Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

"The correlation between CO2 and temperature for the past 150 years is better than between temperature and any other factor"


What the atmospheric temperature readings really say...

Climate of Extremes

"the satellites showed no warming, consistent (correlated) with the balloon readings"

That was 2005. Then the "warmers" FUDGED both with two uncorrelated corrections....

CO2 doesn't cause any warming in the atmosphere according to the highly correlated raw data from the two and only two measures we have of atmospheric temperatures...

Wow. So you are now claim that there has been no warming?

The "warming" cited by the Algorian Cult is from what is called the Urban Heak Sink Effect. When dirt, grass, and trees are replaced by pavement, heated buildings, factories etc., that causes warming on the surface...

+Urban heat island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"As a population center grows, it tends to expand its area and increase its average temperature. "

The range is 10 degrees, with Tokyo as the 10 degree point. As one goes from nature to Tokyo, the surface there warms 10 degrees. It is a scale. A less developed urban area might raise temperature on the surface a few degrees, but not 10. That's where all the temperature readings more than 50 years old originate, from the surface of growing urban areas. Your fraudulent heroes use that distortion and blame Co2 for it. Indeed, the "warmer" "correction" for 150 years of Surface Ground temps is 0.05 degrees, laughably short. A "correction" of 1+ degrees puts Surface Ground in correlation with the raw data from everything else...

1. NO WARMING in the atmosphere
2. NO WARMING in the oceans
4. NO BREAKOUT in cane activity
5. NO RISE in ocean levels

That is the RAW DATA. Yes, I know, you can post 100,000 color fudge charts here suggesting otherwise. When we went to court in 2007, your color charts got outed as fudge, and the court accepted just the RAW DATA, which proved...

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

  • The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
  • The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming.The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
  • The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
  • The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
  • The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
  • The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
  • The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
  • The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
  • The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.
Before there is an endless series of denials about that British Court verdict above, one point...

The Warmers were TOO CHICKEN TO APPEAL THE RULING!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they whine, they post more fudge, but when we went to court...

1. 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica INCREASING
2. NO CORRELATION between ice core temp and CO2

were the rulings, and they DID NOT APPEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
The past million years of northern hemisphere climate history does that...

In order to do what you claim, it will have to show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas or that CO2 levels are not rising or that human use of fossil fuels and deforestation are not responsible for the rise of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Let's see how you do.

One million years ago, Greenland was completely green...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

"sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest"

North America one million years ago looked like this

north american ice sheet - Google Search

with glaicers completely covering Canada and most of the "midway" states in the US.

So, in the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere...

proving that CO2 was not the "variable" that caused either...

All stop. It proves no such thing.

What did cause North America to thaw while Greenland froze??

A: nothing you can PARROT from an Algorian fudgebaker, that's for sure...

Try this - WHAT DID CHANGE???

I'm sorry Mr LaDexter, I'd been cutting you some slack because you were new here, but this is just stupid. A million things changed in the last million years; most importantly, our position in the Milankovitch cycles, controlling how much solar energy the Earth receives. And bringing up Al Gore in these discussions marks one as a real amateur. Gore is a great guy. I voted for him. But he is not a climate scientist and NO ONE bases their current understanding of AGW on his commentary.

The position of mainstream science has NEVER been that CO2 is the one and only thing affecting Earth's climate. Proving that other things affect the climate accomplishes nothing along the way of refuting AGW.
In order to do what you claim, it will have to show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas or that CO2 levels are not rising or that human use of fossil fuels and deforestation are not responsible for the rise of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Let's see how you do.

ah right where I'm at today, CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. There is absolutely no evidence that CO2 is. ZIPPOLA. Yep another reason why the climate isn't affected by CO2. Plants and trees love it though and you wish to end CO2 and the plants and trees will die and then so will humankind. Go to Climate Etc and look up 'Greenhouse effect' topics and read the comments in each thread. Yep, the numbers of people who are now moving to no greenhouse effect is growing. I am there today because of the explanations and equations that have been used to debunk greenhouse effect. Judith isn't there yet, but most of the comments are from 2010 and 11. Wonder what her thoughts are today. Venus comes up a lot in those discussions BTW. wonder why.
The DATA shows no correlation between Earth temperatures and CO2, the raw (unfudged) data. Satellites and balloons show precisely no warming in the atmosphere where the CO2 is...
"Conditioned? You mean, like, I've been brainwashed?"

Indeed, you are correct. Brainwashed by the church of Algore into supporting that which has done more harm to the actual environment than anything else in history by misdiagnosing problems and making hundreds of billions of taxdollars vanish in the pockets of left wing liars.

"Global CO2 is increasing at a rate not seen since the Permian Triassic Extinction Event."

Yawn... That rising CO2 hasn't warmed the atmosphere according to the highly correlated satellite and balloon data. So why are we fussing over it? You say I haven't proven anything. That's just laughable given your CO2 theory is only "validated" by FUDGING. I did not fudge the fact that during the past million years Greenland froze while NA melted. Anyone with any scientific understanding at all understands the atmosphere was not the variable that caused either event. That you still attempt to blame CO2 for that is par for your BRAINWASHED BS...

"I don't recall anyone saying that it did. A reduction in greenhouse gases could have caused Greenland to freeze,"


and at the SAME TIME cause NA to melt


And THAT is the IDIOCY of the FRAUD. CO2 caused Greenland to freeze and NA to melt at the same time, because a BRAINWASHED BIRDBRAIN cannot accept the scientific PROOF that CO2 has

absolutely NOTHING to do with EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE
and like the drought CO2 and the Flood CO2. both exist within a thousand miles of each other.
No, the southern tip of Greenland WAS GREEN when the Vikings colonized it 2500 years ago. They farmed there until the 1400s, when the ice got so close the ground ceased to be useful for farming.

Greenland was THE global "cooling" talking point in the 1970s...
The coast of Greenland, where the Vikings colonies were, was less green, and colder than today, at the best times of the colonization. And the colonies were always on the edge of disaster.


even though the Vikings were FARMING ON IT THEN and IT IS GLACIER ICE NOW..


Land you can farm = colder than glacier ice...

Once again... THE IDIOCY of the FRAUD strikes...
in order to justify, lying is all they can do.
Day 15,789.

Still waiting for the AGWCult to post a lab experiment controlling for almost imperceptible changes in CO2 demonstrating its cataclysmic impact on temperature.

Any day now

Any day
"Conditioned? You mean, like, I've been brainwashed?"

Indeed, you are correct. Brainwashed by the church of Algore into supporting that which has done more harm to the actual environment than anything else in history by misdiagnosing problems and making hundreds of billions of taxdollars vanish in the pockets of left wing liars.

"Global CO2 is increasing at a rate not seen since the Permian Triassic Extinction Event."

Yawn... That rising CO2 hasn't warmed the atmosphere according to the highly correlated satellite and balloon data. So why are we fussing over it? You say I haven't proven anything. That's just laughable given your CO2 theory is only "validated" by FUDGING. I did not fudge the fact that during the past million years Greenland froze while NA melted. Anyone with any scientific understanding at all understands the atmosphere was not the variable that caused either event. That you still attempt to blame CO2 for that is par for your BRAINWASHED BS...

"I don't recall anyone saying that it did. A reduction in greenhouse gases could have caused Greenland to freeze,"


and at the SAME TIME cause NA to melt


And THAT is the IDIOCY of the FRAUD. CO2 caused Greenland to freeze and NA to melt at the same time, because a BRAINWASHED BIRDBRAIN cannot accept the scientific PROOF that CO2 has

absolutely NOTHING to do with EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE
and like the drought CO2 and the Flood CO2. both exist within a thousand miles of each other.

It's the left and right handed version of CO2 -- no doubt
"Conditioned? You mean, like, I've been brainwashed?"

Indeed, you are correct. Brainwashed by the church of Algore into supporting that which has done more harm to the actual environment than anything else in history by misdiagnosing problems and making hundreds of billions of taxdollars vanish in the pockets of left wing liars.

"Global CO2 is increasing at a rate not seen since the Permian Triassic Extinction Event."

Yawn... That rising CO2 hasn't warmed the atmosphere according to the highly correlated satellite and balloon data. So why are we fussing over it? You say I haven't proven anything. That's just laughable given your CO2 theory is only "validated" by FUDGING. I did not fudge the fact that during the past million years Greenland froze while NA melted. Anyone with any scientific understanding at all understands the atmosphere was not the variable that caused either event. That you still attempt to blame CO2 for that is par for your BRAINWASHED BS...

"I don't recall anyone saying that it did. A reduction in greenhouse gases could have caused Greenland to freeze,"


and at the SAME TIME cause NA to melt


And THAT is the IDIOCY of the FRAUD. CO2 caused Greenland to freeze and NA to melt at the same time, because a BRAINWASHED BIRDBRAIN cannot accept the scientific PROOF that CO2 has

absolutely NOTHING to do with EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE
and like the drought CO2 and the Flood CO2. both exist within a thousand miles of each other.

It's the left and right handed version of CO2 -- no doubt
it is what happens when one can't defend the position. The mantra has to be everything is the reason cause they can't find anything that is an issue. It is more evidence of stupid that I've evah seen.

Much like one cold month is weather, but the hot month is climate change. For real!!!! that's now the new response.
No -

warm weather = global warming

cold weather = climate change

No matter what happens, CO2 is always responsible... according to "science"
UK is on the other side of the "coming in" fault at the bottom of the Atlantic as Greenland. That's why Greenland froze while UK no longer gets the snow it did when Dickens was writing. UK will warm as its plate moves SE... and Greenland continues printing a new ice core every year...
Ruh-roh. A few of the most hardcore cult frootloops have egged each other on, until they've all reached a climax of delusional hysteria.

Everyone, just leave the crazy people alone. There's no point in talking to them when they're in this kind of mental state. Just smile, nod your head and back away slowly.

Hey Parrot Princess


Hey shitgobbler, it's because there's a continent at that pole.

Now, why do you think that wasn't a retarded chickenshit evasion? After all, that's what everyone else thinks.

If you're not a chickenshit, explain to everyone what the point of bringing that up was. I don't have high hopes for that, of course, given how you've always squealed and run in the past. No matter what the issue is, you cut and run whenever your stupidity gets debunked.
Did CO2 put that continent there, or did CO2 have NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PART OF EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE???
Now you think CO2 moves continents? You're getting weirder.
reading comprehensions has always been a thingy with you. nope isn't what he said. he asked if you thought it did. he was going to have a laugh at you. His question is still open, did CO2 cause antarctic's climate?
Did CO2 put that continent there, or did CO2 have NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PART OF EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE???

I've got the same question Mamooth put up. Climate changes quite rapidly on a geological time scale. How quickly do you think land masses around the poles change?
Did CO2 put that continent there, or did CO2 have NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PART OF EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE???

I've got the same question Mamooth put up. Climate changes quite rapidly on a geological time scale. How quickly do you think land masses around the poles change?

They move 1-5 inches per year. Greenland is an excellent recent case study. Pushed NW by the "coming in" fault at the bottom of the Atlantic, Greenland was totally green 1 million years ago, a time when North America was covered with glacier ice down to Indiana. Now, Greenland is covered with ice, and the North American ice age is almost completely gone (except for Ellsmere Island at the top of northern Canada).

So yes, short movements in tectonic plates can cause major climate change in just a few hundred thousand years. Granted, if a large asteroid shower pelted Antarctica, it could melt a lot of ice very quickly. None of that changes the truth of Earth climate change, which is all about where land is, and not at all about fudgebaking left wing liars huffing about a trace gas in the atmosphere that has not warmed the atmosphere despite going from 270 parts per MILLION to 390 or so....
My goodness but you have some novel ideas. Are these your ideas or did you read them somewhere? And if you read them somewhere, I'd be very interested to hear who and where they came from.

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