-covered Greenland and an unfrozen North America accomplishes nothing in the way of refuting the greenhouse effect. Note that is the current state of affairs and no one has ever suggested it refutes the greenhouse effect, have they. Truth be told, LaDexter has not demonstrated a tiny fraction of the physics knowledge he would possess did he actually have the physics degree he claims to have. Truth be told, anyone rejecting the greenhouse effect, as LaDexter has done, has convincingly demonstrated nothing but a severe shortcoming in basic science knowledge (or a decision to reject science no matter the logic)

Rather, Crick insists that we must have something to parrot from those saying CO2 caused NA to melt and Greenland to freeze at the same time...

So far, the topics LaDexter has brought to this board for discussion, have the common characteristics of being unknown, unverifiable, unevidenced, unspoken about among anyone in the climate sciences and, as far as can be told from the absolute minutiae we learn from LaDexter, utterly irrelevant to the claims with which he associates them.

That LaDexter wishes to debate what he calls science but attacks ANY attempt to mention or describe or refer to actual science performed by actual scientists tells me the only way he thinks he can score points here is to attempt to squash all opposing information. LaDexter knows that showing his material is shite is absolute child's play.

Finally, LaDexter brings up threats of violence; first against elected officials and then against mainstream scientists. This in itself should disqualify him for any form of consideration and were I in charge of this board, I'd permanently boot him this instant. But, being USMB, I am certain he will suffer nothing but an unending silence from management here.
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