Proof that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change

Greenland is part of the North American plate, and moves along with North America. I'm interested to hear who told him it move independently of North America.
Princess Parrot clearly demonstrates that she is part of the FLAT EARTH SOCIETY..

Um, Earth is not flat, it is a sphere.

Northern Canada was where Greenland is today perhaps 30 million years ago. A straight line on a sphere is not straight, it curves with the sphere. NW (direction of Greenland) and SW (direction of NA plate) are on the same line, just NA has passed by its northern peak and hence started to go south after it did that. Greenland will do that in the next 25 or so million years. Meanwhile, its ice age will continue...
My goodness but you have some novel ideas. Are these your ideas or did you read them somewhere? And if you read them somewhere, I'd be very interested to hear who and where they came from.

They are my science. I may not be the first to connect Earth climate change with land near an Earth pole, but the FBI bought it in 2009, and then O flushed it in 2012. That's why this happened...

Northern Canada was where Greenland is today perhaps 30 million years ago. A straight line on a sphere is not straight, it curves with the sphere. NW (direction of Greenland) and SW (direction of NA plate) are on the same line, just NA has passed by its northern peak and hence started to go south after it did that. Greenland will do that in the next 25 or so million years. Meanwhile, its ice age will continue...

So the point seems to be you suck mightily at geography, geometry and mathematics.

The North American plate is moving southwest at about 1.15 cm / year.

Over 30 million years, that's ... 215 miles.

The northern tip of Greenland is 450 miles from the North Pole.

Thus, 30 million years ago, Greenland was still way south of the pole, along with North America, and _both_ have been moving into warmer climates the whole time, so your senseless theory fails hard just on that point.
My goodness but you have some novel ideas. Are these your ideas or did you read them somewhere? And if you read them somewhere, I'd be very interested to hear who and where they came from.

They are my science.

Ahh.... I kinda figured that'd be the case.

I may not be the first to connect Earth climate change with land near an Earth pole

Don't back down now. I think the idea originates with you

but the FBI bought it in 2009

I'll just bet they did.

, and then O flushed it in 2012.

Oh, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest

That's why this happened...

That's why what happened?
My goodness but you have some novel ideas. Are these your ideas or did you read them somewhere? And if you read them somewhere, I'd be very interested to hear who and where they came from.

They are my science.

Ahh.... I kinda figured that'd be the case.

I may not be the first to connect Earth climate change with land near an Earth pole

Don't back down now. I think the idea originates with you

but the FBI bought it in 2009

I'll just bet they did.

, and then O flushed it in 2012.

Oh, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest

That's why this happened...

That's why what happened?


From 2010 to 2012, including two Earth Day speeches on the Mall, Prez O was 100% silent on the issue of climate change. Up until 2010, he was a standard left wing parrot, then he shut up for two years, then he started parroting and stealing again....

What caused O to shut up for two years about it???

What could possibly do that other than an FBI prosecution of the "top climate scientists" for fraud???

Start the Jeopardy! Music....
First, the FBI doesn't prosecute anyone. They investigate and they arrest. Prosecution is conducted by the Justice Deparment. Now, what "top climate scientists" were the FBI investigating or the Justice Department prosecuting for fraud between 2010 and 2012?
" the FBI doesn't prosecute anyone"

The FBI produces prosecution files sent to the US AG. The US AG makes the decision to prosecute. When given the decision of whether or not to prosecute all the left wing liars involved with Algore's fraud, obama decided to cover it up. If Hillary doesn't win, he'll face a treason charge for that...

:what climate scientists = all of them, especially the ones that monitor the HuffPo Climate Board, because the FBI busted them cold.

One of the tactics of the tippy toppiests is to chase tectonic events, hoping for "warming" to pick up and blame on CO2. They were busted cold doing that.
When given the decision of whether or not to prosecute all the left wing liars involved with Algore's fraud, obama decided to cover it up. If Hillary doesn't win, he'll face a treason charge for that...

Are you just trolling everyone? I ask because it seems unlikely that a person could actually be as crazy as you sound without being institutionalized.

In order to prove that you're not crazy or trolling, you'll need to show actual evidence for all your loopy fairy tales. Simply repeating the same insanity over and over won't magically make it true.

s0n..........guess who's not winning?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


Conservative political beliefs not linked to psychotic traits, as study claimed - Retraction Watch

Been saying for 40 years that liberalism is a mental disorder. Now the science backs me up!:fu:

Oh......and this new guy Ledexter. Fun having a new guys that in a few days has established himself as another skeptic cleaning the clocks of the AGW progressive nutters.:funnyface:
No, the southern tip of Greenland WAS GREEN when the Vikings colonized it 2500 years ago. They farmed there until the 1400s, when the ice got so close the ground ceased to be useful for farming.

Greenland was THE global "cooling" talking point in the 1970s...
The coast of Greenland, where the Vikings colonies were, was less green, and colder than today, at the best times of the colonization. And the colonies were always on the edge of disaster.


even though the Vikings were FARMING ON IT THEN and IT IS GLACIER ICE NOW..


Land you can farm = colder than glacier ice...

Once again... THE IDIOCY of the FRAUD strikes...
Now you fucking stupid ass. No, there is no ice where the farms of the Vikings were. If you really are interested in knowing what happened to the Greenland colonies, read Jared Diamond's 'Collapse", instead of a bunch of braid dead suppositions from people that didn't bother to do any research.
Did CO2 put that continent there, or did CO2 have NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PART OF EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE???

I've got the same question Mamooth put up. Climate changes quite rapidly on a geological time scale. How quickly do you think land masses around the poles change?

They move 1-5 inches per year. Greenland is an excellent recent case study. Pushed NW by the "coming in" fault at the bottom of the Atlantic, Greenland was totally green 1 million years ago, a time when North America was covered with glacier ice down to Indiana. Now, Greenland is covered with ice, and the North American ice age is almost completely gone (except for Ellsmere Island at the top of northern Canada).

So yes, short movements in tectonic plates can cause major climate change in just a few hundred thousand years. Granted, if a large asteroid shower pelted Antarctica, it could melt a lot of ice very quickly. None of that changes the truth of Earth climate change, which is all about where land is, and not at all about fudgebaking left wing liars huffing about a trace gas in the atmosphere that has not warmed the atmosphere despite going from 270 parts per MILLION to 390 or so....
More dumbfuckery. The 'fault' at the bottom of the Atlantic is the Atlantic Rift Zone. And the movement in the Arctic is about 1 inch a year. That makes zero difference in a 50,000 years as to climate.

What is driving the glacial and inter-glacial cycles are the Milankovic Cycles. And the forcing they create regulate the temperature of the oceans, which regulate the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Except now we have added more CO2 in a very short time than has even been done by the ancient volcanoes that caused the extinction periods in the past. And we are seeing the results of that addition as we post.
Have you figured out whether planet Earth is round or flat yet???

Pay attention. I've already shown where your flat-earth theory went wrong. Why did you think the earth is flat, and why do you reject plate tectonics theory?

Let's keep hammering on the issues that keep causing you to wet yourself and run.

Where's your evidence that any islands are sinking? You know, like satellite altimetry. Which shows rising sea levels, not sinking islands.

Where's your evidence that the FBI is investigating any climate scientists?

Climate has shifted many times since the continents assumed their present spots. Given how that destroys your continental theory, why do you still cling to such a hilarious failure?

And did you really think you're the first diaper-clad cult shrieker that we've made cry? Do you think I've never had obsessed queer stalkers before? If you're aiming to take over as my chief stalker, you'll have to work much harder to outdo the competition.
Well, Dexter, you are not only looney, you are flat out a liar. The FBI has nothing to do with investigating scientific issues. The only person to try that bullshit was a prosecuting attorney for Virginia, and he was shot down as a fraud, and tool for the energy corporations. And, later, lost his bid for governor of Virginia.

Dexter, you have spewed as much nonsense here as Silly Billy. Ever bother to try for your GED? Obviously you know nothing of science. But, by all means, keep posting. Anyone of intelligence reading your posts realizes that only the very stupid can say the things that you do.
"No, there is no ice where the farms of the Vikings were."

Tell us, after farming on the southern tip of Greenland from 1100 BC to 1400, why did the Vikings leave 600 years ago?

A: the ground they were farming froze

The Fate of Greenland's Vikings - Archaeology Magazine Archive

"Greenland's climate began to change as well; the summers grew shorter and progressively cooler, limiting the time cattle could be kept outdoors and increasing the need for winter fodder. During the worst years, when rains would have been heaviest, the hay crop would barely have been adequate to see the penned animals through the coldest days. Over the decades the drop in temperature seems to have had an effect on the design of the Greenlanders' houses. Originally conceived as single-roomed structures, like the great hall at Brattahlid, they were divided into smaller spaces for warmth, and then into warrens of interconnected chambers, with the cows kept close by so the owners might benefit from the animals' body heat."

" An ice core drilled from the island's massive icecap between 1992 and 1993 shows a decided cooling off in the Western Settlement during the mid-fourteenth century."

Story of Viking Colonies' Icy 'Pompeii' Unfolds From Ancient Greenland Farm

''The Farm Beneath the Sand,'' this site lay buried under glacial sands for six centuries. Today, it is called the Viking Pompeii in the Scandinavian press."

and there you have it. Land that was farmed for centuries is now under 600 years of permafrost...
"The FBI has nothing to do with investigating scientific issues"


Fraud is not science....
"Where's your evidence that any islands are sinking?"


How many times do I have to keep re-posting the stories about the Marshall Islands etc.???
"No, there is no ice where the farms of the Vikings were."

Tell us, after farming on the southern tip of Greenland from 1100 BC to 1400, why did the Vikings leave 600 years ago?

A: the ground they were farming froze

The Fate of Greenland's Vikings - Archaeology Magazine Archive

"Greenland's climate began to change as well; the summers grew shorter and progressively cooler, limiting the time cattle could be kept outdoors and increasing the need for winter fodder. During the worst years, when rains would have been heaviest, the hay crop would barely have been adequate to see the penned animals through the coldest days. Over the decades the drop in temperature seems to have had an effect on the design of the Greenlanders' houses. Originally conceived as single-roomed structures, like the great hall at Brattahlid, they were divided into smaller spaces for warmth, and then into warrens of interconnected chambers, with the cows kept close by so the owners might benefit from the animals' body heat."

" An ice core drilled from the island's massive icecap between 1992 and 1993 shows a decided cooling off in the Western Settlement during the mid-fourteenth century."

Story of Viking Colonies' Icy 'Pompeii' Unfolds From Ancient Greenland Farm

''The Farm Beneath the Sand,'' this site lay buried under glacial sands for six centuries. Today, it is called the Viking Pompeii in the Scandinavian press."

and there you have it. Land that was farmed for centuries is now under 600 years of permafrost...
Stupid ass, now you change your story from glaciers to permafrost. And that is exactly what Jared Diamond wrote.

However, today, Greenland is warmer than it has been in many thousands of years.
"Permafrost" is their term. Layer after layer of ice is what it really is...

It is "warmer" today - LMFAO!!

Let's just put that in perspective. This completely retarded sub human is claiming

land that was farmed was colder than


"Where's your evidence that any islands are sinking?"


How many times do I have to keep re-posting the stories about the Marshall Islands etc.???
1. Abstract

Ethnic conflict climaxed in 1999 when a Guadalcanal youth rebel group Isatabu Freedom Movement (IFM) violently attacked habitats of Malaitan decent living in Honiara, the capital. Twenty thousand Malaitans were forced to migrate out of the capital. With the Solomon Island’s weak government, increasing population size, and decreasing habitable and arable due to sea level rise, increased ethnic conflict may be in the near future.

2. Description
Sea Level Changes
The IPCC predicts that in this century there will be between 18-70 cm sea level rise from ice melt and thermal expansion. In addition sea level rise an increase in intensity of cyclones in the Pacific region is also likely. Changes in runoff caused by increase in global temperature and disruptions in the hydrological cycle are likely increase in this area. Although much is unknown because of the variability of the climate, physical proof, such as an increase in erosion of the coasts and saltwater intrusions, is amounting (1).

Solomon Islands and Sea Level Rise

Solomon Islands.
Like many low-lying coastal cities around the world, Miami is threatened by rising seas. Whether the majority of the cause is anthropogenic or natural, the end result is indisputable: sea level is rising. It is not a political issue, nor does it matter if someonebelieves in it or not.

Tidal flooding on the corner of Dade Blvd and Purdy Ave in Miami Beach in 2010. (Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

The mean sea level has risen noticeably in the Miami and Miami Beach areas just in the past decade. Flooding events are getting more frequent, and some areas flood during particularly high tides now: no rain or storm surge necessary. Perhaps most alarming is that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Water, Water, Everywhere: Sea Level Rise in Miami

Go ahead, argue no sea level rise with these people.

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